part 74

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Author's pov :

Kavya and baby were discharged from the hospital and came back to her maternal home.

elders decided to keep naming ceremony for the little one after one fifteen days and they named the little princess as bhanumathi and the ceremony was simple with close family members.

Bhanu was the favorite girl of all especially the younger ones.

Kavya was in maternal till baby was five months as sudha said she will look after them, after that she goes back to her in-laws as they were missing both baby and mother.

Leap 8 months.

Ishu and Karthik moved to Karthik's home when ishu enter third month as sita insited them.

It was Sunday Karthik came yesterday night to ishu's home after his duty, Ishu was now eight month, ishu came to her maternal house after her baby shower as its her first baby and delivery should be from mother's home. Karthik visits her in weekend and as he was busy in other days, and calls her every now and then to keep check on her.

she was sitting half laid on the bed in her room which was shifted to ground floor as she can't climb steps for her previous room it was upstairs, she had bowl full of popcorn and watching movie in tab interestingly, on other side Karthik was staring at his wife who was busy in stuffing popcorn mouth full and watching the movie he sighed and said
Karthik -" you are watching the movie as if you seeing for first time "
Ishu -" it's my favorite Hero's movie mama "
She replied him but still her eyes were stuck on the movie he rolled his eyes at her
Karthik -" yeah yeah..... "
He said in a boring tone which didn't effect her at all, then he sat there thinking about there journey when they got the pregnancy news, in this eight months so many changes happend in there life, from starting both had up and down but they were together in this.
ishu had heavy morning sickness and vomiting in her first trimester which would drain her fully, many times he would wake up Hearing her vomiting and rushes to washroom to see her throwing her guts out which worried him more, then her vomit sickness has reduced when after her three months.

outside he looks like a tough man but from inside he is so soft hearted person.

he smiled remembering about her carvings, Sometimes she used carve for sweet and sometimes spicy,

Flashback :

Ishu was Two month pregnant still they were in Karthik's flat, one day he woke up in the midnight as he didn't find her beside him in the bed.
he moved out of the room and saw kitchen light was on and she was sitting on the kitchen slab and eating spoon full of mango pickle which was spicy but she was eating as its some sweet licking her lips and making sound 😋.

Karthik -" Inga Enna panra ishu?????"
( ishu what are you doing there????)
Ishu -" manga urga sapudra mama "
( eating mango pickle mama )
She said taking again a spoon full of pickle in her mouth making weird cute faces due to sourness and spice of the pickle
Karthik -" urga Kara da, acidity hayidum "
( it's spicy da you will suffer from acidity )
Ishu -" onnu Aagadha mama "
( nothing will happen )
She said with spoon her mouth he smiled at her and asked
Karthik -" Enna elupirakla illa "
( you should have woke up me na )
Ishu -" neega nalla thongita irundhiga Adha elupla mama "
( you were deep sleep mama so I didn't disturb you )
He smiled at her and saw the bottle was half empty already and he said taking bottle from her
Karthik -" OK enough of pickle come let's sleep "
Ishu -" little more mama "
Karthik -" it's spicy da, and you will be throwing up next morning if you eat more "
Ishu -" nothing will happen, just a spoon mama Pls "
She said making cute puppy face with a pout for which he falls and couldn't resist and said
Karthik -" ok last bite "
He feed her one last bite to her and kept the bottle back, he wiped her mouth using his wet hand as she had pickle sauce around her mouth to which she smiled sheepishly showing her pearls to him and he said
Karthik -" next time wake up me if you need anything OK "
Ishu -" OK mama "
She said and she was about to move but he held her hand and lifted her in his arms and moved to there room laid her on the bed, she rested her head on his chest with her arms around his waist and said
Ishu -" good night mama "
Karthik -" good night pondati, good night princess "
He said as it became a every day routine for him to wish good morning and good night to the baby.

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