part 64

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Mature content read on you own risk 😉😂😂.

Ishu's pov :

I came inside telling him that I will change and I stood infront of the open cupboard took out a black denim shorts which ended in my mid thigh and took a white bikni which was given from my only crazy friend when we were coming here, I changed into it and looked myself in the mirror it was not the old ishu the one who stood infront of me is hundred time different then the previous one and bold too. I blushed thinking about his reaction when he sees me in the bikni, which cover only my chest part with attached single string I took a deep breath and moved out cold wind touched my bare skin and saw his back was facing to me as he was watching the waves which we can see through our room and I called him to gain his attention
Ishu -" mama "
When he heard me call him he turned towards me and I waited for his reaction staring at his face and he was shocked or should I say surprised seeing me in this bold avatar, I moved towards him looking into his eyes without breaking eyelock as his eyes was watching my every move I dived inside the water and swam towards him and moved closer to him then held him by his shoulder I can feel his breath hitched when I touched him he wrapped his hand around my bare waist pulled me closer to him touching his hard chest to mine and he  whispered in my ear
Karthik -" you look beautiful and hot at same time wifey "
I blushed at his comment and said without breaking the eyelock
Ishu -" thank you and how about a race let's see who wins "
Karthik -" are you challenging me wifey "
He said while tracing his fingers which was on my waist tickling me I giggled and said
Ishu -" if you think it as challenge let it be "
Karthik -" OK and let's make this game little interesting "
He said with a smrik which he tried to cover with a smile but he failed it and then I asked him
Ishu -" how?????? "
Karthik -" let's make a bet if I win you have to do what ever I say and same goes to you "
He said while stressing the word what ever but I didn't thought more and agreed to his bet and said
Ishu -" fine with me "
Karthik -" three round let's see who wins "
He said while coming out of the pool and held his hand for me I said grabbing his hand and came out
Ishu -" all the best Mr husband "
Karthik -" I think you need that wifey"
He said winking at me and We both stood at one end and he continued and said
Karthik -" OK, 3....2....1.... "
We both jumped into the water and I moved as fast I could and I touched the end and came back where we started I was the first one to reach and I said
Ishu -" I win, I win "
I showed my tounge while teasing him he came closer to me and blows warm air near my neck sending shivers down my body and he said
Karthik -" still there is two rounds wifey "
Ishu -" let's see "
I said regaining from his teasing and In the second round he won as he was faster then me and now it was last round he turned to me and said
Karthik -" get ready wifey to do whatever is say "
He stressed the word whatever and I gave him confused look as earlier Also he said the same thing I think he upto some thing
Karthik -" you will know in the end "
He said winking at me, I am sure he has planned something I can say from his smrik and naughty smile on his lips
Ishu -" let's see who will win "
I said to him and He smiled at me and we both moved into the water and I moved as fast I could but he was too fast then me as before and he reached first and stood there with smrik on his face waiting for me I complained at him
Ishu -" you are too fast mama "
Karthik -" I am fast in many things wifey and you too know that "
I blushed at his double meaning comment and he said
Karthik -" so I won the bet ready "
I made a puppy face to persuade him and said
Ishu -" please mama "
I said and tried to escape from the pool while moving back but he caught me by my hand and pulled me towards him I landed on his bare chest and he said
Karthik -" not so soon wifey this time I am not falling for that pout of yours and let me enjoy my victory wifey "
He said pecking my pout and he bent his head to my neck and kissed while chewing the skin harder there leaving mark, I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist he was roaming his hands around my waist I feel heat on his touch under the water Also and he got Out of the water along with me I can feel cold air hit my body making me shiver, I clinged more to his warm body to keep myself warm. We came inside I saw his looking at me without breaking the eyelock and I said
Ishu -" mama let me down "
But he ingnored my me and said
Karthik -" you deserve punishment wifey for looking so hot and cute at the same time "
I looked down breaking the eye contact hearing him and blushed he pinned my back to the door and attacked my lips hungrily and I kissed him back he was dominating the kiss and I let him happily, I moved my hands to his hair and held them in fist and pulled him mover closer to me, I bited his lower lips harder and making him moan loudly in my mouth his one hand was crushing my boob's in his plam making me go crazy and I can feel his member poking at my thigh in exitment I grinded my hips on his cock teasing him and his hand moved to my butts from my breats pressing them making me moan and we broke the kiss due to out of breath and he moved to the bed I can feel soft mattress under my back and he stood back staring at me I looked at him in confusion and he asked me
Karthik -" so !!!!!! "
Ishu -" so ????? "
Karthik -" ready "
He said rubbing his hands together I looked at him in confusion for what Is he waiting for?????
Karthik -" how about we try something new "
He said with a hint of naughtiness and his eyes shinned and I aksed him
Ishu -" what is that?????  "
Karthik -" how about some kinkiness "
I think I heard something wrong my ears are ringing so I asked him again to clarify my doubt
Ishu -" what did you said "
Karthik -" how about we try some kink "
He said winking at me, my eyes became wide I stared at him with open mouth before I could say something he moved to cupboard and brought my scarf with him, he came over me and kissed my lips again I responded to his kiss and took his upper lips and kissed him and he kissed my lower lips while I tried to move my hand to touch him like he is touching me but I couldn't so I broke the kiss and saw my hands were above my head and it was tied, when did he do that.

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