part 3

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Author's pov:
Karthik goes to the station as he enters all wished him he nods his head and directly goes to his cabin and started to read some case files.
Then suddenly a man enters his cabin without knocking the door and sat on the chair, Karthik rools his eye as he know who is it is
Rudra-" good morning da"
Karhik-" very good morning"he says sarcastically.
Rudra smiles sheepishly at him
Karthik -" what r u doing here early morning "
Rudra-" can't I come see my friend"
Karthik gives him look "like seriously"
Rudra- "OK fine I came here to discuss about the drug case"
Karthik-" yeah I was reading that file only do many students got addicted to it "
Rudra-" yeah we should solve this case as soon as possible "
Karthik -" S but we should get order from our higher-ups it's a big case many main heads are involved " said to him
Then the stared to discuss about the case.

And in the other side girls entered the
college walks In the corridor and moves to the class as they entered settled in there places.
As the pyscology professor entered the class became silent and she stared to take attendance and starts the class, after few minutes the class was really boring some of them are chatting and some of them are listening to her lecture
Kavya-" ishu, bhavya class rombha mokkaya podhu de"
(ishu, bhavya the class is really boring Yaar)
Bhavya-" shhh.... Concentrate on the class kavya"
Kavya glares at her
Kavya-" look at the hole class majority are not listening to her lecture its so boring "she whined like a kid
Ishu-" so what we have to clear this subject as we are in final year dr"
Kavya makes grumpy face and tries to concentrate on the class.
After that the class ends. There next class was anatomy and physiology classes because that class was lab so it was interesting.
Finally at 2clock  there classes ended as they decided to go for shopping as they planned goes to parking to take there scooty.
Ishu and Bhavya in ishu's scooty and Kavya in bhavya's scooty they reached prozone mall near there college.
They entered the mall and goes to life style store and started there shopping

They entered the mall and goes to life style store and started there shopping

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And they stared to select jeans tops and few kurta, leggings.
They trailed there dresses as they suit them and fit them or not after shopping for long time they paid there bill and came out of life style.
They did window shopping by roaming in the mall, and brought few cosmetics and footware etc..,,,
Kavya-" guys I am hungry let's grab some food "
Ishu and Bhavya nods there head in agreement and moves to food court.
ishu,  bhavya sat on the near table and Kavya goes to burger king moved to the counter and ordered crispy chicken sandwich, fries and blueberry with extra ice(My favourite 😋😋).

 ishu,  bhavya sat on the near table and Kavya goes to burger king moved to the counter and ordered crispy chicken sandwich, fries and blueberry with extra ice(My favourite 😋😋)

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When the order ready bhavya goes to collect the food and brought to the table they stared to eat with chitchat and girls gossip session

When the order ready bhavya goes to collect the food and brought to the table they stared to eat with chitchat and girls gossip session

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After finishing there food ishu moved towards cash counter and piss the bill and they exited the mall.
They bid bye to each other and moved to there respective homes,  ishu goes in her scooty and bhavya drops Kavya in her home.

Ishu's pov:
Today's pyscology class was boring yet we tried to concentrate on the class but other classes were OK.  After the class we went to shopping and burger king we enjoyed and had fun.
As I entered home I saw Amma was sitting in the hall selecting some designs for the event as she runs event management, when she saw me smiles and I sat beside her laid my head in lap she caressed my head and asked
Sudha-" ishu how was the shopping da?????"
I-" it was nice mom"
Sudha-"do u want anything to eat"
I-" no ma we had at burger king"
Sudha-" it's not good for health ishu to eat outside"
I-" chill ma nothing happens I don't eat regularly "
She sighs at me
Sudha-" what did you brought in shopping "
I-" I brought jeans tops and kurta ma"
I showed her the dress which I brought she liked them.
Sudha-" OK you go and freshen up "
I moved to my room and freshen up and changed into comforts and laid on the bed checking my social media and message in my what's app and spent my time till dinner.
After some time I go downstairs saw appa and Anna was discussing something about hospital when they saw me smiled and I smiled back moved to kitchen and saw Amma was setting the table and I helped her appa and Anna came to dinner table and sat
I -" how was the day appa, anna"
Ram-" it was good "
Rakshith -" it was OK I had two surgeries today"
I-" how was it" asked with excitement
He chuckled and said
Rakshith-" it was good soon you will also experience da "
I nod my head had my dinner and after dinner said good night and left to my room and laid on the bed closed my eyes to consume some sleep.

Karthik's pov:
After discussing about the drug case I got a call from higher-ups to the meeting.
K-" sari kelambha pollam"
(come on let's go)  said to rudra he was staring at me in confusion
Rudra-" Enga da ???"
(where???? )
Karthik-" meeting da just now I got call come on hurry up "
Rudra-" ohh....  Ok"
We moved to the meeting as we entered the hall saw our higher-ups was present we saluted them with stiff body
Officer-" hello Karthik and rudra "
Both-" hello sir "
Officer-" take your seat young man so I called you to inform that you both are going to handle the hole drug case project "
We both smiled and said -" yes sir "
Officer-" and I believe you guys that you will complete this case"
Karthik-" we will sir"
And he handovers us the file and few details about the case.
As exited the office rudra hugged me and said
Rudra -" this case is going to be challenging and interesting dude "
Karthik-" yes"
After that we both bid bye and rudra goes to his house and I moved towards mine
I stay at my parents only in week ends and in week days I moved to my apartment after my training and now I stay in my double bedroom apartment because I don't want them to be in any problem and threads because of my profession and I need privacy because I reach late at night not any specific time.
I reached my apartment and moved to lift press 13th floor waited till its reach the floor the door opens with     "ding" sound.
I opened my apartment door moved in and locked the door and go to bathroom to take shower and changed to only night pant as I don't wear T-shirt when I sleep 😉, filled my stomach with Maggi as I was in no mood to cook.
And I laid on my bed closing the eye thing about the case from where to start and don't know when sleep took over me.

Done with part 3
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Thank you friends
Yours Sam 😊😊

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