part 55

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Author's pov :

All went out of the room except Karthik leaving him and ishu alone for some couple time which was most  needed for them. He was staring at her without talking single word so She decided to break the silence and called him
Ishu -" mama "
When she called him in her low voice she signed him through her eyes to come near
He took slow foot steps towards her and sat on the chair, she looked into his eyes and saw many emotions was flooded. She know he was worried for her and she said
Ishu -" r u not going to talk to me Mr. Husband "
She asked him with the hint humor sense in her voice, he bend down and kissed her forehead said
Karthik -" don't try to pull any stunt like this again, I can't afford to loose you ishu "
She weakly smiled at him and said
Ishu -" I feel thirsty get me water mama "
She said clearing her throat and he  took the bottle from the side table and made her the drink water slowly and smoothly wiped the water from her lips. She was so fragile at this moment and even he was scared to touch her. He was still staring at her face as he was trying to capture her in his eyes and she said
Ishu -" how many days I was unconscious mama "
Karthik -" more than two days ma "
He said caressing her hair
Ishu -" OK "
She tried to nod her head but she felt little pain in her neck
Karthik -" how are you ishu do you feel pain anywhere "
He asked her seeing her trying to shake her head and she said
Ishu -" a little I don't feel more pain mama my body is numb, I think due to medicine"
Karthik -" OK,  you take rest I will be outside "
He said while standing up from the chair but she held his hand with her hand stopping him and said
Ishu -" you sit here only mama "
He smiled at her and kissed her hand and sat on his seat back, she absorved his face and saw he had Dark circles under his eyes, and he didn't shave had stuble on his cheeks, his hair was falling on his face hiding his face and she said
Ishu -" what have you done to yourself mama, you totally look like mini version of devdasss "
She said at him in teasing way he chuckled at her and said
Karthik -" what to do my wife was decided to scare shit out of me and I  didn't had time to groom ourselves pondati "
He said playfully mocking at her she rolled her eyes at him and said
Ishu -" I didn't do anything intentionally mama "
Then he remembers the talk and reading the case file so he asked her
Karthik -" where were you doing and that too in the midnight "
When she heard him her face changed into tensed but she composed herself and said
Ishu -" stop Investigating with me mama I am already patient you know"
She said playfully and then again aksed him changing the topic
Ishu -" where is appa and Krishnan mama "
He clearly absorved her from starting how her face changed but he let it go for now and answered her
Karthik -" they had some important work so they went out ma "
there was knock on the door then Krishnan and ram came inside seeing them Karthik said
Karthik -" here they came, she was asking for you only "
Krishnan moved to her and asked caressing her hair
Krishnan -" so here we are, how are ishu "
Ishu -" I am fine mama "
She looked at her father who was still tensed seeing him like that she said
Ishu -" don't worry Appa I am alright "
He nodded his head and kissed her forehead. Then they were talking to her asking about her health, she answered them with a small nod and single words as she was still weak. Then she drift to sleep while talking due to medicine. Seeing her sleeping smile formed on there faces and all moved out side silently.

All were there outside and Rakshith said
Rakshith -" so all of you go home now and take some rest I will be with ishu tonight "
But then Karthik said as he want to be with her by her side
Karthik -" I will stay at night Rakshith"
Ram -" no you are not staying, look at yourself Karthik you Need some good sleep and food da go take rest you can come tomorrow da "
Karthik -" I am fine mama I will stay here "
He tried to convence them but then sudha said
Sudha -" no means no you are going home and you can come to hospital tomorrow Karthik "
She scolded him like a mother and asked him to go home he agreed nodding his head, Krishnan and sita was smiling at them.
Karthik -" OK fine "
Krishnan -" OK then let's leave for now "
Ram -" OK "
All moved out of the hospital except Rakshith as he was with ishu tonight.
Karthik left in his jeep to his apartment sita asked him to stay with them but he denied her saying he will come some other time. Ram, sudha and kavya goes in one car and Krishnan and sita goes in other car towards there home.

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