part 46

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Ishu's pov :

I was in Amma's home now mama dropped me here and went to work in the morning.
Here I was instructing the workers to remove old screen from windows doors and add new decorative items in the house. It was already five in the evening then I moved to the kitchen and saw amma was making coffee
Sudha -" ishu here give this to your patti ma "
Amma said passing the tray to me but I didn't took the tray and said
# patti means grandma #
Ishu -" amma me "
Sudha -" please da chella for me, and just greet her ma "
She requested me to give to patti and I took the tray and said
Ishu -" OK "
and I moved towards the guest room then I knocked the door waiting for her reply
Patti -" come in "
She called me from then I moved inside I was felling like I am entering some lion's den or should I say scary house.
Ishu -" patti coffee "
I said in low voice because she doesn't likes me from childhood and doesn't talks to me properly and taunts me now and then whenever she sees she gets chance, so I always avoid talking to her, and that is one of the reason she didn't attend my marriage. Even I asked amma why she behaves with me like this then amma told that she always wanted another male grandchild from amma but i was born and due to complications they didn't plan for another child. Patti has a  thought that only male children looks after there parents and female are going to someone's house so they should be stay in there limits. As she was against when I was joining to my medical, as she wants me to get married she doesn't like girls getting educated more and all. Then appa went against her wish to joined me to the college. It was like glowing air to the burning fire.
Patti -" will you bring here should I come there to take the cup "
When she said I came out of my thoughts and apologized to her
Ishu -" sorry "
I moved to her and gave the cup I was about to go out but she stopped me
Patti -" so I heard that your groom ran away from the marriage and Karthik got married to you, didn't he got any girl that he married you out of all the girls in the world."
I didn't say anything I closed my eyes tightly not to let the tears to flow and show her my weakness before she could say something amma came inside and said
Sudha -" ishu appa is searching for you go fast "
I moved out of the room and straightly moved to the kitchen let the tears flow which i have held this time then amma kept hand on my shoulder and I hugged her in return
Ishu -" amma "
I couldn't say anything just sobbed on her shoulder she caressed my head and said
Sudha -" it's OK ishu I heard what she said and don't take her words to your heart and more than that you are leading happy life with Karthik and that's enough for us da "
Ishu -" why does she hates me amma "
Sudha -" you know when I was pregnant she always used to tell that I should give birth to male child only there was a fear in me when you and Rakshith was born ma. But me and your appa always wished for a girl and here you are, and you know girls are the happiness of the family. And you are papa's princess. "
Then Anna came inside calling amma
Rakshith -" amma "
When he saw us hugging he came towards us and asked
Rakshith -" amma what happened and ishu why are you crying "
He asked looking at me we broke the hug and I wiped my tears and said
Ishu -" no why would I cry "
Rakshith -" ishu you are really bad at lying so don't even try that OK "
Sudha -" patti taunted her about her  marriage da "
When amma said Anna's face turned into red in anger
Ishu -" anna "
Before I could say anything he cutted me middle and said
Rakshith -" what is her problem ma why can't she keep her mouth shut "
Sudha -" Rakshith "
Rakshith -" sorry amma but she doesn't deserve respect if she hurts my sister "
He said side hugging me I rested my head on his shoulder
Rakshith -" and you ishu why can't you answer her back when you are not at fault "
He said and worried about me then I tried to divert the topic and said
Ishu -" OK now let it go tell me why did you came here "
Rakshith -" nice try changing topic ha"
I turned to amma to help then she said
Sudha -" rakshu leave that da now tell me why are you here??? "
Rakshith -" appa asked me to take money from you which he gave yesterday and told me to give advance to the hall as he is asking full payment now "
Sudha -" OK ishu here give money to him it is blue color bag in the locker da I have see the guests ma "
She said giving me the locker key which was in tied to her Pallu.
Ishu -" OK "
We both moved to Amma's room and I opened the locker and gave the money to him which was in cover as she said I locked it securely after checking it again.
Ishu -" Anna are you busy "
I asked him while coming out of the room he turned to me and said
Rakshith -" after paying money I am free da why "
Ishu -" I have to take dress from tailor which I gave to stich Anna "
Rakshith -" OK you get changed we will pay the advance first then we will take dress while returning "
Ishu -" thanks Anna "
I said smiling at him he can never say no to me he patted my head and said
Rakshith -" loosu come fast I will be waiting for you in the car parking "
I nod my head moved to my room and changed into kurta and jeans taking my purse and phone I moved the kitchen.
Ishu -" amma I will back in an hour or so "
Sudha -" where are you going "
Ishu -" to the tailor amma don't worry Anna Is coming with me "
Sudha -" OK, and ishu bring few items while returning ma "
She wrote a list and handed me the list and I said looking at the list as it was grocery items.
Ishu -" anything else "
Sudha -" no go safely ma and come soon "
Ishu -" bye amma "
Sudha -" bye "
I came outside and saw Anna was standing near the bike he said looking at me
Rakshith -" come let's go "
Ishu -" Anna lets go in car amma told me to bring some groceries and all we can't keep that in bike "
Rakshith -" OK wait here I will bring car key "
I nod my head he went inside then my phone ringed I saw the caller smile automatically came into my face.
Ishu -" hello "
Karthik -" hello pondati, what are you doing "
He said in cheerful tone I missed hearing his voice today.
Ishu -" going out with Anna to buy some groceries, and you "
Karthik -" just now I came home ma our home feels empty without you "
He said in sad voice
Ishu -" then come here "
I said teasing him
Karthik -" are you sure "
Cheerful tone came again but after reply he sighed at my comment
Ishu -" hey mama if you come now then you have to leave early in the morning to reach station Simply loosing your sleep don't stress yourself mama "
Karthik -" but I miss you what to do "
Ishu -" me too "
Then I saw Anna coming then I said to mama
Ishu -" mama I will call you later first you freshen up and eat something "
Karthik -" OK bye ma "
Ishu -" bye mama "
Then I cutted the call, Anna came to me and said
Rakshith -" what is your husband saying "
He asked me sitting inside the car I too sat beside him in front.
Ishu -" nothing he just came from duty so called me "
He started to drive the car
Rakshith -" so how is life going "
Ishu -" good "
I said smiling at him as I thought about my life with mama.
Rakshith -" I am happy to know that my little sis happy "
He was more concerned about me among the family members always he is a fatherly figure, best friend etc..,,  to me and I can list more.
Ishu -" do did your Fiance called you "
Rakshith -" yeah last night, she was nervous about the sudden changes and marriage and all "
Ishu -" it's OK she will be alright it's normal that every girl feels like this "
I said looking at her road I was too nervous at my time now I am happy with my mama.
Then we reached the marriage hall and paid amount to the owner, and we went to tailor shop after that we moved to the supermarket and we brought the groceries in the list.
While We were returning back to home but Anna stopped the car in middle I aksed him
Ishu -" Anna what happened???? "
Rakshith -" get down let's have ice cream it's been long time we had together "
Ishu -" OK "
We both got down Anna brought my favorite double choco chip for both of us.
Rakshith -" don't worry about what she said da just ignore her "
He said to me looking at me I just  replied him
Ishu -" hmm,  but I don't understand why she behaves with me like this. And she talks to kavya nicely I mean I am complaining or other things but I don't understand why she always shows her hatred towards me "
Rakshith -" I know da even I don't know so she will go after the marriage she won't be there to hurt you so don't worry about her "
Ishu -" hmm "
Then we finished our ice cream talking about random things like before. We reached home  Rakshith Anna instructed the workers to take the bag and we moved inside saw amma was in hall when she saw us entering

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