Part 14

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Author's pov :
Morning ishu got up early and dressed in blue color salwar suit and moved downwards saw sudha was preparing breakfast
Ishu-" good morning amma"
Sudha-" good morning ishu up got ready early today "
Ishu-" S amma I have to submit assignment today "
Sudha-" OK first have breakfast and then go "
Ishu-" OK amma"
Ishu sat on the dinning table then ram and Rakshith came
Ram and Rakshith -" good morning ishu "
Ishu -" good morning "
Ram-" Rakshith go and collect few sample for invitation da"
Rakshith -" OK appa I will "
They finished there breakfast and moved towards there respective work.
Then ishu reached college and then
Ishu, Kavya and Bhavya moved towards there class room
Kavya-" have you finished your assignment "
Ishu and Bhavya nods there head in yes
Bhavya -" have u finished yours "
Kavya -" S "
Ishu-" OK we will submit in afternoon and then we will go home "
Both -" OK "
Bhavya -" have you started exam preparation "
Ishu-" not yet but from today I will "
Then they attended the class they submitted there assignment and went to canteen to have food.
Then a attender came and said
Attender-" who is Ishwarya here professor is calling you she is in chemistry lab "
He said goes from there
Kavya -" why Is that professor Is calling you "
Ishu-" OK I will go and check, you both wait for me at main gate I will come "
Ishu goes to the chemistry lab and Kavya, bhavya moved to college main gate.
And there was a person who was watching all this with evil smrik on the face.
It's non other then shruthi she was the one who paid the attender to send ishwarya in chemistry lab to take her revenge.
She followed Ishwarya till she enters the lab.
Ishu kept her bag outside in the bag stand and went inside and saw whole lab was empty then shruthi locks the door from outside.

Ishu's pov:
We all submitted our assignment and we're in canteen then a attender came and said that professor is calling me so said Kavya and Bhavya to wait for me near main gate.
And I moved towards the lab I feel like someone was there in my back when I turned no one was there then I kept my bag outside and went inside the whole lab was empty professor was also not there I turned around to moved towards the door try to open but it was locked.
Ishu-" open the door anyone here open the door I am stuck inside the lab"
I was shouting but there was no response.
Then I saw some gas was leaking It was toxic gas I moved towards the door and banged the door
Ishu-" anybody there please open the door chemical gas is leaked inside the door"
Ishu-" please open the door I am stuck inside " I was banging the door with my hands then I started to cough and I can't breath I tried to open the windows of the lab but it was locked I was trying my level best to get out of this lab but all my efforts failed.
I sit against the door coughing more my vision got blur and the last thing I fainted down darkness consumed me.

Author's pov :
Shruthi locked the door from outside and leaked the toxic gas from window and Locked the window.
Shruthi -" now you know the consequences of messing with shruthi"
Said herself and took ishu's phone from her bag and typed the message to Kavya
" I am going home its urgent you and bhavya go home I will call you later "
She smriked and sent the message
Shruthi -" now no one is going to help you "
She was hearing ishu's voice to open the door then she went from there.

Kavya and Bhavya was waiting for ishu in the main gate then Kavya got message from ishu
Kavya -" she is going home bhavya she texted me "
And showed her message then both left to there respective home .

In ishu's home sudha was waiting for ishu but she didn't come yet she thought that she was with Kavya and Bhavya it was six in the evening.
It was late ishu never stayed out of house without informing so sudha called Kavya
Sudha-" hello Kavya Enga Ma irrakinga"
( hello Kavya where are you all)
Kavya -" attai na veetala irraka "
( I am in home attai)
Sudha-" give me phone to ishu ma"
Kavya -" attai ishu is not here she left college after class and told us that she going to home "
Sudha-" ishu still didn't came home Kavya check whether is she with Bhavya or not "
Then she cutted the call and Kavya called bhavya and asked about Kavya but bhavya also said that ishu is not there then Kavya informed sita and Krishnan about ishu is missing they decided to go to ishu's house.

Here sudha call to ram
Sudha-" hello ram"
Ram-" solla sudha Enna aachi "
( tell me sudha what happened)
Sudha-" ram ishu still didn't came home she is not with her friends also "
Ram-" OK I will check in her college don't worry "
Then ram called Rakshith he came inside ram's cabin
Rakshith -" what happened appa "
Ram-" ishu still didn't came home da she is not with Bhavya and Kavya also"
Rakshith was shocked worried for his sister
Rakshith -" appa ishu never gone anywhere without informing us"
Ram-" let's go to her college and check there da"
Both goes to there and moved to college and ram went and asked watchman
Ram-" any classes is going on still "
Watchman -" no sir college was closed in afternoon only "
Ram-" r u sure "
Watchman -" yes sir there is no classes is going on "
Ram-" is students are still inside "
Watchman -" no sir all students went in afternoon only no one is there"
Both ram and Rakshith moved to home to see whether she came home or not.
Ram and Rakshith goes inside the sudha saw them and goes to them and asked
Sudha-" where is ishu did you saw her" asked them they were silent didn't answer
Sudha-" ram where is my daughter " she cried hugging him
Ram-" we will find her nothing is going to happen to her "

Then Krishnan sita Kavya bhavya came there they saw sudha was crying in ram's shoulder.
Sita-" sudha don't cry nothing is going to happen to our ishu "
Sudha was crying thinking about her daughter.
Sita turned to Krishnan and told
Sita-" Krishnan call Karthik ask him to find ishu "
Then Krishnan call Karthik
Krishnan -" hello Karthik where are you "
Karthik -" hello appa I am going to home what happened appa you are tensed "
Krishnan -" ishu is missing da "
Karthik was shocked
Karthik -" what....... where can she go dad did you check in her college "
Krishnan-" yes ram and Rakshith went to college watchman said all students went no one is there in the college "
Karthik -" OK appa wait I am coming "
In ten minutes Karthik came to ishu's home.
Karthik -" did you call her cell phone "
Rakshith -" her phone is switched off da"
Karthik was thinking about something and said
Karthik -" Rakshith come with me "
Krishnan -" where are you going da"
Karthik turnrd to saw sudha was crying on Sita's shoulder he goes to her cupped her face and rubbed her tears and said
Karthik -" come on beautiful don't cry I will find ishu and bring her back to you "
Sudha was crying and hugged him
Sudha-" Karthik bring my ishu back da"
Karthik -" I will but please don't cry "
Then he gave assuring smile to ram and went outside with Rakshith.
Then Karthik took phone from his pocket and called rudra
Karthik -" hello rudra it's an emergency da "
Rudra-" what happened Karthik "
Karthik -" ishu is missing da I will send you ishu's number go to control room and check where is her exact location "
Rudra -" OK I will inform you in ten minutes "
Then he cutted the call saw Rakshith was In deep thoughts Karthik kept his hand on Rakshith's shoulder
Karthik -" nothing is going to happen to ishu "
Rakshith -" I hope so "
Then Karthik got call from rudra he putted in speaker and said
Karthik-" did you got the location "
Rudra -" S it shows in her college only da I will reach there come soon"
Rakshith -" thanks rudra "
Rudra-" she is sister for me also OK come soon"
Both Karthik and Rakshith reached there saw rudra was waiting for them
Karthik -" let us go in "
Watchman -" no sir you can't go inside"
Rakshith -" what the hell my sister is missing we came to check here "
Watchman -" no sir I can't let you in my Job will be gone "
Rudra-" we are police officer let us in"
Then he showed his ID and then the watchman let them in.
Karthik -" OK we will go and search in different directions "
All were searching her in different directions then Karthik came towards a room and saw smoke was coming out of the room from below the door he tried to open the room but it was not working he was searching something to break door lock then he saw fire Extinguisher.

 Karthik -" OK we will go and search in different directions "All were searching her in different directions then Karthik came towards a room and saw smoke was coming out of the room from below the door he tried to open the room but it was not wor...

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He took it and broke the lock and opened the door and saw the scene that shocked him.
The screen was divided into two parts one was Karthik's shocked face and another was Rakshith and rudra seraching for ishu.

Done with part 14
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Yours Sam 😊

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