part 16

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Author's pov:
In morning all were there in hospital the time was 7:30 am doctor was checking Ishwarya Inside and all family members were waiting outside
Then doctor came out and said
Doctor -" she is responding to the treatment and out of danger no need to worry but still she should be in observation " said
Ram-" thank you doctor can we see her "
Doctor -" no after shifting to the room you can" said and goes from there
Krishnan-" thank god ishu is safe " sudha had tears in her eyes
Ram-" why are crying now sudha "
Sudha-" I am happy that ishu is out of danger " said smiling with tears
Ram-" woman I can't understand you if you are sad you cry happy then also you cry " said jokingly and side hugged her
Sudha-" ram "said hitting his shoulder
Then the hospital members changed her to the room and nurse came out and said
Nurse-" you can see the patient but don't disturb her " said and continues
Nurse-" sir this medicine should be brought " and gave the prescription to ram and went from there.
Rakshith -" appa you all go and meet ishu I will bring medicine "
He takes prescription from ram
Karthik-" I will also come with you "
and both goes from there
Krishnan-" ram let's go inside "
All Silently moved inside saw ishu was sleeping because of medicine.
And she had oxygen mask on her face and needles were pearced in her skin for drips and her heart beat was showing in the monitor and room was silent only machine beep sound can be heard.
Sudha went forward and saw her daughter was lying between these machine she caressed her hair and kissed her forehead.
All saw her sleeping and went outside waited for her to wake up.
Another side Rakshith and Karthik was going towards pharmacy then Karthik said
Karthik -" Rakshith we should go to college "
Rakshith -" yes we have to know what happened there after seeing ishu we will go "
Karthik -" and we will take Kavya with us "
Rakshith -" why Kavya da"
Karthik -" Kavya knows the peon who came to call ishu "
Rakshith -" ohh....... yes "
Both brought medicine from pharmacy and moved towards the room saw all were standing outside
Rakshith -" why are you standing outside didn't you all go inside "
Krishnan-" ishu is sleeping da"
Rakshith -" OK mama " said Rakshith and Karthik Goes inside the room saw she was sleeping he placed medicine in the side table and sat beside her in stool
Rakshith -" Oye ishu wake up soon I am already missing you " said holding her hand in his and kissed it.
Karthik placed his hand on his shoulder and said
Karthik -" we should move now "
Rakshith -" yes" and he turned to ishu and said " when I come back you better wake up Sis " said smiling
Both went outside and Karthik said
Karthik -" we will be back in two hours have little work and Kavya come with me "
Ram-" OK finish your work and then come we will be here "
Sita -" and drop me in home I will prepare food and bring to them they didn't eat anything from yesterday "
Krishnan -" I will drop you sita "
Sita -" OK "
Ram and sudha was in hospital with ishu and Krishnan, sudha went to there home and Rakshith, Karthik, Kavya went to Rakshith's home.
They reached home and Kavya said
Kavya-" both of you freshen up i will make coffee "
Both moved to Rakshith's room and
He goes to his Cupboard took towels and passed one to Karthik and said
Rakshith -" I will freshen up and you can choose your dress in the cupboard " and goes to bathroom
Karthik shakes his head in disbelief at him then he goes to cupboard and took blue shirt and black jeans.
Rakshith came out after few minutes then he goes to freshen up.
Rakshith went down and moved to kitchen saw Kavya was making coffee
Kavya-" hey you came sit I will bring coffee for you " said and poured coffee for him and another for her and both sat on the dinning table.
Rakshith -" nice coffee "
Kavya-" I know but anyway thanks " said dramatically flipping her hair
Rakshith -" you are still the same drama queen kavya " said laughing at her antics
Then Karthik came towards them and sat on the chair Kavya served him coffee he to a sip of coffee and said
Karthik -" not bad Kavya nice coffee but I thought you only know how to  eat " said teasing her
Kavya-" was that compliment or taunt my big brother "
Karthik -" what do you think my little sister "
Kavya-" it was a taunt no worries I will take it as complement " said smiling at him Rakshith was laughing at bro-sis conversation.
All finished there coffee and Karthik turned to Kavya and said
Karthik -" we are going to college to know what happened yesterday with ishu " Kavya nods her head then
Rakshith -" you remember that peon right" he asked her
Kavya-" yes I remember him"
Karthik -" ok let's go then "
All moved outside after locking the door they sat in the car Rakshith was driving the car Karthik was beside him and Kavya was in back seat.
All reached college and they moved to office room and a attender stopped them and asked
Attender -" what do you want sir "
Karthik -" we have to meet principal sir "
Attender -" who are you sir ????"
Karthik-" I am Karthik DCP "
Attender-"wait for a minute I will inform him " and he went inside and came out after few minutes and said
Attender-" sir you can go inside "
All moved inside then principal said
Principal -"how can I help you officer"
Karthik -" yesterday one of your student named Ishwarya was locked in chemistry lab and she is in hospital ICU now "
Principal was shocked and said
Principal -" what are you telling officer "
Rakshith -" yes that student is my sister "
Principal -" I didn't get anything please tell me clearly "
Kavya-" sir yesterday we were in canteen one Peon came and said that professor is calling Ishwarya to chemistry lab and she didn't return then we found her in uncosious state in the lab and it was locked from outside "
Rakshith -" the room was filled with some chemical gas if we have been late she wouldn't be with us today sir"
Principal was silent and then Karthik said
Karthik -" we came in search for her by mobile location and we entered the campus yesterday "
Rakshith -" how can you be so irresponsible that a student I locked inside the room that any of you didn't notice " raised his voice angryly
Karthik -" I want to check CCTV footage of yesterdays "
Principal -" OK "he stands up moved to system in the room and opened the CCTV footage
Principal -" here it is officer "
Karthik saw ishu was moving from canteen and walking in the corridor then the video gets cut and then it plays from ten minutes forward from there.
Karthik checked again it was playing same
Karthik -"the footage has been erased"
Karthik became angry and turned to principal and asked
Karthik -" how come the footage is erased "
Principal -" sir I don't know "
Rakshith -" what do you mean by I don't know how can someone come to your cabin and erase the footage "
Karthik -" OK sir I want you to arrange meeting for staff like you have to make some announcement and we will catch the peon who helped the culprit "
Principal -" yes sir I will "
Principal announced that there is meeting for staffs in auditorium and all should assemble in ten minutes all staffs assembled there
Principal -" I want to make an important announcement "
Kavya was searching for the peon whom she saw yesterday
Principal -" in our college yesterday a student was locked in chemistry lab and she is admitted in ICU now "
All staffs were whispering  and talking among themselves
Then kavya saw the peon who was nervous after what principal announced he tried to move from there then Kavya called Karthik and said
Kavya -" Anna there he is the one who is wearing blue cap " she pointed to him
Karthik moved towards him held him by his collar
Karthik -" are you sure Kavya he is the same one"
Kavya -" yes Anna he is the one"
Rakshith got angry kicked and punched him hardly that peon was on the floor, blood was coming out of his nose and mouth.
Rakshith -" tell me who told you to call her to the chemistry lab "
Peon -" sir I don't know what are you talking about "
He was about to punch him but Karthik stopped him
Karthik -" Rakshith stop it man control yourself " and he turned to principal and said
Karthik -" sir we got the peon and professors please don't discuss about this in the class and the one who is behind this will be alert "
Professors all nod there head in agreement
Karthik -" sir go as usual take class and thank you for your cooperation "
All dismissed from there and moved outside the auditorium.
Principal -" you can start " said standing there
Karthik -" so tell me who told you to bring her to the lab"
Peon-" sir I don't know please leave me "
Karthik -" if you won't say the truth then be ready to rot in jail "
The peon got scared and said joining his hands
Peon -" sir I will tell please leave me "
Karthik -" first you tell"
Peon-" sir it's a girl one of her class mate aksed her to bring to chemistry lab and paid me money "
Kavya was shocked among all of them Rakshith -" who is she???? "
Kavya -" I know her " said
Both Karthik and Rakshith turned to Kavya and they were confused by her answer.

Done with part 16
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Thank you friends
Yours Sam 😊

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