part 67

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Happy Diwali friends 😊😊😊

Happy Diwali friends 😊😊😊

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Author's pov :

Ishu was surprised when he answered and she was happy that he remembers her first cooking that he had tasted and then the he host asks next question
Host -" correct answer sir and next ur turn maam Which of these do you feel is the most important aspect of a successful relationship?
A. Communication
B. Trust
C. Compromise "
Ishu -" A. Communication "
She said looking at him as she remembers about Kavya's incident and how he talked to her and said that she can ask him anything if she anything to ask without any hesitation, and she believes any problem can be solved by talking so communication is more important between the couples.
Host -" r u sure "
The host asked her again to confuse her but she was stable in her point and said
Ishu -" yes "
Host -" it is correct answer and next is ur turn sir do you think your partner should tell you about all about things she do???? "
The host asked Karthik and hearing Karthik's answer host and everyone was confused
Karthik -" no and yes "
Host asked him and Karthik smiled and said
Host -" sir u are confusing us "
Karthik -" if she wants to share she will tell her by herself there is no compulsion and few things are personal even if we are couple there should be personal space for each other and in our case we know all about each other and we know when to give space for us, just give them time and space then they will tell us without asking only "
He said and many audians nodded there head at his answer and clapped for him and then the host asked ishu
Host -" nice one, so next question is urs maam which word so you think best matches up to a 'happy relationship', sacrifice or sharing??? "
Ishu smiled and said
Ishu -" both are required for a happy relationship as somethimes we have sacrifice something for our relation and sometimes sharing is best so both are required for a happy relationship according to me both are important "
Ishu said remembering there how both used to share everything with each other and how they would sacrifice for each other

Host -" Hmmm, that was quite intense answer but nice one and so last question for you sir which is your best memory as a couple ????? "

Karthik -" our marriage and that's the best decision in my life "
He said looking at ishu and a smile automatically formed on her face and it was glowing with happiness and then the host said
Host -" so last question to you ma'am and let's see if she say correct or not and the question is, will it make you insecure if he spend a lot of time in his work or at friends "

Ishu -" yes and no "
All laughed at her answer and the host was again confused hearing and ishu's answer and she said
Ishu -" yes I feel insecure when he won't spend time with me but also a no, as I know how his job is so I understand, we spend time with each other when we get time and about spending time with friends they are part of my family so what is there to feel insecure with your family "
All clapped and cheered at her answer and Karthik felt proud and happy hearing her so he decided how much ever he would be busy but he will make sure that he will spend time with her.

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