part 17

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Kavya's pov:
Me, Anna and Rakshith all reached college to find what with ishu yesterday. We met principal and told him about yesterday and then we asked him CCTV footage but it was erased both Anna and Rakshith were angry when they found that CCTV footage was erased then Anna told principal to arrange meeting for staffs so that I can identify the peon all gathered there principal started to tell about ishu and I saw the peon he was nervous he was trying to move from there hiding his face from his cap I told Anna and pointed him then Rakshith beat him to pulp if he would kick another one punch he is going to die here only,  I have never seen Rakshith this much angry then Anna asked him about who told him to do so he didn't answer and Anna threatened him about sending him to jail then the answer he gave that shocked me
Peon-" sir it's a girl one of her class mate aksed me to bring her to chemistry lab and paid me money "
Rakshith -" who is she???? "
Then I said that I know
Kavya -" I know her " when I said all looked at me confused then I said
Kavya-" I know her I will tell you " tears came out of eyes thinking how people can behave cheap and low for revenge.
Anna came towards me
Karthik -" Kavya what happened why are you crying " asked wiping my tears I couldn't answer him tears coming without my control
Rakshith -" Kavya stop crying ma you know who is she" asked softly
Then I tried to control my Tears and took deep breath wiped my tears and said
kavya-" I will show you come with me" I said and moved towards my class room Anna Rakshith asking me continously what I am doing I entered the class was going on
Kavya -" excuse me ma'am may I come in " I asked her standing outside the class
She stood from her chair and gave permission to come in.
I was searching for that culprit who is behind all this mess then I saw her she was giving me her attitude look
I moved towards her and said
Kavya -" get up "
Shruthi -" excuse me " she asked as she is confused
kavya-" you are excused,  now stop your drama and come out " I aksed calmly
Shruthi -" what if I say no " said with attitude, that's it I will show her  my attitude now.
I slapped her very hard that echoed in class the whole class was silent
Karthik -" Kavya what are you doing " asked me stopping me from slapping her again
Shruthi -" how dare you bitch you slapped me how dare you " said keeping her hand on her cheeks
Kavya -" If could I will kill you for what you did " I said Angryly tried to move towards her but Anna held my hand,  she was shocked and stammered and said
Shruthi -" wh....what did I do "
Kavya -" you want me to tell that what you did " I taunted her
Rakshith -" Kavya can you make it clear what's going on here "
Kavya -" she is the one "
Whole class was silent and in confusion that what is going on here
Kavya -" she is the one who locked ishu in chemistry lab and leaked chemical gas in the lab to take her good for nothing revenge " I said furiously in front of all.
Anna and Rakshith were angry but didn't said anything if there was any guy in her place he would be dead by now she is breathing only because they respect women and don't raise hand on women.
Anna was controlling his anger and said
Anna-" can you move out now " said calmly yet it was scaring.
She just moved out of the class room then Rakshith said
Rakshith -" thank you ma'am you can continue the class "
When we came out principal was there he said
Principal -" I will call her parents " and went from there.
Rakshith -" don't you feel shame doing this to someone " asked her, but she was standing there without any regret on her face.
Karthik -" why did you do that "
She was silent standing without answering any question both looked at me for answer
Kavya -" let her parents come then I will tell all infornt of them about there daughter's proud work " I said in taunting her.

Author's pov:
Later Shruthi's parents came all were in office room
Shruthi's dad (SD)
Shruthi's mom (SM)
SD -" sir why did you call us  what happened "
Principal -" sir I called you here to tell you about your daughter "
SM-" what happened to my shruthi " she turned to Shruthi
Principal -" your daughter bribed one peon and locked a student in chemistry lab and she is in ICU now "
Her parents were shocked
SD-" no sir my daughter won't do like that  ever " said with confidence
SM-" yes sir it may be done by someone not my daughter " she said assuring.
The best thing in the world is that your parents trust you closing there eyes and believe that there children couldn't do anything wrong maybe the world can be wrong not there children, But the worst thing is when that trust breaks and it hurts them that they couldn't give there children right morals and they blame themselves.
Principal -" sorry to say but it's your daughter "
Both her parents were shocked they couldn't believe that there did this
Her mother moved to her cupped her face and asked
SM-" shruthi Sollu ma avanga poi sollranga Illa da "
( shruthi tell us dr they are lying right) shruthi -" sorry amma"
Her mother shocked and slapped her and moved back to her husband
SM-" she is not our daughter who can be so cruel and kill a person "
And she aksed shruthi
SM-" why did you do that " shruthi was silent then Kavya said what happened in the camp
Kavya-" it's not our fault aunty she behaves rudely with all and...... " she was about to tell more but Rakshith kept his hand on her shoulder and stopped her and nods in no.
Shruthi moved to her mother holding her hand and Said
Shruthi-" I am sorry amma I won't repeat my mistakes please talk to me amma " now she was crying she turned to her father and said
Shruthi -" appa, I am sorry appa for what i did I won't do anything again please appa"
Then Shruthi's father tuned to principal and said
SD-" principal sir you can take the action we won't interfere in your decision I will agree with it "
And he turned to Shruthi and said
SD-" you showed me the consequences of giving you freedom for what ever you did without any restrictions thank you " he said in hurt voice.
The whole room was silent then the principal turns to Karthik
Principal -" I will restigate shruthi from college " when he said
Shruthi -" sir please don't do that exams are near my whole five years hard work will be wasted if you restigate me "
SD-" will you keep your mouth shut shruthi already you have done enough " said angryly
Principal -" you can take charge now DCP sir " said to Karthik
Karthik turned to Rakshith and asked him
Karthik -" what do you want to do Rakshith do you want me to file Case on them "
Rakshith was thinking something he didn't answer anything turned to
Principal and said
Rakshith -" thank you principal sir for helping us to find out in who did this "
Principal -"  incident happened in college premises so it's our duty sir "
Rakshith turned to Karthik and kavya said
Rakshith -" shall we move "
Kavya-" but Rakshith........ " he cutted her in middle and said
Rakshith -" come on let's go "
Karthik -" thank you principal sir we will take leave now " said and Rakshith Karthik and kavya moved out of office room Kavya was angry at him
Kavya-" why didn't you tell anything inside Rakshith " aksed him angryly
Rakshith -" did you saw her parents inside how hurt were they that daughter broke there trust.  It's the worst punishment ever she got that she lost the trust that her parents had on her  then what is the need to punish her " he said calmly and continued
Rakshith -" that's why I didn't said anything when Karthik asksed me about case " said eyeing Karthik
Karthik got call he turned to go aside to attend call saw shruthi and parents were standing he moves aside to attend the call.
Shruthi's parents moved to Rakshith
SD-" we are sorry for what our daughter did "
SM-" how is your sister is she OK "
Rakshith -" yes she out of danger but still unconscious "
Karthik came after attending the call and said
Karthik -" it's from mama he said ishu is awake "
Rakshith -" thank god " said closing his eyes
Kavya -" shall we move I want to see ishu " said happily
Karthik -" OK "
Rakshith turned to Shruthi's parents and said
Rakshith -" OK sir it's time to leave "
SD-" we will visit her one day "
Rakshith -" sure sir "
all three turned to leave moved but Kavya turned to Shruthi and said
kavya-" don't be so happy that you didn't get punishment for hurting my friend don't show your face ever " she moved from there and reached hospital and entered inside ward and saw all elders bhavya and anbu were standing near the bed
Rakshith moved towards the bed and sat beside her and said
Rakshith -" stupid you scared us to death...........don't ever pull any stunt like this "
Ishu saw her smiled at him and said
Ishu -" what kind of brother are you scolding the patient very bad " said with pout on her face all chuckled at her answer and then Kavya said
Bhavya-" thitama Ne Partha vellaika Unnaka award tharanuma" said sarcastically
(scolding we should give award for you for what you did) 
Ishu-" OK fine I am sorry I won't "
Rakshith hugged her and kissed her on head. Then breaking hug asked his father
Rakshith -" what did doctor told appa did you saw the report "
Ram-" yes I saw no problem "

The there was a knock on the door then durai came inside
Ram-" hello durai come in "
Durai-" hello ram how is Ishwarya "
Ram-" she is fine "
and he turned to ishu and moved to her
Durai-" how are you Ishwarya I was shocked when ram informed me about you "
Ishu -" I am fine uncle "
Durai-" get well soon "
Ishu-" thank you uncle "
Ram-" where is murali durai"
Durai-" he is out of station for meeting he will return in two days I informed him already "
Ram-" OK "
Then nurse came inside and said
Nurse-" sir visiting hour is over any two can stay with patient "
Rakshith -" OK I will stay with ishu "
Ram-" OK we all will go home "
Kavya -" I want to stay with ishu "
All moved out only Karthik Rakshith and Kavya was with ishu
Rakshith -" anything sister " he asked nurse
Nurse-" no sir I want to change drips " she moved towards ishu and changed the drips and went out.
Ishu-" did you go to college " all were silent then Rakshith said
Rakshith -" yes we three went to college "
Ishu-" OK "
Rakshith -" do you want to know who did this to you "
Ishu shakes her head in no and said
Ishu-" no, I know it's shruthi "
Kavya -" yes that bitch " she said
Ishu -" Kavya stop cursing her "
There was tension in the room
Rakshith -" do you know ishu Kavya slapped her in the class in front of all "
Kavya -" I wish I could kill her "
Karthik -" I didn't know that you get angry this much "
Ishu-" mama you don't know she is the angry bird in three of us " said teasing her
Kavya -" OK stop it "
Ishu-" what happened in the college "
Rakshith said all waht happened in the college to her.
Ishu-" Anna talk to principal let her give exams her study and future will be spoiled "
Kavya-" after all what she did to you are supporting her "
Ishu-" I am not supporting her just telling that If she did bad to us that doesn't mean we have to do the same then what is the difference between her and us "
Kavya-" you are good that doesn't mean all are same "
Ishu -" Anna you talk to principal "
Rakshith -" OK "
Karthik -" we are so proud of you ishu"
Ishu smiled at him and
Then they were talking ishu slept due to drips then Karthik and kavya bid bye to them moves out telling they will come tomorrow.

Done with part 17
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Yours Sam 😊

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