part 11

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Karthik's pov:
Tonight we are going to raid in the Ice factory and the time was already 1:45 and all our team members are in there position without giving any clue to opponent.
Then two car and a truck came in and few men get down and moved inside with bags in there hand the main head and the minister were talking.
Rudra-" shall we move in" he asked me in Bluetooth.
Karthik-" no wait " I replied
Then the main head and minister stood up from chair and was about to move out
Karthik-" now "
As I said our team members surrounded them but in defence they started to fire there gun
Karthik-" hide and fire"
We started to fire by hiding them then the head was about to shoot Prasad I shoot him in the head.
Then we ceased the drug bags and arrested the minister and took him to our custody and we came out of the factory
Rudra went to open the truck door and he called us
Rudra-" guys take a look here "
We all moved to the truck and saw it has drug boxes in the truck.
We ceased all the drugs and then I remembered
Karthik -" did anyone got hurt " I asked them
Vaishnavi -" no man all fine "
Said and I turned to rudra and said
Karthik-" you wait here till the body is sent to postmortem "
He nods his head and we all headed to station.
When we reached the police station I was about to lock the minister in the cell
Minister-" don't mess with me DCP , don't you know who I am "
He started to thread me I am pissed off now
Karthik -" shut your fucking mouth and sit there quietly " I roared at him he went and sat down in the cell I locked the cell and moved to my cabin and placed the key in the locker.
Then I moved out of the station and headed to head office.
Officer-" congrats Karthik you did it"
Karthik -" it's a team work sir by our team "
Officer pats my shoulder and said
Officer-" OK young man then send me the postmortem report and forensic report "
Karthik -" yes sir "
And then headed to the station and saw rudra was there
Rudra-" here are the reports man" I took from him and said
Karthik-" keep one copy with us and submit original in head office " and then we both sat on the chair waiting for the report copy then rudra ve gave me the report and said
Rudra-" I will submit the report and I am going home "
Karthik -" OK "
He goes out and I kept the file in the safe and locked it.

Then is reached my apartment parked my jeep and moved to the lift waiting for my floor the time was 10 in the morning and then the lift door opened I unlocked the door and closed the door and slept on the bed without changing my energy level was down and It was really exhausting day.

Ishu's pov:
I woke up at 5 in the morning I changed into kurta and jeans with jacket because it was cold in the early morning I moved down with my bag saw amma Anna and appa was waiting for me.
Ishu-" good morning "
All-" good morning "
Sudha-" come on ishu have some breakfast "
Ishu-" it's too early for breakfast amma "
Sudha-"but...... "and appa cutted her in middle and said
Ram-" then have juice and pack the breakfast sudha she can have while  travelling "
Sudha-" OK I will pack" she said and moved to kitchen
Ram-" ishu have food in time and take care of yourself "
Ishu-" OK appa"
Rakshith-" and ishu come back soon I gonna miss you " said and side
hugged me
Ishu-" miss you too anna"
Then Amma came with juice and Tiffan box she handed me juice kept the box in my bag.
Rakshith-" appa it's already 6:30 we should leave now or we will be late"
Ram-" OK "
Then we all sat in the car Anna was driving the car and appa was sitting beside him, me and amma was sitting back I laid my head on Amma's shoulder and closed my eyes.
Then we reached college there was many students with there parents, and I saw bhavya was standing with anbu uncle they came towards us.
Anbu-" how are you ram sudha anni"
Ram-" fine Anbu how do you do"
Sudha-" fine Anna "
Anbu-" good man"
Then Kavya attai mama came
Krishnan-" good morning guys "
All-" good morning "
Krishnan-" so anbu how are it's been long time seen you "
Anbu-" I am good just busy in work "
Then appa phone started to ring he went side to attend the call after few minutes he came back and said
Ram-" durai and murali are coming "
He informed us.
Later durai uncle and murali came
Durai-" so Ishwarya all set to go "
I bend down to take blessing and said
Ishu-" S uncle "
I turned to murali and saw him and smiled at him and he returned the smile.
All moved aside giving some time to talk
Ishu-" hi "
Murali-" hello, where is the camp"
Ishu-" it's outskirts of rural area"
Murali-" OK take care "
Ishu-" OK you too"
Then we all moved toward the bus it's time to leave .
Sudha-" girls have food in time and take care of yourself "
Ram -" S and come back soon I am gonna miss you " said and hugged me
Rakshith-" inform us when you reach and keep us updated "
Then we bid bye to all and sat in the bus three seats side, i sat near the window. Kavya and Bhavya was sleeping when they sat in the seat I plugged earphone and played Illayaraja sir's music I drift to sleep.

Married To police officer Where stories live. Discover now