Part 38

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Ishu's pov:

The time was already one in the noon
Misha -" guys come on let's take a break I am hungry "
I chuckled at me statement she was cribbing like a child from past thirty minutes
Gotham -" yeah come on Foody "
She didn't said anything at his comment just dragged me him out to the canteen and I moved behind them when we entered saw bhavya's group was already there then we ordered our food and joined them.
Bhavya -" hey guys "
We three -" Hai "
Bhavya -" ishu come here "
She patted the seat beside her I gladly sat beside her didn't know what has been waiting for me
Harish -" did you guys heard that we are getting separate cabin for ourselves "
Aisha -" yeah I too heard about the process is going on, soon we will get our own cabin "
Bhavya -" wow that's so cool separate cabin "
Ishu -" yeah "
Then the food arrived all started to eat and talk among themselves and Bhavya started to poke me with her fingers
Ishu -" what????  "
I was irritated by that and asked her in low voice
Bhavya -" I saw Karthik Anna today morning "
Ishu -" yeah we came directly from Amma's home so he came to drop me in the morning "
I said still having my food I didn't get reply from her I turned towards her and saw she was smriking at me
Ishu -" why are you smriking now ???"
Bhavya -" you know we'll babe "
I was confused what was she saying
Ishu -" huhh...... ?????"
Bhavya -" I saw both of you in the main gate "
She stressed the word main gate then it flashed me I think she saw that I kissed mama on his cheek.
I blushed remembering our movement in my room in the morning and the kiss.
Bhavya -" someone is blushing haa "
Ishu -" I am not and you concentrate on your food "
Bhavya -" well in the morning I was standing in the reception and saw your love Dovey movement "
She said teasing me and continued
" and I should inform Kavya about this it will be cool right "
Ishu -" shut up you are not going to tell anyone "
I warned her then Misha turned to us
Misha -" hey what's going on between you too " she asked eyeing us
We both looked at each other and
Both -" nothing " said with shook our head in no and had our food
Bhavya -" but I am happy for you ishu and soon make me chitti "
# Chitti = Aunt #
I slapped her arm and glared at me what?????  Like seriously this girl has gone mad, and for that we still have more than enough time
Bhavya -" OK I won't tease you anymore "
And I smiled at her she also returned me the same smile.
We returned back to the ward after lunch Then the time flew it was evening I took my bad and moved down saw mama was waiting for me in the jeep I smiled at him in return he smiled little which was not his usual smile and he had fron lines in his forehead I am sure something was bothering him I decided to ask him in the home once we reach.

Karthik's pov :

We went to enquiry in the school and the class teacher about anu but we couldn't find any perfect clue about anu, and rudra was the one who was more worried he was always cool guy handles all the things in patience but he was acting impulsive now.
As we came out of the school then I said
Karthik -" don't worry we will find her soon "
I patted his back
Rudra -" we should "
Karthik -" come on I will drop to your flat "
He didn't said anything just nodded his head I stated to drive to his flat and we reached there in twenty minutes and I dropped him in the main gate
Karthik -" don't worry and stress yourself get some sleep da"
Rudra -" OK bye da "
Karthik -" bye da "
Then I moved towards ishu's hospital reached there in ten minutes I took my phone I was about to call her then I saw she coming out smiling at me I returned small smile her and drive to our flat the whole drive was silent we both didn't talk anything or tried to initiate any conversation.

Then we reached our flat I parked my jeep and we both moved into the lift and it's opened with ' ding ' sound she opened the flat with spare key which I gave her earlier. Its six thirty when we reached home.

I moved to my room and go to the washroom freshen up changed into comforts and sat in the balcony reading anu's case file I didn't notice ishu came inside my room with cup of coffee. She gave me one cup and sat beside me
Karthik -" thank you ishu I was needed this more now "
Ishu -" I know you come on drink it before it turns into cold coffee "
I smiled at her statement and sipped my coffee.
Wow what a relief, really coffee is a real stress buster for me.
Ishu -" what happened mama you look so worried "
Asked me directly making an eye contact with me
Karthik -" it's nothing just stressed about case "
Ishu -" OK "
She stood from her place and stand near the rail watching other side and sipped her coffee silently.

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