part 15

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Karthik's pov :
I was searching for ishu and then I saw smoke was coming from below the door I tired to open the door but it was locked I took the fire Extinguisher and broke the lock the room was full of smoke then I saw the scene shocked me.
Ishu was lying there unconsciously I moved to her and patted her cheek
Karthik -" ishu wake up .......ishu "
I hold her hand to check pulse it was low and I carried her in my arms moved outside and called
Karthik-" Rakshith rudra " I shouted they came running
Karthik -" start the car fast reach near by hospital quick "
Rakshith was about to drive but rudra stopped him and he started to drive.
I laid her in the back seat and took her head in my lap I was trying to wake her up but she didn't.
I was her body was turning cold and blue. The always smiling face the spark on her face was replaced by dull and pale face.
Then we reached the hospital then Rakshith brought strecther I laid her on it and rushed inside the hospital.
Then doctor came and saw
Doctor -" what happened???? "
Karthik -" it's an emergency do attend her "
Doctor -" it's a police case first call police then we will attend the patient" he was about to go I lost my temper and grabbed his collar and warned
Karthik -" I am Karthik Krishnan DCP of Coimbatore did you get that "
Rudra came there he released the doctor
Rudra-" doctor please do attend the patient we will complete the  formalities " he said
Then they took ishu in ICU and started the treatment.
Rudra-" I will see the paper work "
Rakshith -" I will inform in home " said in low voice and went out. I saw standing outside the ICU watching through the window doctors were checking her.

Author's pov:
Rakshith went out with trembling hand he dailed ram's number In one ring he received the phone
Rakshith -" hello appa "
Ram-" hello Rakshith did you got any information about ishu, did you saw ishu "
Rakshith -" appa......... "
Ram-" Sollu da ishu Enga "
( tell me where Is ishu)
Rakshith-" appa city hospital vanga "
( appa come to city hospital )
Ram-" Enna da aachi "
( what happened da )
Rakshith -" vanga appa please "
( Pls come appa)
Ram-" OK "
Then he cutted the call and stood there closing his eyes then a hand was kept on his shoulder he turned to see rudra was standing
Rudra-" you should be strong da at least for your family "
Rakshith -" yes I informed them they are coming "
Rudra-" OK let's go inside treatment is going on "
Rakshith nods his head and both moved inside saw Karthik was standing near the ICU door leaning to the wall closing his eyes.

Then few minutes later all family members reached there
Ram-" Rakshith where is ishu "
All three were silent
Krishnan-" where is ishu karthik "
Rakshith pointed his finger towards ICU
Ram-" In ICU???? "asked confused
Sudha-" what happened to ishu why is she in ICU " Sita was holding her from shoulder.
Karthik -" she was unconscious on the floor and the door was locked from outside when we reached there " all gaps in shock
Then suddenly kavya asked
Kavya -" in which room " asked seriously
Karthik saw the seriousness in her voice and said
Karthik -" it was some lab when I opened the door it was full of smoke in the room "
Kavya closed her eyes and inhaled the breath and said
Kavya -" it's chemistry lab"
Krishnan -" what was she doing there"
Kavya-" in afternoon we were in canteen and a peon came and said professor is calling ishu and she is in chemistry lab " and continued
Kavya -" ishu aksed us to wait in the main gate and she will go to professor but she didn't came but I got message from her that she is going to home urgently after that we left the college " she showed the message in her phone to all. All were silent.
After few minutes the ICU door opened and the doctor came out
Ram-" is she fine doctor "
Doctor -" I can't say anything now if  she gets her conscious in 12 hours that is till tomorrow morning 9 Am she will be safe or she may slip to coma "
As doctor finished all were shocked doesn't know how to react.
Sita-" what are you saying doctor coma "
Doctor -" yes if she slips into coma it may take hours, days, months,years or may not for her to become normal "
Krishnan-" what happened to her "
Doctor -"because of some chemical gas it damaged her nerves and cells in her body and the gas has poisuned her body if you have delayed we might have loosed her "
He said and went from there
Sudha was in shocked and fear that she might loose her daughter tears was flowing without any control and sat on the chair closing her face in her hands.
Ram went and sat beside her
Sudha -" ram ishu " she cried her heart
Ram-"she will be alright " said taking her in his arms.
He was consoling her but he was controlling his tears .

Rakshith was standing there seeing his parents breaking down and his sister fighting for life in the ICU he couldn't control anymore he silently went out without anyones notice but Kavya saw him going outside she went after him saw him in the hospital lawn sitting on the bench
Kavya -" Rakshith " she called him but he didn't react she sat beside him and saw tears was streaming down  his cheeks
Kavya -" Rakshith please don't cry " said clearing his tears.
Rakshith -" I can't see my family suffering like this "
Kavya -" nothing is permanent don't stress yourself too much because no matter how bad the situation is it will Change Rakshith " said taking his hand in her hand.
Rakshith smiled at her sadly as he was little relieved talking to her. Sometimes we need someone to talk and share our thoughts.
Kavya -" let's go inside attai mama needs you "
Rakshith -" thank you for being there at tough time "
Kavya -" then what is the use of having a big family " said smiling at him he returned the smile
Rakshith -" I didn't know when little Kavya grown up "
Kavya-" you didn't notice Rakshith " said teasing him then both went inside the hospital.
All were standing near the ICU time was already 11
Rakshith -" it's already late I think attai mama amma appa Kavya should go home you can come in the morning"
He said then Karthik also said
Karthik -" yes he is right u can come in the morning it's not good for your health to wake up till late "
Sudha-" I am not going anywhere before ishu wakes up "
Rakshith-" amma please I will be here go take some rest come in the morning " he sees sita to help
Sita-" yes sudha we will come in the morning you didn't have food in afternoon also "
She was not ready to go but after both convenced them to go home.
Karthik -" rudra can you drop them home "
Rudra -" OK "
All moved from there rudra droped them in ishu's home
Rudra -" I will come in morning take some rest uncle aunty "
They nod there head and went inside
Sita -" I will prepare food freshen up and come "
Sudha -" I don't want anything Anni " she moved to her room before anyone could reply
Ram-" I will see her "
He moves to his room and saw sudha was sitting on the bed leaning her head to bedrest
Ram-" sudha eat something "
Sudha -" I don't want anything ram "
Ram-" if you don't eat anything means you will fall sick sudha "
Sudha saw his face with no emotion on her face
Sudha-" my daughter his fighting for her life in ICU how can I have food like nothing happened ram " said tears formed in her eyes
Ram-" nothing is going to happen our ishu will be fine " he said assuring her
Sudha didn't said anything but laid her head on his lap and closed her eyes but sleep was far away for her.
Later sita came to call them to have food saw them closing there eyes she went out without disturbing them.

In hospital
Karthik and Rakshith was sitting on the chair outside ICU Karthik got call
Karthik -" hello rudra "
Rudra -" hello Karthik I droped uncle aunty in home "
Karthik -" thanks da and can you manage in station for tomorrow "
Rudra-" is that a thing to ask I will manage da"
Karthik -" OK bye da see you tomorrow "
Rudra -"ok bye da"
He cutted the call then suddenly Rakshith asked
Rakshith -" how did ishu got locked in chemistry lab "
This gained Karthik's attention
Karthik -" the door was locked from outside"
Rakshith -" Kavya said that professor called her "
Karthik -" S I think we should check in college tomorrow "
Rakshith -" S if it's someone done this purposely I am not going to spare them " said anger was clearly visible in his eyes
Karthik-" don't think too much da accidently she may got locked da "
Rakshith -" may be "
In night nurse was checking ishu in every hour.
Karthik went to hospital canteen to get coffee brought two cups in his hand Rakshith eyes was closed leaning to the chair
Karthik -" Rakshith "
Rakshith opened his eyes saw him
Rakshith-" enna da aachi ishu nallairraka illa"
( what happened da is ishu OK)
Karthik -" ishu is fine nothing happened cool down man I just brought coffee for you "
Rakshith -" I don't want da"
Karthik -" man you are stubborn as your mother da,  stay quiet and have this coffee "
Gives him the coffee and staring having his coffee.

Done with part 15
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Yours Sam 😊

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