part 50

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Author's pov :

It was five thirty in the morning, and the morning breeze was blowing inside the room through the open window both couples were cuddling  to each other in arms while sleeping with the warm quilt above them.
Then the alarm goes on starts to ring on the side table near there bed.
There beauty sleep of the couple gets disturbed
Ishu -" mama off the alarm "
She mumbled in sleep while snuggling more into him.
He moved his body little and offed the alarm still having her in his arms, saw outside from the window it was still dark. Then he saw the beauty sleeping in his arms his kitten. He tucked the hair behind her ear which was covering his view of her angelic face and he kissed her forehead saw her lips stretched upwards little forming a   smile feeling his touch and him beside her in the sleep, he smiled that she can recognize his touch in the sleep also . He wrapped his one hand around her pulled her more closer to him feeling her soft and warm body to his hard chest.
Karthik -" Ishu wake up "
He said caressing her hair but she mumbled in sleep said hiding her face in his arms
Ishu -" five more minutes mama please "
Karthik just smiled at her and let her sleep, he removed his hand and untangling himslef from her then  moved out of the bed without waking  her up, he covered her with quilt and  moved to the washroom to freshen up changed into joggers and saw she was curled in the bed like a earth worm still sleeping he kissed her forehead and he goes to jogging before setting alarm at six to wake up her.

After coming back he moved to another bathroom to freshened up as she was inside there washroom after changing she came wearing blue with white combination chudidar and she moved into the kitchen preparing breakfast after there romance and breakfast, he dropped her in the hospital and goes to station. There day spent in there work and talking with each other in lunch break and He picked up her from work and Like this there routine continued.

Next Saturday :

Both the couples were busy in romancing early morning in the kitchen while preparing breakfast.
Ishu -" mama leave me let me prepare breakfast ........not again "
She pulled from his back hug and turned to him then glared at him
Karthik -" OK fine "
He said sensing his kitten's angry  while moving back rising his hands.

Actually the thing was she was toasting the bread while he came to the kitchen and hugged her from back and distracting her with his sweet wet kisses and biting on her shoulder and nibbling her ears holding then between his teeth making her hiss in pain and pleasure. His hand wrapped around her waist it was tickling her and Not letting her to cook the toast was burnt not once but it was repeating as loop from last twenty minutes.

Ishu -" what happened to you in the early morning mama "
She asked him again putting bread on pan to toast
Karthik -" I was trying to romance but my bad, my wife is romance breaker "
He said making sad face she rolled her eye at his drama tossing the bread to plate.
Ishu -" you are impossible mama "
She finished the making toast and fresh orange juice setted the table she was about to sit on her chair but he pulled her by Pallu she landed on his lap in jerk.,,,..
Ishu -" mama not again, we are getting late "
She said at him while tried to get up but he didn't let her and gripped her tightly by her waist. 
Karthik -" yeah come on finish your breakfast "
He said applying jam to the bread in his other hand, she was about to say something but he shooed the bread into her mouth making her shut.
Karthik -" you talk too much pondati "
He said while having his breakfast she finished her slice and asked him
Ishu -" mama tomorrow is weekend "
Karthik -" yes so what do you want to do????? "
He asked her looking at her
Ishu -" hmm...... Not yet decided probably in home only what do you want to do "
Karthik -" that's good we can have our own time "
He said winking at her making her red she smacked his chest and
Ishu -" one track minded "
She muttered under her breath while drinking orange juice.
Karthik -" I heard that "
Ishu -" so what???? "
She said to him very casually with a grin on her face when replied her the grin was long gone
Karthik -" as if you don't want to "
She smacked his chest for his comment while blushing and feeling shy to his bold comments. 
Ishu -" shut up mama "
Karthik -" ohh god my wife is too shy even after our first night "
He said looking to the ceiling and she winced at him for his drama
Ishu -" mama will u stop "
Karthik -" OK "
Then both finished there breakfast feeding each other while she was blushing at his shameless bold comments.  

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