part 5

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Author's pov:
In the evening Krishna's family came to ram's home after there work the time was seven when they reached.
All men are sitting in hall and talking about work ,political and politics.
And girls were in the kitchen preparing dinner with there chit chat session.  The dinner was ready all were settled in the dinning table for the dinner.
Krishnan-" Dai ram ippovachi Sollu da edhaka kuptana"
( ram tell us why did you call )
Ram-" there was a marriage proposal for ishu" when he said
All were looking at ram and Ishwarya.
Krishnan-" from whom da"
Ram-" Durai asked ishu's hand for his son murali da"
Sita-" what is he doing anna"
Ram-" he runs a company anni"
Krishnan -" what did you say ram"
Ram-" still I didn't say anything da I said that I want to discuss with my family "
Sita-" what do you think ishu"
Ishu-" I don't know attai" said bending her head
Sudha-" so we thought to call them on Sunday if ishu likes him we  will take next step "
Krishnan -" S ishu's decision comes first "
All finished there dinner and elders sat in the hall chatting among them.
And younger group settled in Rakshith's room,  ishu was sitting on the bed Kavya was lying her lap Rakshith and Karthik was sitting on the sofa opposite to the bed .
Kavya-" what do u think about the proposal de" Asked Ishwarya
Ishu -" I don't know anything de my mind is blank "
Rakshith -" Yaar what is there to rush about this matter "
Karthik-" let them come da If ishu likes him we will think about next da"
Said patting his shoulder
Kavya-" S ishu if u get married I will miss you dr"
Ishu-" Ne sollaradha Partha na nallike kalyanam panita poramadhiri irruke"
( you are taking as if I am marry and leave tomorrow only) 
Both boys were laughing at there sisters talk.
Karthik-" exam Eppo ma"
(when is ur exam ma)
Ishu-" innu time table varralla mama"
(Still time table not came mama)
Karthik-" OK ma"
Then they had there chitchat about college work and hospital .
The time was already 10 so Krishnan and his family decided to leave and come tomorrow.
Ishu was telling Kavya to stay at her tonight but Kavya was telling her to ask her parents.
Ishu-" attai Kavya inneke ingaya irrukatum naliki Sunday thaane " asked sita
( attai let Kavya stay here tonight and even tomorrow is Sunday)
Sita looks at her husband he nods his head and said
Krishnan -" stay here with Karthik and return tomorrow evening with us"
Kavya and ishu -" thank you appa/mama" and hugs him her patted there head,
Karthik -" OK dad call us when u reach home "
Krishnan -" OK da bye everyone "
Krishnan and sita bid bye to them moves to the car.
Here all said in the hall
Ram-" so Karthik eppadi irraka vela eppadi podhu"
( so Karthik how are you how is the work going)
Karthik was lying his head in sudha's lap she was running her fingers in his hair
Karthik -" good mama got new case of drug mama" said closing his eyes
Sudha-" are you taking you food at time or not "
Before he could reply Kavya said
Kavya -" he comes home late attai and skips his food " said smiling
Sudha-" Enna da idhu valarra pulla Sapta thane"
(what is this da you should eat at time in this young age)
Karthik-" sari attai I won't skip my food I was busy in work"
Sudha-" so Eppo kalyanam pannradha mudiva Karthik "
( so when are you planning to marry Karthik)
Karthik-" what is so urgent attai"
Ram-" what early man when I was in your age Rakshith was born da"
All girls and ram were laughing
Rakshith-" first Karthik will Marry then I will " said eyeing at Karthik
Karthik -" ya da nalla thanne poita irrundachi"
( why da all was going well right)
Sudha-" both of get married soon and give me and sita Anni a daughter in law"
Karthik-" when I will get a girl like you I will marry beautiful " said flirtingly
Ram-" oye stop flirting with my wife da get your own "
All young said together -" very possessive aa" said teasing them.
Sudha-" it's already late go to your room kids"
Ishu -" OK dad  good night "
Ram -" good night ishu"
Ishu and Kavya goes to ishu's room and boys said good night and goes to Rakshith's room .

Ishu's room
Ishu and Kavya lying on the bed
Ishu -" Kavya u like Rakshith Anna right "
Kavya was shocked by the sudden question and stammers
Kavya -" what r u talking ishu"
Ishu-" don't lie to me de"
Kavya was silent and don't know what to answer her question
Ishu-" Sollu de"
(tell me)
Kavya -" S like him but I don't know if he likes me or not " said sad smile
Ishu-" Ooo Kavya I am so happy for you don't  worry Anna will also like you and u will be my future anni"
*Anni: means brother's wife *
Kavya-" ishu atop teasing me " said blushing covered her face with her hands
Ishu-" you are blushing wow"
Said and hugged her
Ishu -" but seriously I am so happy for you"
# kavya and Rakshith likes each other but they didn't know about the feelings yet #
After teasing and laughing they slept.

Rakshith's room
They both laid on the bed
Karthik -" so how is life going man"
Rakshith -" good man and any girlfriend"
Karthik rools his eye and said
Karthik -" I am not interested man"
Rakshith -" man you are straight right,  you are not ready to marriage and no girlfriend " said teasing him
Karthik took the pillow and smack his head said
Karthik -" dude I am straight just not ready for commitment da"
Rakshith-"thank god I thought my cousin cum best friend is........ "
Before he complete both startes pillow fight.
Rakshith -" how is rudra it's been long time I have seen him"
Karthik-" he is good and we both are working together in a case"
Rakshith-" ok "
Both laid on the bed laughing and drifted to sleep.

In morning in Rakshith room the alarm rang from Karthik's phone and he woke up and saw 5'O clock he wakes up Rakshith and moves to washroom to freshen up and Rakshith gives his pair of tracks and T-shirt to Karthik and went to freshen up.
Both moved to lawn backside of the house and started jogging.

After there jogging moved inside the house saw sudha was preparing coffee.
Karthik-"  good morning attai "
Rakshith -" good morning amma "
Sudha-" good morning guys go finish your bath end come and till then I will prepare breakfast "
Both said-" OK " and moved to the room and took bath came down and saw ram was sitting in the hall reading newspaper and sipping his coffee
Ram-" good morning guys"
Rakshith and Karthik -" good morning mama/appa"
Sat on the sofa sudha came with coffee and served them
Rakshith -" amma ishu Kavya Enga ma"
( where is ishu and Kavya amma)
Sudha-" innu thoongranga da"
(they ate still sleeping da)
Karthik-" at what time durai uncle and his son will come mama"
Ram-" they will join us to lunch da"
Karthik-" OK "
They finished there coffee
Sudha-" Rakshith wake up the girls "
Rakshith -" let them sleep amma anyway today Is Sunday "
Sudha-" no wake up them let them help me in the kitchen "
Rakshith-" ok"

Rakshith moves to ishu's room and knocks the door and enters saw both of them sleeping peacefully rolled to the Bedsheet  he goes towards ishu tries to wake up her
Rakshith-" ishu wake up da " said caressed her head.
Ishu-" Anna let me sleep 5 more minutes please "
Said and snuggled to bedsheet covering her face
Rakshith -" ishu wake up Amma was calling you to help her in the kitchen "
Ishu wakes up fully and sits on the bed and rubs her eyes
Ishu -" OK I am up I will come down after taking bath "
Rakshith -" OK wake up Kavya also and come down "
Rakshith moves out of the room and goes down.
Ishu wakes up Kavya
Ishu-" Kavya get up let's go down and help amma in the kitchen "
Kavya -" OK first you take bath then will till then let me sleep " said covering her face with the bedsheet
Ishu shakes her head and goes to bathroom to take bath and comes outside and wakes up Kavya.
Both got ready and moved downwards.  The time was 10 and they saw ram Rakshith and Karthik was sitting on the sofa
Ishu and Kavya -" good morning "
All -" good morning "
Wished them and both moved to kitchen and saw cutting vegetables
Sudha-" good morning girls"
Botg-" good morning "
Said both sat on the dinning table
Sudha-" I will give you coffee then we will prepare lunch together "
She served coffee to them and again started to cut the vegetables
Then they all prepared biryani rice, chicken kabbab, chicken gravy, chilli chicken as main dish and cake pudding for desert.
The time was 12:45 sudha told the girls to change and Krishnan, sita came. Krishnan sat with men and sita moved to kitchen
Sita-" lunch ready "
Sudha-" S anni"
Sita-" ishu Kavya enga"
(where is ishu and Kavya)
Sudha-" they went to change"
Sita-"OK "
They moved to hall and they heard calling  bell sound ram moved towards door and opened saw Durai and his son murali was standing
Ram-" hello durai murali come inside"
Leaded them inside the house and all sat on the sofa
Durai-" how r u Rakshith"
Rakshith -" I am fine uncle "
Ram-" how murali how is business going "
Murali-" I am fine uncle business Is going good and got new contract "
Sudha brought water and served both of them
Ram-" this Krishnan my Best friend cum brother and his wife sita Anni and there son Karthik and younger daughter kavya "And introduce them
To durai
Krishnan-" sudha go and call ishu"
Sudha goes to ishu's room to call her.

Done with part 5
So friends how was the part 5 do vote and comment.
Thank you friends
Yours Sam 😊😊

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