part 53

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Author's pov :

It's been three days Karthik went to Chennai and here ishu was all alone in the home, morning she goes to clinic and in the evening after returning she used to wait for his call to hear his voice as whole day he would be busy he wouldn't call her in night when he returns to his hotel room both used to talk to each other till they sleep .

It was 9 in the night she was sitting in the hall infront of TV constantly changing the channel as she did not find anything interesting or she was not interested in watching TV. Today she was in no mood to prepare dinner for her so she had fruits and a glass of milk as dinner. She was waiting for his call checking her phone every now and then
Ishu -" why didn't he still call me "
She thought.
It was already 11 still she didn't got call she dialed his number it was switch off. Now She was getting more tensed and scared and many negative thoughts were coming in her mind. She shook her head buried her face in her palm and to herself
Ishu -" he said he will be busy and his phone battery must be drained out, he will be alright and he will call me once he reached his room "
She was comforting herself by saying as she was scared what if something happens.
It was 1 still she didn't got any call or message from him and she called his phone but it was still switched off.
She sighed closing her eyes resting her head to the sofa's head board the home was full silent then her phone rang loudly she opened her eyes and sat up and received her phone quickly without seeing the caller ID and said
Ishu -" mama "
Person -" mam is this Ishwarya "
Then she saw it was unknown number and who is calling her at this time then she asked
Ishu -" yes who is this "
Person -" mam we are from city government hospital, and the person named Karthik had accident and his last dailed was ur number maam so we called to inform u about his whereabouts. he was brought to the hospital please come soon mam"
Hearing him phone slipped from her hand and fell down she sat thud on the sofa tears started to flow from her eyes she couldn't believe the news what she heard, she shook her head thinking she was having a bad dream or a nightmare and trying to woke up from it. But nothing changed it was real she gasped and took deep breath then she grabbed her purse phone and scooty keys rushed out of the apartment after locking it. She drove her scooty towards the hospital without having any second thoughts. She couldn't think anything straightly now the only thing she wants to see her husband and wants him to be safe.

The road was empty, dark and street light was that too far. Not one vehicle was moving she was driving as fast as she can, and she wants to reach the hospital soon. The cold was sending shivers to her body but she didn't cared about herself, tears was flowing from her eyes freely.
She was going in scheduled road, she was about to cross the road and she didn't saw that a car comes in full speed towards her and crashes her vehicle along with her and in fraction of second it passed like a light and the vehicle didn't stop flied away with the same speed.

When the car crashed ishu's vehicle she fell on the road and her head hit to the road divider blood was flowing, and vehicle was far away from her.she couldn't understand what happened just in a fraction of second the car crashed her she was lying on the road in the pool of blood. She didn't feel anything her body was numb then slowly pain started to flow through her body. The moaned in pain soon she couldn't keep her eyes open and her breathing became difficult for her, slowly all became blank the only word she said before closing her eyes was 'mama' .

Then the police who comes to rounds on night they saw a lady lying on the road they rushed to her and saw she was laying on the middle of the road in the pool of blood.
The constable moved closer and held her hand to check  the heart beats and said
Constable -" sir she is still alive we have to rush to the hospital "
He said turning to the inspector and he nods his head and said
Inspector -" call the ambulance fast "
Then the constable called near by hospital for ambulance and they came in five minutes. Then they shifted her into the ambulance and the nurse puted her oxygen mask to her and she pressed with a cotton on ishu's head to stop bleeding gave her first aid but she was still unconscious then they took her to the hospital directly rushed to the ICU for her treatment.

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