part 56

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Ishu's pov :

It's been more then a week that I have been in the hospital laying on the bed doing nothing. Today is Wednesday I was about to get discharged from the hospital on Monday but the doctor denied my discharge because of the stunt I pulled last week, I got nice scolding and lecture from all of them from family friends and doctors to my dismay even nurses lectured me to be careful.
This is so frustrating I tell you getting scolding about same thing from different people, as if I did wantedly it was an accident dude.

Do you know what did I do I just tried to sit by myself on the bed being bored laying on the bed, due to the pressure on my ribs it's condition has been more worse then before, after scanning the doctor denied my discharge and extended it to another one week.
I like to stay in the hospital but as doctor not as patient, it's like torture staying at one place without moving a little. I feel my body is sore due to laying on the bed all day, I want to walk freely like before but it's impossible due to my broken leg.
Damn Sometimes my body hurts like a bitch even after taking pain killers. I just want to get rid of this pain soon.

It's evening I was alone staring at sunset outside from the window the sky was yellow, orange with water blue, all the Brids were moving in a line one behind another returning to there nest. I turned to Attai saw she was sitting on the chair reading some book, with full interest. I sighed and waiting for the clock tick to eight because mama will be staying with me tonight from last three four days he didn't spend time with me as he was busy in some case his so called work.
I am not complaining but I know how his work is and how much he loves and workships his work and how much important for him. His work is like that only where we don't when he will be needed at the work. From the time he started his career Till now there was no black mark on him, he is said as young sincere police officer when we hear people praise him for his work which makes feel us proud about him.

My thoughts was broken by the duty Doctor Who comes every evening for my regular check up she is so beautiful and friendly as gelled with so easily. She said smiling at me when she saw me
Doctor -" hi Ishwarya how are you "
I returned her smile and said at her
Ishu -" I am good "
Doctor -" OK let's check if you are really good as you say "
Ishu -" OK "
She said removing her sethesscope from her neck and placed on my chest checked my heart heat and then She removed the bedsheet from me lifted my hospital gown to check my ribs she placed her cold fingers on my rib and pressed little and asked me
Doctor -" do you feel pain "
Ishu -" not much doctor "
I replied her as I don't feel much pain like before now it's less compare to earlier. And she said
Doctor -" OK then your ribs are recovering good "
Then I asked her this is what I ask her every now and then when she comes to check up
Ishu -" yeah and doctor when you are going to discharge me "
Doctor -" ohh being a doctor you don't like hospital "
She teased me as she knows I am a doctor I rolled eyes and said
Ishu -" not as patient "
She chucked lightly then smiled at my reaction and said
Doctor -" next Wednesday you will be discharged "
Ishu -" still one week can't you discharge me soon "
Doctor -" can't help babe, see you soon till then take care "
She said noting something in her book
Ishu -" OK bye doctor "
Doctor -" bye "
Saying she goes out of the room. Then attai came and sat beside me on the chair she said
Sita -" what happened to my ishu why is your mood do foul today "
Ishu -" I want to go home attai, I miss being in home "
I am missing home my room All
Sita -" missing home or missing your husband darling "
She had teasing smile on her face she nowadays she always does that I blushed and said
Ishu -" attai "
Sita -" yeah tell me "
She continued to tease me
Ishu -" nothing like that "
Sita -" yeah I know you miss him right"
Then I smiled at her and said
Ishu -" yes what to do your son is busy with his first wife "
Her face changed into confusion and asked me
Sita -" first wife???? "
Ishu -" yeah his work "
I said to her Before attai could speak we heard a chuckle sound we turned towards the direction and saw mama was standing there leaning his body to the door frame. And he said coming inside the room stood beside attai
Karthik -" wow this is what you do in my absence wifey "
Ishu -" I am saying the truth mama right attai??? "
I said making innocent face and turned to attai and winked at her telling to play along with me
Sita -" yeah what will she do when my son is busy with his first wife, it's so bad son you should spend some time with my daughter in law "
She teased him more and I continued and said eyeing at mama
Ishu -" attai I have better option after discharge I will stay with you only as he will be busy in his station. "
He was shaking his head in no looking at me then attai said
Sita -" yeah we can spend some girls time catching up like before I will call sudha, Kavya bhavya And all that's good idea I won't send you back with him "
Then he said stopping attai
Karthik -" oooohhh...... Hold on ladies stop teaming against me this is not fair two against one "
Me and attai chuckled at his reaction and then he turned to me continued he said
Karthik -" and I am not letting you anywhere wifey "
Sita -" do better spare time for my daughter or I will do what I said "
Karthik -" mother when did you became so evil show some sympathy to your son "
She rolled her eyes at him and said
Sita -" OK kids I am leaving now see you tomorrow "
She moved towards me and kissed my forehead and said
Sita -" take care ishu "
I nodded my head at her and then mama asked her
Karthik -" drive safely ma call me once you reach "
Sita -" OK da bye guys "
Ishu and Karthik -" bye "
She moved out after bidding bye and taking her bag closing the door behind her. Then I turned to mama and saw he was staring at me with intensely our eye lock was broken by the knock on the door then mama opened the door after few minutes he came with a tray in his hand.
Karthik -" dinner time "
I rolled my eyes seeing the same tasteless hospital food, from Monday they are giving me rice and rasam for dinner to my much relief from that yuck soup.

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