part 34

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Ishu's pov :

After dinner we were going back to our flat I saw someone was lying on the road I turned back and saw mama was also not there, I got down from the scooty and moved towards the guy I was little bit hesitated.
Ishu -" neega yaaru enna aachi ungalka "
( who are you what happened to you)
But there was no reply from him I bend down my hand was shivering I shook his shoulder but he held my hand and stood up his grip on my hand tightened and he was smiling creeply at me
Ishu -" kaiya Vida da "
( leave my hand)
Man -" kaiya vidardhaka pudicha, mudiyadha "
( I didn't hold your hand to leave, I won't )
Then two other men came towards us I think they are his men
Ishu -" help, please Enna Vida "
( help,  please leave me)
I screamed for help but no one came
They were dragging me to the dark building it was like an old factory I was pleading them to leave me but they didn't hear any of my pleadings.

They dragged me inside and pushed me to the floor
Ishu -" please let me go "
I joined my hands pleading them but they were laughing at me.
Boy1 -" vidtaro Aana unna rasichi mudichadhaka aparam "
( we will leave you after satisfying us)
I was more scared now what they are going to do to me
He moved towards me I was moving backy back hit to wall I couldn't move further
Boy1 -" ippo Enga poova "
( now where you will go)
He tried to kiss me I pushed him with all my strength and slapped him
Boy1 -" ne Enna adhichitta Unna Summa vidamate de"
( you slapped me I won't spare you)
He came towards me held my hair and slapped me with force I fell on the floor tears were falling down and blood was coming from corner of my lips.

I was praying to god that someone to help me, where are you mama come fast please help me take me from here.

The other men came to boy1 and said
Boy2 -" modhala yaaru "
( who is first )
Boy1 -" I will "
I looked around to find any place to reach out and saw there was back shutter was open I silently moved towards the shutter but there was tugh on my hair I winched in pain
Boy2 -" ohh....... Thappika pakariya "
( ohh..... Trying to escape )
He pulled me from my shoulder with other hand but he tore my dress.
I tried to cover my shoulder he pushed me hard towards the other guy but my head banged to the wood table there
Ishu -" amma "
I held my head blood was coming
then every thing was blur I couldn't see anything clearly then darkness consumed me.

Karthik's pov :

I stared the car and drive I couldn't see ishu's scooty I think she has gone infront already then I saw one vehicle was there in middle of the road.

Who can it be parked the scooty in the road I got down and saw it was ishu's scooty.
where is she??????
why did she left the scooty here?????

Then I saw her one slipper and another one far away from the scooty
Karthik -" ishu " I helled loudly
I searched her in the surroundings
Karthik -" ishu Enga irraka "
( ishu where are you )
I was more anxious now
where is she??????
what happened to her?????

I searched her in the surroundings and I saw there was old building I moved towards that building saw door was closed I moved to other side to see any other way I saw shutter was opened little I moved inside through the shutter I was started to search her.

I came towards a room the saw three person was forcing on a girl who was unconscious I couldn't see her face I took my gun and said
Karthik -" what the hell is going on here????  "
They turned towards me and they were shocked to see me
Karthik -" what are you doing here and who is that girl "
They didn't answer trying to escape I beat them black and blue tied them to with the rope there.

I informed to station about them and
I moved towards the girl her face was covered with hair her hand was tied and her dress was torn in her shoulder.
I moved my hand towards her face to get clear view to see who is she?????
I was shocked to the core when I saw her face it was ishu she was unconscious.

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