part 42

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Ishu's pov :

We were heading back to home and the silence was so solace between us. My cheeks was red all time and I was blushing like hell. My hand was entwined with his hand when he kissed my hand and the feeling was, wow I was felling like I am in cloud nine. My lips were swollen because of our kiss, when his lips touched mine shivers run down my body he gripped his hand on my waist or I would have crashed to the ground but took a chance and he caressed his hand on  my waist adding fuel to my burning fire in me.

We reached home he parked the car and both moved in the lift I can sense a hard gaze on me he was staring at me, I turned to him and asked
Ishu -" why are you staring at me "
Karthik -" because my wife looks beautiful when she blushes "
He said pulling my nose, I closed my face using hands not to embarrass me more and he just hugged me and his chest vibrated when chuckled at me. Then the lift door opens we both came out and he opens the door I rushed to my room closed the door and stood there my back facing the door. I moved to the mirror and saw my face was glowing like never before and traced my lips which was trembling and where I could still feel his lips.
I moved to washroom after freshen up changed into red T-shirt and grey shorts which ends till my mid thigh.
I was feeling thirsty saw bottle was empty and I moved to the kitchen and  filled the bottle I turned to see mama was standing in the kitchen entrance resting his back to the wall and folding his hands to his chest showing his biceps.
Ishu -" you scared me "
He is too sneaky these days.
He just shrugged his shoulder and he scanned me from top to bottom.
Ishu -" what???? "
Karthik -" now I know why he proposed you what is his name.... "
He was trying to remember his name and I said
Ishu -" Gotham "
Karthik -" yeah Gotham, and look at you, you look so young and he thought you are single but his bad luck he didn't knew the reality. And that too in this night dress nice, you should buy more dress like this "
He said pointing to my dress, I was confused what he is saying then I saw where he was looking, his gaze fixed on my bare legs. Then I realised what he said i glared at him and he smriked at my realization.
Ishu -" porukki"
I muttered under my breath and he narrowed his eyes at me so he heard my comment. he came towards me I moved back and my back hit the kitchen slab and he trapped me between him and his slab now there is no way to escape.
Karthik -" porukki Enna pannuva theriyuma "
( you know what porukki does )
He asked me in husky voice I shook my head in no and he took bottle from my hand and placed it on the slab, I couldn't speak because, first because of our closeness and it was affecting me more and second his husky voice it sounds too sexy.
Karthik -" let me show you "
He burried his face in my neck and kissed me on my weak point and he sucked it, my hands automatically held his shoulder for grip and he wrapped his hand on my waist and pulled me towards him and his body pressed into mine, my soft bloosams against his hard chest. My breath was uneven and I can hear his heart beat which was fast just like mine. I have same effect on him like he had on me and I am proud of that I too effect him.

Ishu -" mama "
I moaned when he did that he turned to me stared my face and then the lips and said
Karthik -" poor guy he doesn't know you were already mine"
He said possessiveness was clearing visible in his voice. I blushed at his statement and looked down
Karthik -" you look cute when you blush pondati "
# Pondati means wife #
He said lifting my head using his forefinger and kissed my cheeks.
Then he loosened his grip and stepped back I ran to my room in a light speed after grabbing the bottle from the slab.

Author's pov :

Ishu ran to her room and here Karthik was rubbing his neck using in hand and smiling like an idiot then he moved to his room.

Ishu was searching something in her cupboard then she was watch, perfume and another shirt was there only which she brought for him.
Ishu -" I forgot to give me "
She took the cover and moved to his room and knocked the door and he opened the door.
Karthik -" are you missing you came so soon "
Ishu -" mama "
She winced at him because of his teasing
Karthik -" hey why are you knocking the door you can come in directly you know you have all rights "
He said teasing her and she glared him in return.
Karthik -" OK come in "
He moved in and let her inside she gave him the cover which was in her hand
Ishu -" here this is for you "
Karthik -" what is This???? "
He asked taking the cover from her
Ishu -" see by yourself "
He opened the cover and saw a watch and a police brand perfume and a shirt was there.

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