part 18

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Ishu's pov:
Today is Sunday I got discharged from hospital and going home Anna was driving the car appa is sitting beside him and amma is sitting beside me. I laid my head on her shoulder closing my eyes I was tired of taking rest and Lying on the bed without doing anything. The car stopped It broke my thoughts and I saw we reached home Anna opened the door for me held my hand for support to walk and we moved in and sat on the sofa.
Sudha-" you sit here I will bring juice" said and went inside kitchen appa Anna is sitting with me
Ram-" how are you feeling now ishu "
Asked caressing my hair
Ishu-" I am fine Appa"
Rakshith -" and you are not going alone anywhere because sometimes you may feel dizziness and weak " said or i should say ordered
Ishu -" OK doctor sir " said teasing him he just smiled at me
Then Amma came from kitchen with fresh juice for all and served us
Sudha-" finish your juice and take rest"
Ishu-" amma I am tired of taking rest"
Sudha -" no means no you are going to take rest and that's final "
There is no go to win argument with her when it comes to health.
Then I moved to my room laid on my bed I missed my room and was thinking about how shruthi apologized at me yesterday in the hospital.

Flash back
It's Saturday in afternoon All elders were went home only Kavya and Bhavya was with me we were chitchating then there was knock on the door kavya stood up and said
Kavya-" I will see "
She opened the door only half and standing there only
Bhavya -" Kavya who is there " she moved and told " come in " then I saw shruthi and her parents. 
I was about to sit Kavya helped me to sit and adjusted the pillow behind my back
SM-" how are you dr"
Ishu-" I am fine aunty "
SD-" what did doctor told "
Ishu-" nothing to worry uncle "
SD -" when is the discharge "
Ishu-" tomorrow "
Shruthi who was standing behind came forward I saw kavya and bhavya then at shruthi,  she was silent not that attitude and arrogant brat shruthi 
shruthi -" I am sorry Ishwarya " I was about say but she cutted me in middle and continued
Shruthi-" let me talk please I know sorry Is not enough for what I did with you,  but I am extremely sorry I am ashamed for what I did to satisfy my ego " she had tears In her eyes
Ishu-" it's OK shruthi I forgive you let's start fresh and forgot the past "
Shruthi -" thank you Ishwarya "
SM-" thank you it's so kind of you dr " said caressing my head and kissed my forehead I smiled at her
SD-" get well soon dr"
Ishu-" thank you uncle "
Shruthi -" Ishwarya thank you once again "
I was confused look to her
Ishu-" uhh???? "
Shruthi -" for recommending principal to allow me to give my exams"
Ishu -" it's OK "
Then appa amma came inside and they were taking with them then
SM -" OK dr bye next time I want to see you more healthy "
Ishu-" I will aunty "
Shruthi -" bye Ishwarya get well soon"
Ishu-" thank you and bye shruthi "
Then they bid bye and went from the room.

I am happy and relieved that all things settled and back to normal and thank god it's study holiday for exams or don't know how many classes I would have Been missed and I still have Twenty  days for exam and after exam there is one week gap for my marriage I should start my exam preparation to score good marks.
Thinking all this I closed my eyes and sleep took over me.
I woke up in the evening after freshening up I moved down saw amma appa was sitting in the hall discussing something serious
Ishu-" what discussion is going on "
Ram-" nothing da I told Rakshith to get card sample so I was waiting for him and you came on correct time "
Then Anna came in with cover in his hand at same time
Sudha-" here he comes "
Rakshith -" hey when did you wake up"
Ishu-" just few minutes back "
Rakshith -" OK here are card sample let's select "
He opened the cover and there was many cards in different colors and different patterns some was too loud and some was simple and I was confused what to select
Ishu-" I don't know which one to select "
Sudha-" OK tell me what type of card you want "
Ishu-" simple and beautiful "
Then I saw card which was and it was simple yet beautiful.

 I woke up in the evening after freshening up I moved down saw amma appa was sitting in the hall discussing something serious Ishu-" what discussion is going on "Ram-" nothing da I told Rakshith to get card sample so I was waiting for him and you ...

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I took the card and showed them
Ishu-" how is this "
Rakshith -" it's nice "
Appa amma also liked the card and then appa said
Appa-" OK shall we make this final "
Ishu-" yes appa "
Appa-" OK then Rakshith give this card for printing da"
Rakshith -" OK appa I will give tomorrow only"
Then later we had dinner and returned to our room and I slept fast today due to medicine.

Karthik's pov :
It was Sunday I was in station we got a call that robbery was happend his big jewellery shop then we rushed to the spot and I said to rudra
Karthik -" go and get the information da"
Rudra  -" OK " and he went inside to collect information from local station officer and the workers.
I looking around and I saw camera was there then I aksed guard about security room
Karthik -" where is the security room"
Then he showed me and played the video nothing was clear in the video full smoke and they were wearing mask.
Then I came outside and rudra came to me and said
Rudra-" they robbed mainly in gold and diamond session and they stabbed a worker with knife when he tried to stop them and three were injured "
Karthik -" I want Talk to the workers "
All workers was assembled and I started asking them but all they say is
The robbers came inside the shop suddenly and putted smoke bomb and  they tried to stop them from robbing but the robbers threaded them with gun and knife.
We were searching for any clue but we found nothing we blocked all the check post and made the security Strong in the city so they can't escape.  The jewellery worth crores.  So if they try to exchange with any dealers also we can catch them easily.
Then I and rudra moved out media was covering all the things happened here. They were asking many questions we ignored them and moved from there. Then me and rudra was standing near the parking
Rudra -" did you check CCTV footage "
Karthik -" yes nothing was clear full smoke was there and they were wearing mask"
Rudra was thinking something seriously and then said
Rudra-" did you see the building "
Karthik -" S shopping city so what da"
Rudra-" man see there is CCTV outside and can get any clue from there "
Yes he was right the shopper city was opposite to the jewellery and it covers the entrance of the shop.
We both moved inside and saw old man was sitting in the cash counter
Rudra-" sir do you know the robbery has happened in the jewellery shop "
Oldman-" yes sir it was at 10 in the morning I think so "
Rudra-" can I check the CCTV footage of the outside camera " he said pointing the outside camera
Oldman-" yes sir"
He let is to a room which has CCTV footage and the video played saw the robbers came in a van it was grey color and the number plate was not that clear but got to know first three digits .
Karthik -" thank you sir "
Then we moved out and I said to rudra
Karthik -" u check the CCTV footage of the signal camera and i will alert the check post about the vehicle "
Rudra goes to CCTV footage and I informed in check post about the van.
Then we got to know the vehicle was in the area only it has not crossed the check post.
From signal camera we got to know about the vehicle was near by cement factory me, rudra and our team went there and caught them they were five members and we recovered the things and took them to the station in our custody. After filing FIR on them I reached my apartment and moved to my room it was 2 in the night I laid on the bed I was in no mood to cook dinner so I decided to skip I was too tired and just want to sleep nothing else today was tiring day then the sleep took over me.

Done with part 18
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Yours Sam 😊

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