part 4

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Author's pov:
The day goes same and for all of them, and after two months ishu, Kavya and Bhavya will be graduated all started there exam preparation and there time table will be announced Soon.
As usual the sun rises and in Ishwarya's home ram started early because of meeting in the hospital.
As he reached the hospital the board members were waiting in the meeting hall.  The meeting is about buying new advanced medical equipments for the hospital
Ram-" good morning shall we start the meeting "
Board members-" yes"
Ram-" so what is your suggestion"
M1-"there are many countries we have medical market in list" said and forwards the list to ram
M1-" so the medical equipment market are North America,  Canada,  Japan and china etc.., "he said
M2-"why we should import we can get here only in cheap expenses "
Ram-" about quality????? "asked M2 was about say something but he was stopped in middle
Ram-"we can try in Canada quality Is good and we can afford the expenses"
As he said all board members agrees him but M2 fumes in anger but stays quiet because he can't appose the board members decision
Ram-" OK all done we will import the medical equipments form Canada itself "
All of them agreed and the meeting came to an end.
But there was M2 non other than Durai was burning in anger because he thought if convince the board members to buy medical equipments from here only he will attach his contact to the broker in the market so he gets the commission in crores, but not only this he is more jealous about Ram and his achievements but doesn't shows it.
After the meeting Durai saw ram and greeted him with fake smile
Durai-" Hai ram how r u "
Ram-" I am fine what about u"
Durai-" I am good so how is Ishwarya and sudha mam"
Ram-" all good how is murali"
Durai-" he is fine"
Ram-" how is his business going "
Durai-" good he got new contracts ,what is Ishwarya doing".
Ram-" she is in her final year of medicine after two months she will be graduated "
Durai -" any idea of Ishwarya's marriage "
Ram-" not yet let her finish her studies first"
Durai-" I wanted to ask Ishwarya's hand for murali"
Ram-" I can't say anything for now I want to discuss about this with my family "
Durai-" take your time let me know "
Ram-" OK I will, I have to go now so see you soon "
Durai-" ok "
Ram went outside the meeting hall there Durai had a evil smrik on this face.
And here ram thinks Durai as a good person but doesn't know about his evil side.
Later in the evening ram went to home and freshen up and sat on the sofa thinking about Durai's word about Ishwarya's marriage.
Then sudha came inside with coffee and saw ram was in his deep thoughts she sat beside him and shook him by his shoulder
Sudha -" Enna aachi enna ivallava yosikireenga"
( what happend what r u thinking )
Ram-" ishuva pathi"
( about ishu)
Sudha-" ishu ka Enna aachi"
(what happened to ishu )
Ram-" today after meeting me and Durai had a talk"
Sudha-" about what??? "
Ram-" Durai asked ishu's hand for murali for marriage "
She thinks about it and asked at him
Sudha-" so why are you worried "
Ram-" sudha ishu is still young why we should marry her early "
Sudha smiles at her husband and said
Sudha-" ram we should marry her and send toady are other day  with her husband "
Ram-" but isn't it too early "
Sudha -" this is the correct age for her to marry, what do u think about Durai's son murali "
Ram-" I have saw in business party good looking and runs a company"
Sudha -" if you think he is Corect for ishu we should take next step"
Ram-" what about ishu's decision "
Sudha-" we will talk to her about this"
Ram-" OK "
Sudha-" so now don't worry just relax"
Ram smiles at her because she is his perfect life partner whenever he is confused she clears his confusion. She understands him without saying about him. Sudha goes down and prepared the dinner and arranged the table for dinner.
At the dinner time all settled in the dinning table started their dinner
Sudha-"ishu and rakshu we want to talk something important "
Ishu and Rakshith stopped eating and saw her curiosily
Ishu-" what is it amma??? "
Sudha-" after the dinner "
Both sighs because there is no use of arguing at her mother.
All finished there dinner silent and assembled in the hall sat on the sofa and ram starts the conversation
Ram-" ishu do u know durai "
Ishu thinks for few seconds and said
Ishu-" S appa one of the board member of the hospital "
Ram-" yes ishu "
Rakshith -" what happened appa"
Ram-" today after the meeting durai asked ishu's hand for his son murali for marriage"
Both bro-sis was shocked
Rakshith-" dad why so early let her finish the graduation first "
Sudha -" rakshu we are not saying marry her tomorrow only "
Ram-" after durai aksed I said I will discuss with my family and let you know"
Rakshith-" what do you think about murali dad "
Ram-"I have met him in business party he is running a company "
All three looked at ishu she was still in her thoughts.
Sudha -" ishu what do u think"
Her thoughts were interrupted by her mother but she was silent
Sudha-" ishu do u like anyone "
Suddenly ishu turned to her and said
Ishu-" Illa amma"
(No amma)
Ram-" so what do u think ishu If u don't like we will not take any
step dr" said calmly
Sudha-" S once you meet him and the final decision will be yours ma"said and caressed her head
Ishu-" OK amma"
Ram-" so today is Thursday can we invite them on Sunday to our house "
Ishu -" OK dad"
Sudha-" OK its late let's go to sleep "
Ram-" yes good night kids"
Ishu and Rakshith-" good night amma appa"
They moved to there room.

Ishu's pov:
After two months we will be graduated and now we are preparing for the exams in the evening amma said that had something to say it's important.  Then we moved to hall and sat on sofa dad said that one of the board member is durai uncle who asked my hand for his son to marriage but I was shocked why so early then dad said if I like him they will proceed to next step and the final decision is mine so I said yes. They are coming on Sunday to my house thinking about this I laid on the and slept.

Author's pov:"
In morning all settled in the dinning table for breakfast
Ram-" sudha call Krishnan and
sita Anni for dinner evening we will tell them about the proposal "
Sudha-"OK "
After breakfast ram and Rakshith went to hospital and ishu to college.
Sudha called sita call conversation
Sudha-" hello sita anni eppadi irukkinga"
( hello Anni how are you)
* Anni means sister in law *
Sita-" hello sudha na nalla irrake Ne eppadi ma irruka"
( hello sudha I am fine how r u)
Sudha-" Anni oru mukkyamana vishayam pesanum neega Anna Kavya apparom Karthik dinner ka vittaka vanga"
( sis in law we have important thing to talk with you so u Anna Kavya and Karthik should join us dinner to dinner) 
Sita-" Enna vishayam sollu"
(what is it tell me )
Sudha-" no dinner at my place today
Sita-" OK "
Sudha-" OK see u in the evening bye"

Karthik's pov:
Me and rudra were started to analyze the case from scratch so we can know every detials about the case.
We both went to the college to investigate we came to know that the petti shop at the end of the road is where the drugs were supplied to the college students.
After the raid in that shop we got few grug packets and we took the shop keeper to the custody.
But the shop keeper said that there was a broker who brought him the drug he don't know the owner.
After reaching station I got call from amma that sudha attai has called for family dinner they have something to discuss I tried to avoid but mom said that attai mentioned me to come so I agreed and said her I will directly come to attai's house.

Ishu's pov:
I reached college and attended the class but couldn't concentrate on the class I didn't tell anything to Kavya and Bhavya about the proposal  but told her about family dinner but bhavya couldn't come because she was going to meet her grandparents with her dad and after the college ended I bid bye to them and moved towards home.

Done with part 4
So friends how was the part 4 do vote and comment.
Thank you friends
Yours Sam 😊😊

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