part 7

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Ishu's pov:
In morning after breakfast I moved towards college and I saw bhavya and Kavya was waiting for me
When I moved towards them bhavya and kavya hugged me tightly
Ishu-" guys I can't breath"
Both moved back smiled at me sheepishly.
I smiled at her I know who is the informer non other than my sweet friend cum cousin Kavya.
Ishu-" OK shall we move we are getting late for classes "
We moved in the corridor suddenly kavya asked me
Kavya-" did you say yes "
I stared at her and nod my head to yes she squealed and hugged me. There corridor became silence all were staring at us in the corridor this girl knows how to embarrass me I dragged her to our class and glared at her
Kavya-" I am so happy "
She hugged me then bhavya joined the hug and said
Bhavya-" I am so happy Best friend is getting married" I smiled at them after coming out of the hug and
Then moved back and sat in our seats
Later class started in afternoon we got a circular about medical camp for more details we moved to notice board and saw the medical camp for 10 days in rural area on this Sunday we were excited to attain the camp. then later we Attended the remaining classes.
After classes I go to home and directly moved to my room and sat on the sofa and closed my eyes.
Then my room door opened amma came and sat beside me I laid My head in her lap she started to caress my head and kissed my forehead.
Sudha-" what happened you look dull"
Ishu-" nothing amma just little head ache "
Sudha-" OK freshen up i will bring snacks "
Ishu-" just five minutes mom sit like this only"
Sudha-" OK "
Then I moved to washroom freshen up And changed into T-shirt tracks and made my hair into messy bun and moved downwards sat in the hall amma came with snacks and sat beside me
sudha-" here finish your snacks then help me in selecting designs for new event "
I nod my head and started to sip my coffee and having biscuits and saw there were many designs
Ishu-" what is the occasion is on?????"
Asked munching my favourite biscuits
Sudha-" it's an baby shower ceremony da "
Ishu -" ohh....... did they ask any particular theme or color"
Sudha-" not theme but color it's a combination of red and white and not to make too loud keep it as simple"

Ishu-" how is this amma"Sudha-" yes it's simple yet nice thank you dr"Ishu-" no mom I should say thanks to you for distracting me I was just stressed amma"Amma smiled at me I know she always does this when I am stressed

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Ishu-" how is this amma"
Sudha-" yes it's simple yet nice thank you dr"
Ishu-" no mom I should say thanks to you for distracting me I was just stressed amma"
Amma smiled at me I know she always does this when I am stressed.
Ishu -" OK so now I help you in preparing dinner " I said at her and smiled
Sudha -" OK what shall we prepare "
Ishu -"hmm Lets decide in the kitchen what to prepare "

Ishu -" OK so now I help you in preparing dinner " I said at her and smiledSudha -" OK what shall we prepare "Ishu -"hmm Lets decide in the kitchen what to prepare "

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