part 69

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Author's pov :

Ishu and Karthik reached ishu's home on Sunday as they planned and kavya has called her parents too, bhavya and her father also was there and Karthik informed rudra to come there only as rudra said that he was going to Karthik's parents, all were there along with sushmitha and anu sitting and chatting in the hall after lunch.

Then anbu uncle said
Anbu -" so now tell us why did you call us suddenly and what do you want to tell "
When he said this gain all of there attention and Krishnan said
Krishnan -" yeah come on tell us guys"
Then Rakshith stood up with Kavya and both looked eachother and all were looking at them in confusion
Ishu -" guys stop creating suspense "
then rakshith said
Rakshith -" Kavya is pregnant "
There was pin drop silence then silence was broken by ishu and Bhavya who squealed in happiness jumped from there seat and goes to kavya and hugged her together and said
Ishu and Bhavya -" congrats dr, I am so happy "
And all were looking at the trio with a broad smile and Bhavya said
Bhavya -" finally I am going to be chitti "
#chitti - mom's sister #
Then all elders wished them and they took blessings from them for there child well beings and then sudha said
Sudha -" how many months da "
Rakshith -" three weeks ma "
Sita -" and when did you guys got to know "
Kavya -" on Tuesday amma "
Ishu -" then why didn't you tell us before only "
Kavya -" we wanted to give you surprise guys "
Bhavya -" that you did "
Ram -" from now you should be more ma "
Ram said and kavya nodded her head at him and then sudha said
Sudha -" from now on you are not going to do any work, you should not walk fastly for first three months you should be more careful "
She said ordering her and sita also joined her and said
Sita -" yeah and no outside food or Jung foods "
Kavya -" that's not fair guys I am pregnant not sick "
She winced as she always been a outside food person and Karthik teased her telling
Karthik -" oh hello, do what you have been told I want my niece or nephew to be healthy "
Kavya -" Poda "
Then after talking and teasing the couples, and Karthik signalled rudra to tell all and then rudra goes to sita and Sat beside her and looking at him she sita asked
Sita -" Enna da edhavadha sollanuma"
( what da you want to tell me  something)
Rudra -" eppadi kanda pidikringa eppodhum "
He said holding her hand
(how do you find always)
Sita -" na amma da En pasangha eppadi na Ennaku theriyu da "
She said caressing his hair on the other hand he smiled at her and said
( I am mother and I know my kids)
Rudra -" adhu sari dha "
( that's right )
Sita -" sari Sollu Enna solla vandha "
( OK tell me what you wanted to tell)
Rudra -" adhu vantha "
(that )
Sita -" Sollu da "
( tell da)
Rudra -" aunty Ennaku oru ponna pudicha irrika na Andha ponna kadhalikare "
( aunty I like a girl and I love her)
Sita -" yaara da Andha poonu "
( who is she)
Rudra -" sushmitha "
When he told her name sita turned to sushmitha who was looking down nervously and asked him to confrom
Sita -" yaarau,,....Namma sushmitha Va "
( who,,.... Our sushmitha )
Rudra nodded his head at her and for that she asked
Sita -" r u sure about this da "
Rudra -" yes aunty "
Sita looked at Krishnan and to rudra and then rudra said
Rudra -" I really love her aunty i met her in college for the first time and I liked her that movement only when I was about to tell her my feelings to my bad luck I got to know that she is already engaged to some other person so i didn't tell her anything after all this year she again came into my life this time when I know I have a chance to bring her back in my life I don't want to miss her or chance this time aunty "
Sita -" sushmitha Va ma Inga "
( sushmitha come here dr )
Sushmitha got from her seat and came towards her sita made her sit beside her and asked
Sita -" Sollu ma Unnaka samadhama "
( tell me dr do you agree for this )
Sushmitha -" yes aunty, I love rudra I want to start my life again with him and anu, a happy life "
She said a tear escaped from her eyes sita rubbed her tear and kissed her forehead and Krishnan said
Krishna -" if you are confident and happy in ur decision we are happy da"
Rudra -" thanks uncle "
Sita -" I am so happy that you are going to settle in your life da "
He hugged her and said
Rudra -" thanks aunty "
Sita ruffled his hair affectionately and sudha said
Sudha -" so let's get them married soon "
Ram -" yeah what is there to wait "
Sita -" Sushmitha are you OK about this "
Sushmitha -" yes aunty "
She said looking at him when he was telling his feeling about her to sita, she thought she was lucky to have him in her life.
Bhavya -" so how do you want your wedding to happen sushmitha "
Sushmitha -" simple register marriage"
When she said sita denied and said
Sita -" arey what simple marriage I want you two to get married in grandly and I want to invite all the friends and relatives da "
She was telling her wish and Krishnan told her
Krishnan -" but they wants to keep it as simple sita "
Sita -" arey he don't know anything we are elders we should plan all this Krishna you stay quite "
She said making him quiet seeing them younger clan giggled that sita was the only one who can make Krishnan silent
Ram -" I have a idea both of them wish will be fulfilled "
When he said all were looking at him then in middle sudha asked him excited
Sudha -" what is that "
Ram -" first let's finish marriage in register office then we will keep grand reception with our close friends and family "
Sudha -" that's good idea what say sita"
Sudha turned to sita and she nodded her head and said
Sita -" OK "
Then all elders were discussing and talking among themselves, the younger gang moves upstairs and sat in the room with there couples, bhavya was at the other end sitting in half laid on the bed, as ishu and Karthik sat on the bed with her head rested on his shoulder, sushmitha sat on the single sofa and rudra was sitting on the bean bag beside her and anu was with elders as she was jelled to sudha and sita, then Kavya and Rakshith were sitting on the sofa and he was giving her fruits and she was making faces
Kavya -" we had lunch few minutes back Rakshith I am full, I will have afterwards "
Rakshith -" no it's good for health having fruits after food kavya"
Both were bickering over the topic and other side Karthik was caressing her hair as they were busy in talking something  themselves, and sushmitha and rudra was busy in the look-look romance then suddenly Bhavya Said
Bhavya -" guys will you stop your PDA Yaar, I am bored "
When she said all turned to her and then bhavya continued
Bhavya -" look at ishu and Karthik Anna they are busy in there talks, Rakshith Anna is busy in feeding you, and rudra anna And sushmitha are busy in there look look game "
She said complaining making cute pout faces all chuckled at her sweet complain and then Kavya said
Kavya -" u r saying because harish is not here with you so you are complaining "
Bhavya glared at her and said and in return Kavya rolled her eyes at her
Bhavya -" Podi "
Karthik -" so what do you want to do "
When he asked she said sitting on the bed from her previous position
Bhavya -" let's go out "
Ishu -" yeah I am in "
Kavya -" me too "
Both girls looked at there respective partners and they also nodded there head in agreement and Bhavya turned to rudra who was silent till now and said
Bhavya -" rudra Anna "
Rudra Looks at sushmitha and then nod's his head in yes
Rakshith -" so it's four thirty now where do you want to go "
Sushmitha -" let's go for beach "
Ishu -" then dinner outside "
Kavya -" last ice cream "
Bhavya -" then back to home "
All agreed and plan was done boys got up from there place and ready to leave outside and then Karthik said
Karthik -" OK then you girls change we will inform amma appa and others down "
Rakshith -" Bhavya call harish to join us ma "
Bhavya -" OK Anna "
Sushmitha -" rudra send anu here "
Rudra -" OK, and girls make it fast don't take more time for grooming yourself"
Rudra said teasing them but it didn't fell on there def ear as they busy in discussing themselves boys shook there head in disbelief and moved out of the room closing the door behind them.

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