part 13

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Shruthi's pov:
How dare she, they messed with a wrong person I am not going to spare them. They insulted me in front of all I will show who shruthi is.

Author's pov :
Shruthi moved Angryly to her tent  that she was insulted in front of all students thinking how to take revenge.
And the time flew they completed seven days of camp still three days to go.
Eight day
In morning all students were in the medical camp attending the patients.
Shruthi did not cross there path but she was waiting for the correct opportunity.
Ishu was attending the patients then a young lady came with a child
Ishu-" Ulla vanga vukkarnga sollunga  Enna aachi"
(  come in sit tell me what happened)
Lady-" pappaka sottu marundh podanu"
( to put polio for the baby)
Ishu-" ettana masam pappaka"
(how many months for baby)
Lady-" pathu masam"
(ten months)
Ishu-" sari "
Ishu took baby in her arms and cooed the baby in her arms and put polio to the baby.

Then ishu asked the lady Ishu-" unga vayasu enna"(what is your age) Lady-" 19 vayasu"(19 years)Then the lady went with the baby

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Then ishu asked the lady
Ishu-" unga vayasu enna"
(what is your age)
Lady-" 19 vayasu"
(19 years)
Then the lady went with the baby.
Bhavya was working with her inside today ishu was thinking something Bhavya saw her and kept her hand on her shoulder and asked
Bhavya-" what happened ishu "
Ishu-" nothing "
Bhavya -" don't lie tell me "
Ishu-" did you saw that girl with baby she was so young to have a baby "
Bhavya -" yeah I saw but what to do still they get married girls in young age in few places but we can't change the things "
Ishu nods her head and said
Ishu-" S but we are lucky that our parents give us equal priority to us "
Said with sad smile on her face
Bhavya -" S now don't worry about these things get back to work "
Ishu-" OK I am already missing amma appa and Anna I waiting to return back "
Bhavya -" yeah me too just two more days to go "
Then they returned back to work and complete there work and back to there tent.

In ishu's home
They was same as routine for all of them it was dinner time all settled in the dinning table.
Ram-" when is ishu returning back "
Rakshith -" on Wednesday morning on 10 they will be here appa still two days is there"
Sudha-" S after she comes will start wedding preparations one by one "
Ram-" S durai was also asking me same thing and he booked the marriage hall "
Both sudha and Rakshith nods there heads in yes and finished there dinner and returned to there rooms.

In Karthik's apartment
Karthik came from station and entered his apartment and locked his door and sat on the sofa.
And took the envelope from his pocket and placed on the table. It was the envelope that had few girls photo for marriage sent by his amma to see whether he liked any girl or not but he didn't open the envelope.
After finishing his dinner he returned to the room and laid on the bed clasing his eyes.
Next day he was going to station he was waiting in the signal in his jeep he turned to his right saw murali was in the car with a girl talking seriously with her he was about to call him but the signal showed green Murali's car went away before he could do anything.
He was thinking about that only reached the station and moved to his cabin didn't notice rudra was sitting on the chair,  rudra saw him and thinking something then he called
Rudra-" Ennada aachi enna ivvalo yosikira"
(what happened what are thinking this much)
Karthik -" I saw murali with a girl few minutes back in signal "
Rudra-" so what is there in that "
Karthik -" they were talking seriously something "
Rudra-" they may be colleague or friends da don't think too much "
Karthik -" may be I am thinking too much "
He shrugged his shoulder and started to work. Then in evening he got call from his amma
Sita-" hello Karthik Enga da irraka "
( hello Karthik where are you da)
Karthik -" hello amma na stationla irrake"
(hello amma I am in station)
sita-" photo pathiya da yaara pudichirraka"
( did you saw the photo did you like anyone)
Karthik -" no amma I will "
Sita-" OK da let me know when you see "
Karthik -" OK amma"
He finished his work and he was in his apartment after dinner he was sitting on the bed working something on the laptop then he thought about the photo and went to bring the envelope from the hall.
He took it and sat on the bed he saw there was five photos was there but he didn't like anyone he didn't feel anything when he saw the photo.
Then he stuffed the photos in the drawer near the bed. And continued his work.

In camp :
It was last day in the camp ishu, bhavya, and Kavya was excited because they are returning back from to there family.
All finished there last day of camp and all students and village head and few people were sitting around the fire camp

Professor stood up and said Professor -" first I would like to thanks all you students without you Guys our medical camp cannot be successfully finished and the village people "All students clapped and few hooted then village head said Village hea...

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Professor stood up and said
Professor -" first I would like to thanks all you students without you Guys our medical camp cannot be successfully finished and the village people "
All students clapped and few hooted then village head said
Village head-" thank you for your service it was so helpful for us"
Then students had there dinner which was prepared by village ladies as complement for them and then they returned to there tent after bidding bye to the villagers as in the morning they will leave early .

Ishu packed her things in the bag as in morning they can't do all packed there bags and slept.

In morning all were settled in the bus and they reached college campus and few students parents Were already present the time was 10 in the morning all students get down the bus and moved to there parents.

Anbu, Rakshith and Krishnan were waiting for Bhavya, ishu and Kavya when they saw them all moved to them
Krishnan-" how was the camp girls " asked side hugging Kavya
Kavya-" It was good appa and we learnt more new things"
Krishnan-" it's good to hear"
Rakshith -" how are you ishu I missed you lot dr" said hugged her
Ishu-" I am fine and I missed you too Anna "
Bhavya -" OK bye ishu, kavya see tomorrow in the college "
Anbu-" do you have class tomorrow???? "
Krishnan -" yeah just today you returned from camp "
Ishu-" S mama we have day off today because exams will be start soon so they didn't give leave tomorrow "
Both nods there head
Rakshith -" OK we should move you girls must be tied "
Kavya -" yes I am I want to sleep I miss my room "
All chuckled at her then they moved to respective homes.

Ishu and Rakshith reached home sudha was waiting for them,  Ram went to hospital for some urgent work.
Ishu saw sudha hugged her
Ishu-" I missed you amma"
Sudha-" missed you too ishu,  did you have you food or not you have lost your weight "
Rakshith -" amma from which side she is looking thin she is same as she was like balloon " said putting his hands around ishu shoulder.
She pushed his hands from her shoulder and said angryly
Ishu-" I  am not balloon "
Rakshith -" yes you are " said teasing her
Sudha-" OK both of stop it ishu go and freshen up and come "
Sudha moved to kitchen
Rakshith -" home was empty and silent when you were not there ishu " said side hugging her
Ishu smiled at her brother and moved to her and freshen up changed into comforts and came down had breakfast and slept in her room.

In dinner time ram came then they had family time together and had there dinner and returned to there room and drift to sleep without knowing what tomorrow has for them.

Done with part 13
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Yours Sam 😊

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