part 68

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Author's pov :

Ishu and Karthik were coming back from there honeymoon and they had  lots of fun and memories along with shopping for all, they landed in the  airport hired a taxi and they reached home, it was already two in night there flight was landed at twelve thirty but it took more time to collect luggage and to complete formalities and all, they were tried of travelling
And they directly crashed the bed once they goes inside the home. 


Karthik was the first one to wake up and saw ishu was sleeping next to him snuggling more into him, resting her head on his chest and hands were wrapped around him he looked aside and saw it was ten in the morning he removed her hand without disturbing her sleep and moved to the washroom to freshen up, after taking a warm long bath to smoothen his muscles and to get rid of tried then he came out wrapping a towel only, he saw ishu was still sleeping there on the bed on her stomach, he changed into tracks and T-shirt then moved to kitchen made a strong coffee and goes back to there room he placed the tray beside the bed and caressed her hair which was covering her face and tucked them behind her ear and said
Karthik -" ishu "
She hmmed and turned to other side showing him back and he again shooked her shoulder hardly and said
Karthik -" ishu endhiri ma "
( ishu wake up ma )
Ishu -" mama Pls just five minutes more "
She mumbled buring her face in pillow and he said
Karthik -" na coffee potarke endhiri ma "
( I have prepared coffee wake up ma )

And then Finally she woke up and sat still closing her eyes he smiled at her antics and kissed her cheek waking her up and said
Karthik -" good morning wifey "
She smiled and opening her eyes and said
Ishu -" good morning mama "
Karthik -" brush and come fast, or coffee will be cold "
Ishu -" hmm "
She moved to the washroom after finishing her chores she came out patting her face with a hand towel and sat beside him, he gave her coffee and sipped coffee from his cup and then she said
Ishu -" mama let's go and meet attai and mama at lunch time today "
He turned to her and said
Karthik -" OK, and In weekend we will visit sudha attai, mama and all "
Ishu -" done "
She said sipping her coffee, after few minutes he finished his coffee and said
Karthik -" what do you want to have in breakfast "
Ishu -" I will prepare mama "
Karthik -" no you take bath and get ready I will prepare "
Ishu -"  fine "
Karthik -" breakfast???? "
He asked her taking the empty cup from her and she said
Ishu -" nothing specific mama "
She got up and moved to the cupboard to fetch her clothes and he goes to the kitchen and then she moves to the washroom.

Karthik prepared simple vegetable kichadi with coconut chatni After finishing breakfast ishu was packing the things that she brought for sita and Krishnan it was twelve already, Karthik was in hall and he asked her from hall
Karthik -" ishu ready "
Ishu -" coming mama "
She said and came with a bag when he saw her he took bag from her and she smiled at his gesture, then both of them moved out after locking the main door.

They decided to go in bullet and Karthik started the bullet and ishu sat behind him holding the bag in one hand and other hand was wrapped around his waist for grip 😉😉😉.

They reached home in half an hour it was too hot outside and sun was is in full Form in heat, only sita was there in the home she greeted them and said
Sita -" you guys sit I will get u something to drink "
She goes inside and she comes back and served them cold drinks to beat the heat and all sat in hall and sita asked them
sita -" so how was your honeymoon "
She teased them hearing her ishu blushed and Karthik just chuckled and said
Karthik -" good "
He said ignoring her teasing comment and then she said
Sita -" that's good to hear "
When sita said ishu said changing the topic not to make awkward
Ishu -" attai I got few things for you and mama "
She opens the bag and took out a branded perfume set and gave to her and said
Ishu -" this is for mama "
Sita -" wow, another one addition in his collection "
Sita said as Krishnan likes perfume and he has a collection so ishu thought to gift him a new branded perfume, like father like daughter 
( Kavya ) both likes perfume. And she took a couple watch case and said
Ishu -" couple watch for both of you and you know what there is something special in this "
She was excited to show what's there in the watch and seeing her happy both mom and son duo was smiling and then sita smiled at her and asked
Sita -" what is that ???? "
Ishu -" your name is engraved on the back of the watch "
She opened the box and said pointing at the name which was written on the watch.
Sita -" it's really beautiful ishu, thank you so much da "
Sita said caressing her face And ishu smiled at her and gave sita few show pieces she got for home decoration and sita kept them in her room and came back and said
Sita -" OK guys let's have lunch then you can rest for sometime " 
When she said Karthik asked her
Karthik -" appa is not coming???? "
Sita -" no da he got in some work so he said he will join us for dinner "
Karthik just nodded his head and then  ishu stood up and said
Ishu -" OK attai let me help you "
Both goes into the kitchen and
Ishu helped her in setting the table and all had there lunch together sita has prepared dal rice and poriyal, appalam for lunch, and after that they sat in the hall ishu laid her head on Sita's lap and she was caressing her head, Karthik sat on the opposite sofa stretching his legs opposite to then ans then sita said
Sita -" kids take small nap you will be tired for journey and you have work also tomorrow "
Karthik -" not sleepy amma "
Ishu -" yes attai, let's sit and talk for sometime "
She said holding Sita's hand and then sita patted her head and said
Sita -" OK "
Then Ishu showed pics to sita which they clicked and telling the story where all they went and all, and she said how Karthik made her ride in
Para sailing and all, there pics was mailed to them from the tour guide where all they went.

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