part 45

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Author's pov :

Ishu and Karthik's life was going smoothly. sometimes romance, sometimes teasing each other there life was full of happiness.
In hospital Gotham again joined to work and he apologized to ishu for his behavior and offered her to be friends again,  ishu hesitated first then she accepted his friendship. And that Tanu didn't disturb them or crossed there path and Still there was one week for Kavya and Rakshith's marriage time flews so fast. All started to give marriage invitation from there sides and all arrangements were in full of swing then As it was Saturday evening it was time to shift end. Ishu brought cards with her to invite others for the marriage. She packed her bag and moved out from her cabin then she saw bhavya on the way to Misha's cabin.
Bhavya -" hey finished all work "
Ishu -" yeah, and come with me "
Bhavya -" where "
Ishu said dragging her to Misha cabin
Ishu -" Let's invite all for the marriage as next week I will be busy so I won't get time de and I am taking off from Thursday to Monday "
Bhavya -" OK stop pulling me let's go "
Both moved to Misha's cabin and knocked the door and then goes inside and saw she was packing her bag. When she was them asked them with bright smile on her face
Misha -" hi what are you doing here "
Ishu took invitation from her bag and gave to misha said to her
Ishu -" so i am inviting you to my Anna's wedding and you should attend reception and muhurtham with your family and most important you are not going to miss it "
Misha -" yes madem anything else "
She said as she is obeying her order ishu replied her smiling at her antics
Ishu -" nothing "
Then Aisha came inside calling Misha
Aisha -" Misha come fast "
When she saw them stopped in near the door and asked them
Aisha -" hey what are you all doing here "
Bhavya -" we just came to give invitation "
Aisha -" ohhh "
Ishu took another card from her bag and have to Aisha and told her
Ishu -" Aisha I want you to attend Anna's marriage with your fiance all are coming so don't miss it "
Aisha took the card and said
Aisha -" sure we will be there on time"
Ishu -" OK "
Aisha -" so how is bhai jaan "
She asked her about Karthik as there bond became like bro-sis Duo and ishu was happy about that
Ishu -" he is fine Aisha "
After the engagement ceremony of Kavya and Rakshith, Misha and Aisha became more close to all others in ishu's and Karthik's family as they are treated as family members now.
Ishu -" OK I need to go I have to invite all of them "
Aisha -" OK see you tomorrow bye "
Misha -" bye guys "
Ishu and Bhavya -" bye "
Ishu and Bhavya came out bidding bye to  them Then both moved to Harish cabin
Ishu -" Hai harish "
Harish -" what a pleasant surprise am I dreaming that Ishwarya is standing in front of me that too in my cabin "
He said rubbing his eyes as he didn't believe she is standing infront of him she slapped him on his shoulder and said
Ishu -" I am so stop day dreaming brother "
Harish -" Ishwarya beautiful girl like you calls me as brother means my small heart is broken and it hurts here "
He said keeping his hand on his heart making sad face. Ishu rolled her eyes at his drama
Ishu -" you are such a drama king you know that right "
He gave her pearl white smile in return then Bhavay said
Bhavya -" stop flirting with her I hope you remember who is ishu's husband and what he if gets to know that you were flirting with his wife "
She threatened him he acted as His face became blank and then stammered and Said as he is defending
Harish -" I was just teasing her, she is like little sister for me right ishu "
Ishu -" yes "
He smriked at her as if won some medal.
Bhavya -" that's better "
Ishu -" so here I am to invite you for Anna's wedding so don't miss it "
Harish -" arey what is need for formalities If you didn't call me also I will be there first "
He said smiling at her he had became close to her he treats her like his little sister, and sometimes he behaves as a over protective brother to her.
Ishu -" OK see you on Monday bye "
Harish -" bye Ishwarya "
Bhavya -" bye harish "
Harish -" bye Bhavya "
They both moved lastly moved to the Gotham's cabin
Gotham -" hi guys, you both still didn't leave it's already six "
He asked them when he saw them in his cabin
Bhavya -" we were inviting all of them for Rakshith Anna's marriage "
Gotham -" OK "
Ishu gave card to him and said
Ishu -" so Gotham don't miss to attend marriage and then don't give any other excuses "
Gotham -" OK "
He took the card without any protest
Ishu -" so we will leave now "
Gotham -" yeah bye "
Ishu -" bye "
Bhavya didn't replied to him or more talked to him after that hospital incident as she still didn't believe that he appolized to ishu for his behavior and Bhavya still doubts him.
Both came to parking and then bhavya said
Bhavya -" OK bye de see you on Monday "
Ishu -" hmm, bye de drive safely "
Bhavya -" you too "
Both moved to there destination in there scooty. There was more traffic today then usual as it was week end ishu reached home at seven.
She parked her scooty and started to moved towards the lift then she heard jeep horn sound turned to saw her husband was waving his hand at her she just smiled at him. She waited for him to come he parked his four wheeler and came combing his hair in his hand towards ishu.
Karthik -" today you took time to reach home "
He asked her wrapping his hand on her shoulder
Ishu -" I was inviting all my friends for marriage and traffic so I reached late mama "
She said and both moved to elevator and pressed there floor number he just nods his head.
She absorved his face and said cupping his face
Ishu -" you look tired mama "
Karthik -" yeah there was a new case and went to investigation which was out of city so tired of driving ma "
Ishu just nods her head then both came out of the lift and moved inside the house.
After freshen up ishu prepared dinner Both had there dinner and he told her his eyes was burning while having dinner. ishu sat on the bed in his room he was in the washroom when he came out she called him
Ishu -" mama come here and sit "
She said pointing beside her he putted the wet towel in bin and sat beside her and asked her
Karthik -" tell me "
She moved behind him and sat on her nees and started applying oil in his hair.
Karthik -" what are you doing "
Ishu -" villakenna mama "
She replied him casually
# villakenna it is a sarcastic word used to scold or tease a person #
Karthik -" Ennadha "
( what )
He turned to her with shock face and asked her she made innocent face and showed her hand which was oil
Ishu -" villakennai you said your eyes burning right and your eyes are red mama "
She said him massaging his head he closed his eyes enjoying her massage then after ten minutes she stopped and said
Ishu -" finished "
Karthik -" wow it feels so good thank you Pondati "
He said kissing her cheeks she smiled at him and said
Ishu -" it's OK, can I ask you one thing"
Karthik nods his head checking his phone and she asked him with smrik on her face
Ishu -" mama when I said villakenna you thought that I called u right "
He turned and saw she was suppressing her laugh she turned to run from the bed but he caught her hand and pulled her towards him she landed on him and both fell on the bed. She tried to move he wrapped his hand around her and turned along with her. Now he was hovering over her. He managed his weight on his elbow not to crush her with his weight.
Karthik -" you were telling something right "
He moved closer to her and asked her in husky voice
Ishu -" nothing "
She stammered and said her breath hitched when he bite her earlobe and she closed eyes then hissed in pain
Ishu -" mama "
She moaned in his name her hand moved to his hair held them tightly in her fist and he sucked her earlobe.
His hand moved inside her T-shirt and caressed her waist, he started to kiss on her neck pulled her sleeve from her shoulder using his another hand she stretched her head to give him access more. He kissed her on her lips and His hand moved behind her back and then his hand moves towards north and she nibbles his lips enters his mouth relishing him then he touched her bra clip her breath hitched he was about to open it but there movement was broken by phone ring she opened her eyes and called him
Ishu -" mama "
But he didn't move she pushed him by his shoulder
Karthik -" yaaru da Adha nera gala theriyama phone pannradha "
( who is that man doesn't have time sense to call ) 
He cursed under his breath to breaking there movement she giggled seeing him like that he gave her 'I will see you later' look and he took his phone and moved towards balcony to attend the call as it was important call.

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