part 30

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Author's pov :
Karthik -" ishu I want to ask you something "
When he asked her she was staring his face.
Ishu-" hmm "
He decided to talk with ishu one day or other day they have to talk about it so why not today.

Karthik -" ishu I know all things happened suddenly and we both need some time to overcome this. But we should talk and sort out the things between us, what do you want and what do you think about this marriage and Final decision will be yours ishu "
When he said she had tears In her eyes he know it's difficult for her  both of them did this marriage for their family.
Karthik -" ishu please don't cry if you don't want we can talk this later "
He was about to get up there was a tugh on his hand he saw ishu was holding his hand gestures him to sit.
Ishu-" I want to clear the things mama I know all happened suddenly but I don't want to break this marriage mama and it will only affect our family and they will be in the guilt as they spoiled our life's by taking this decision "

And she continued " so what do you think mama what do you think "
She asked him still she had tears in her eyes he just cleared her tears and held her hand in his hand and said
Karthik -" you are right ishu I think we should give our relationship a chance and we will take the things slowly as we both need time to
adjust because all the things are new for both of us" and he continued " and ishu there is one more thing I want to talk to you "
Ishu-" Sollu mama "
( tell me mama )
Karthik -" that......  I want to shift back to my flat but we will shift only if you are comfortable "
Ishu was thinking for some time and was about to say something but Karthik said in middle
Karthik -" it's OK if you don't want to "
Ishu-" I will come mama when we are going to shift " she smiled at him.
Karthik -" thank you ishu, first I will inform amma appa then we will leave day after tomorrow "
Ishu-" ok enough of talking you take rest "
She got up from the bed
Karthik -" I am not sleepy ishu "
Ishu-" so???? "
Karthik -" come on sit let's talk it's been long time "
Ishu nods her head and sat beside  him
Ishu-" now tell me what do you want to talk "
Karthik -" when is your result "
Ishu-" next week on Wednesday "
Karthik -" what have you decided to do next "
Ishu-" not yet decided mama "
Karthik-" arey........ What do you mean not yet decided, you should work ishu and you should be independent not depend on any one not even me"
He was trying to motivate her to stand on her own legs. And in his family all womens work as they love to work they are independent and there husband help them in that, so he want ishu to be like them.
Karthik -" and what is the need to read that heavy books of you don't utilize it " he said jokingly
Ishu-" I will and, what happened did you catch that murder "
She asked him his face changed seriously
Karthik -" not yet but soon "
Ishu-" you will " she said assuring him both were talking about random things she was feeling sleepy she laid her head on his left shoulder and slept.
He also slept resting his head to the backboard.

It was evening Karthik and ishu both were still sleeping Kavya and sita came home Krishnan was still in restaurant. The home was silent
They came inside the house saw it was empty no one was there in the hall.

Kavya -" where is ishu "
Sita -" may be in her room "
Both moved to the room they knocked the door there is no response
Sita-" she must be sleeping "
Kavya -" come on let's go inside "
They moved inside Kavya was about to call her
Kavya -" ishh...... " sita closed her mouth kavya raised her eyebrow and asked what
Sita-" shhhh...... See there " she pointed her hand.

Saw that Karthik and ishu was sleeping both smiled seeing them
Sita thought ' I am so happy that they are trying to resolve the things and getting closer starting new life '
Sita-" come on let's go don't disturb them "
Kavya thought for second and took her phone clicked there picture and moved out so she can tease them afterwards.
Sita smacked her head after coming out.
Kavya -" why amma " she whined rubbing her head
Sita-" what was that "
Kavya -" just for fun " she winked at her ran to her room before sita could say something sita shook her head in disbelief and moved down.

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