part 73

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Karthik's pov :

It's Been more than half an hour I was waiting outside the OT the nurses were going and coming outside, when I ask them something they are not telling me anything which is getting on my nerves, rudra placed his hand on my shoulder and said
Rudra -" chill da Ishwarya will be alright don't stress yourself like this "
I just nodded at him and said as I worried more then that I was scared thinking what happened to her
Karthik -" she was OK till evening what happened to her that she fainted suddenly "
Rudra -" nothing is going to be serious da, wait for her to wake up and she will take class as you messed up big this time macha "
He said teasing me as he knows I missed to wish her our first wedding anniversary, I know she would be expecting for me but I couldn't make it and I Said
karthik -" you are talking as if I did that purposely "
Rudra -" but still Ishwarya doesn't know the reason macha "
Karthik -" Kadup ethadha macha Summa ira da "
( don't irritate me buddy )
He rolled his eyes and he was about to say something but we heard door opening sound and the doctor came out removing her mask discussing something with the nurse and we both rushed to her and I asked her first before she could say something as I couldn't wait for her to talk
Karthik -" what happened to my wife doctor is she fine, she fainted suddenly is she alright "
I was firing my question at her but this doctor had guts to laugh at me which irritated me more and she said
Doctor -" first take deep breath young man and your wife is perfectly all right, due to stress and blood pressure she fainted "
Karthik -" nothing serious right "
Doctor -" no she is perfectly alright and congrats young man you are going to be father "
hearing that I couldn't believe what she said so I aksed her again to confrom
Karthik -" OK,.......  Wait what ??????"
But that doctor chuckled at me and Said
Doctor -" yes you are going to be father and your wife is three and half week pregnant it's an early stage so she couldn't feel the baby "
I couldn't believe anything and then asked her
Karthik -" can I meet her "
Doctor -" yeah and she will wake up after hour or so "
Karthik -" thank you doctor "
Doctor -" congrats young man take care of her and meet me while discharging "
Karthik -" sure doctor "
And the doctor goes from there and I stood there silent trying to digest the news I got few seconds back and turned to rudra and said
Karthik -" I am going to be father, did you heard that rudra "
Rudra -" yeah congrats buddy "
He said but he was shocked when I lifted him and twrilled around as I couldn't control my happiness and he shouted
Rudra -" hey put me down man "
But I didn't listened to him and trwilled him, then I putted him down when I heard someone said or shouted
Voice -" stop it Karthik, what's going on here "
I thumped him down suddenly turned and saw sushmitha was standing there with Anu and few patients and hospital staffs were staring towards us then she came forward and asked
Sushmitha -" what's going on here and what were you both doing "
She asked eyeing us then rudra smacked my shoulder and said
Rudra -" this man has gone mad Sushmitha he lost his mind "
Sushmitha -" what??? "
She looked confused Hearing rudra and she looked at me and then again turned to rudra and he said
Rudra -" yes ishu is pregnant that's why he is behaving like cave man "
Sushmitha -" wow congrats Karthik, where is Ishwarya "
Karthik -" thank you "
After hearing her I rushed into the room where ishu was laid on the bed with drips attached to her hand I took few steady steps towards her and sat on the bed where there was little space, I saw her face which had fron on her forehead I caressed her face and cheeks kissing her forehead I placed my hand on her lower abdomen I had tears in my eyes the symbol our love is growing inside there I bend down and kissed her there and sat beside her till she wakes up.

After hour I sent rudra and sushmitha home as Anu was sleepy and I asked him to come in morning, then I saw her eye ball was moving but still closed and she opened her eyes while  fluttering her eyes seeing her I stood up to call the doctor and she Checked her and said
Doctor -" you can take her home tomorrow morning let her be here in  observation tonight, Mr.karthik and diet should be followed "
Karthik -" sure doctor "
And the doctor goes out of the door and I closed it behind as it was private room no one is going to come till next morning and I saw her staring at me when I turned to her but turned to other side I smiled at her anger and moved to her and sat in my previous place on the bed, I placed my hand on her waist and lowered the duet saw her bare waist which was visible through her saree I moved the fabric aside but she held my hand in stopping me staring at me like 'have you gone mad' face.
I held her hand with my one hand and moved the fabric with other hand then kissed on her lower stomach and said
Karthik -" baby tell mommy daddy is sorry and he won't repeat this mistake again, can you tell your mommy Pls "
When I said and lifted my gaze to her and saw she was staring at without blinking her eyes and next second she had tears in her eyes said
Ishu -" mama "
She called my name as asking is it real or not and I kisses her stomach again and said conforming her
Karthik -" baby say hi to mommy "
Then she broke into tears which panicked me I moved closer to her took her in my arms without disturbing her hand which had drips and caressed her back, Smoothening her hair and waited for her sobbing to subside and then I asked
Karthik -" what happened ishu why are you crying "
Ishu -" mama "
Karthik -" Sollu ma "
She lifted her face from my chest and looked directly into my eyes and said
Ishu -" na amma aagha poren neegha appa...... "
( I am going to mom and you father )
Karthik -" aama da "
( yes da)
I Said kissing her forehead and she said while she still had tears in her eyes
Ishu -" I am so happy mama "
Karthik -" me too I am feeling like I am the happiest person in the world now "
I said wiping her tears and expressing my feelings and I looked at her face which turned into fron again on face and she turned her face to other side again and Said
Ishu -" baby tell ur appa that amma is still angry at him "
I smiled at her little complaint and said
Karthik -" I am sorry ishu, na venuna panla da "
( I am sorry ishu I didn't do it purposely da )
When I said she asked me still looking at other side
Ishu -" where were you??? And what happened "
Karthik -" you know right we were working in that important case which was more tough and more challenging one in my carrier, and I got few hints about the clue but it was destroyed before we reach there, then previous day night we went breaking inside the building for the proof and we got it but before we could exit the opposite group broke inside and started firing and it led to huge mess we took them all down but there was damage from our side also to our luck three got shot,  others with few scratches here and there they r fine now but nothing serious it took long time to complete the formalities da and few police were involved in the case and opposite side making our woke difficult, otherwise I would have been there with you sorry da for making you wait I am really sorry "
I told her what all happened and then the question bank started it's enquiry
Ishu -" whose plan was that surprise party "
Karthik -" when I came out of station I called Rakshith and told him what happened and the plan, so he decided to help me only if I approve his one  week leave, and after that he helped in decorations and i was in the charge of catering. As per plan sushmitha took u out so we can decorate the house and do all the remaining all arrangements
I said how I planned all when I came out of the office and checked my phone to see if any message or call and there was notification reminder which I marked months back as anniversary, then it flashed me that it's our first wedding Anniversary and ishu must be waiting for me, then rudra helped me by calling sushmitha so she can take ishu out till then we can arrange other things, when I informed others to come home when they reached I got good lecture from amma and Kavya that I left ishu alone on our anniversary, but sudha attai came to my rescue and supported me but both the ladies were going on and on in lecturing me.

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