part 37

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Karthik's pov :

Today I woke up before alarm ring saw it was still four in the morning I saw outside it was still dark then I turned to the beauty who is sleeping peacefully in my arms. Yesterday we couldn't sleep after sharing that intense movement.
Nowadays I am seeing ishu in different angle, I mean not as my cousin but as a life partner my better half or should I say best ever.

Yesterday before pulling her in my arms I had little hesitant that she might reject but after seeing her reaction it's confrom that she also likes our closeness and proximity she is comfortable with me and I am happy about it.

I was lost in my thinking it was broken by my wife, wife????? 
it sounds good calling her as my wife. She snuggled more into me in her sleep, a smile formed in my face automatically I kissed on her forehead.
She opened her eyes little and rubbing her eyes like a baby she looks cute when she does that. She is a heavy sleeper why did she woke up early?????

Karthik -" why did you wake up so early sleep for sometime, there Is still time I will wake up you "
Ishu -" I am not feeling sleepy mama "
She rested her head on my chest I caressed her hair in other hand.
After some time She was Staring at my face from when she woke up It was different feeling. I decided to tease her and said
Karthik -" like what you see " I smriked at her, then she came out of thinking
Ishu -" it's nothing like that " she said closing her eyes, her cheeks was red she was blushing
Karthik -" why are you staring at me is something there on my face " I teased her more
She shook her head in no covering her face with blanket, I laughed at her reaction and pulled the blanket from her face, and pulled her nose
Ishu -" Auuch ......... It hurts stop doing that mama "
She winced in pain rubbing her nose
Ishu -" why do you always pull my nose?????  "
She asked me making cute fron face
Karthik -" because I like your sharp nose " touching my nose with her she just blushed in reaction.
Karthik -" you look cute when you blush ishu "
After talking for some time both drifted to sleep again don't know when we slept.

my sleep was disturbed by the knock on the door, what is with these people they keep disturbing me. I opened my eyes and saw bed was Empty beside me, I moved to the door and
opened it.
Saw attai was standing in the door
Sudha -" good morning Karthik "
Karthik -" good morning attai "
Sudha -" where is ishu???  "
Karthik -" she is in bathroom "
Sudha -" both freshen up and come to breakfast "
Karthik -" OK "
she moved down and I closed the door and sat on the bed waiting for my turn. It was seven in the morning Then she came out wearing blue and white Saree wiping her wet hair.
Ishu -" good morning mama "
Karthik -" morning ishu "
I moved to bathroom and took warm shower and came out in the towel wrapped around my waist and ruffing my wet hairs with other one then I saw ishu was staring at me in wide eyes from head to toe
Karthik -" finished "
Ishu -" what???  "
She looked my face with confusion Karthik -" checking me out "
I wrapped my arms around my chest.
She turned other side and her back was facing me
Ishu -" I was not checking you "
I chuckled at her reaction
Karthik -" is that so "
I moved towards her and stood infront of her
Ishu -" yeah I have seen better then this "
I was shocked by her statement what is she saying???? where has seen???? suddenly jealousy formed, but other side it hurt my male ego. So I decided to have some fun I know she was affected when I am close to her, and now that too shirtless😉😉.
I was moving closer to her she took back steps then her back hit the cupboard I placed my hand either side of her blocked her in between me and the cupboard there is no way to escape.
Karthik -" really better then me "
I moved her hair from shoulder to other side
Ishu -" yes "
And I moved my face more closer to her and traced her neck with tip of my nose
Her heart was beating so fast chest was moving up and down and her breath became uneven she was struggling to stand and I slid my hand in her soft and warm waist gripped her tightly she gasped at my action.
And I placed a kiss on her earlobe
Ishu -" mama " she was about to call but it came as a moan escaped from her mouth and placed warm her hands on my chest.
Karthik -" Hmm "
Moved little down and placed another kiss on her neck and I saw her face eyes was closed tightly and biting her lower lips I moved my other hand and released her lips from biting she opened her eyes
Karthik -" stop biting your lips it's my right "
I traced my thumb on her lips when I said that she was blushing furiously
Ishu -" mama "
She hugged me in shyness and to hide her blush and I wrapped my hand around her and other was on her waist.
We were standing there still in each others arm and then I called her
Karthik -" ishu "
Ishu -" Hmm "
Karthik -" are we going to stand like this whole day "
She saw my face In confusion
Ishu -" ahh?????  "
Karthik -" I don't mind standing like this but all are waiting for us for breakfast downstairs, and we have to go for work also "
I released my grip around her and She broke the hug and handed me formals from cupboard
Ishu -" you change I will go downstairs "
Before I could say something she moved out of the room. I changed into my dress, setted my hair took my purse phone and moved down to see my blushing queen.

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