part 35

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Ishu's pov :

I was asking mama where are we going but he didn't answer me then he stopped the bike
Ishu -" why did you stop?????  "
Karthik -" get down I will tell you "
He parked the bike and came
Karthik -" come on let's go "
Ishu -" where "
Karthik -" To the temple "
We brought pooja items removed our footware outside and moved inside the temple.
Iyer -" sollunga yaara perraka archanai "
( in whose name you want to pooja )
Karthik -" saami perraka "
( in god's name )
Iyer took pooja item and went inside telling mantras and did pooja and gave Aarti to us with flower and vermilion.

Karthik -" konja neram anga vukarla Va ishu "
( come we will sit for some time)
We both sat in the temple for few minutes and
Karthik -" ishu polama "
( ishu shall we)
I nod my head and we both
came outside and he started the bike I sat in the back
Ishu -" thanks mama "
Karthik -" there is no need to thank me ishu "
But how did he know that I wanted to go to temple so I asked him
Ishu -" how do you know I want to go to temple "
Karthik -" I have my sources you know " he winked at me
Ishu -" Sollu mama "
( tell me mama)
Karthik -" once Kavya told me that you all visit temple after your results so I brought you here "
Ishu -" ohhh........ "

Yes we used to come to the temple after our results to say thanks for god.
Then I asked him
Ishu -" where are we going now ????  "
Karthik -" to your college "
Ishu -" ok "
Then we reached college after thirty minutes
Karthik -" you wait here I will park the bike "
Ishu -" OK "
He went to park the bike and came after few minutes
Then we both moved inside the college and go to office room to get
My sem marks sheet and other certificates
Office man (OM)
Ishu -" Hai sir "
OM -" Hai Ishwarya congrats for your result "
Ishu -" thank you sir "
OM -" so tell what are you doing here "
Ishu -" sir I want to collect sem mark sheet "
OM -" tell me registration number "
Ishu -" register number: ********* "
He was searching my mark sheet and then he handed me the mark sheet and said
OM -" check your mark sheet and sign in this register "
I checked my mark sheet and signed in the register
Ishu -" thank you sir "
He just smiled and nod his head
OM -" and final sem mark sheet will be issued later "
Ishu -" OK bye sir "
OM -" bye all the best for your future "
Ishu -" thank you "
I turned to mama and said
Ishu -" mama pollam "
( mama let's go)
We both walking in the corridor moving outside
Karthik -" he looks friendly "
Ishu -" yes mama he used to get many different author books for me Kavya and Bhavya "
Karthik -" OK "
We reached parking it was one in the afternoon.

Then he was driving opposite to the direction where home is
Ishu -" this not the way to home "
Karthik -" who said we are going to home "
Ishu -" then where are we going???  "
Karthik -" wait and see yourself "
Then he was driving then we reached city centre mall if I ask also he won't tell me anything so decided to keep quiet.
We moved inside the mall and go to movie session.
Karthik -" you wait here will be back "
He went and i was standing there checking my instagram account after some time he came and said
Karthik -" come on "
Ishu -" where mama???  "
Karthik -" to watch movie "
He gave ticket and I saw it was ajith's movie 'viswasam'
Karthik -" I know you are ajith fan "
Ishu -" thank you mama "
I squealed and hugged him in excitement
Karthik -" movie going to start come on let's go inside "
Ishu -" yes "
We both moved inside and sat in our seats and the movie was awesome it was emotional in the ending it shows father and daughter beautiful bonding and in that nayanthara was Doctor Who comes to Hero's village for medical camp and both fall in love and gets married but with circumstances they both got separated lastly they become one because of there daughter, I had tears in the last ending mama was teasing me for crying. And the songs were good in the movie.

We both came outside after movie
Ishu -" mama stop teasing me " I whined at him like a kid
Karthik -" OK shall we have lunch I am hungry it's already 3 "
Ishu -" yes "
We both reached hotel and we ordered biriyani and chicken lollipop and tandoori chicken. We started to have food then he said
Karthik -" ishu I can afford more food"
when he said that I was confused and looked at him what is he saying
Ishu -" huhh????  "
Karthik -" you are eating like bird " he said pointing my plate he was suppressing his laugh
I glared at him I eat little amount of food so he is teasing me for that
Ishu -" I have only this much "
Karthik -" you are doctor but you look skinny like patient "
Ishu -" I am not skinny mama "
Karthik -" yeah I can see that " he moved at me
Karthik -" so then where are you going to apply for job "
Ishu -" still not decided mana, I will apply in two or three hospital then we will see where do I get Job "
Karthik -" ok "
Then we both finished our lunch and came out and he started the bike it was four in the evening I was feeling like going to beach so I asked him
Ishu -" mama shall we go to beach "
Karthik -" OK "

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