part 54

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Karthik's pov :

It's been one day, completely twenty four hours but still she didn't wake up which was worrying all of us. It was Saturday night I sent all of them to home with great difficulty , ishu was shifted to private ward from ICU but still she is in under observation. I was sitting on the chair beside the bed holding her hand in mine. Her face looks pale covered with buries with slit on her soft plumb lower lip, the glow and the smile on her face was long gone. I am waiting her to wake up with a smile which shines like a full moon in the dark sky. 

Doctor said that she had fractures and buries in her body, and they said it was a more than a miracle that she is still breathing.
Karthik -" wake up sleepy head you have slept for long time, it's time to wake up I want to hear your voice calling me. You asked me come back soon right, See I am back from work wake up ishu. "

I kissed her hand which I was holding and caressed her buried cheek with my other hand I can't see her like this it pricks my heart to see her lying motionless on the bed. 

Flashback :

It was Sunday after coming from shopping we both entered inside the home after locking the door behind us. I dropped all the shopping bags on the sofa and saw she was moving inside our room, I moved behind her and pinned her to the cupboard caging her between me and the cupboard with my hands.
Ishu -" mama what are you doing leave me I have to change "
She said while struggling to get out of my grip with her small hands, I caged both her hands above her head to stopped her from struggling. I bend down and sucked her earlobe received a moan from her and I said
Karthik -" what if I don't????? And what was the outside "
Ishu -" what did I do????? "
She said making that same innocent face, she is such a tease. I lifted her next second throwing her on my shoulder like a sack she squealed and held my shoulder for support
Ishu -" mama put me down "
She wriggled in my arms I smacked her bum lightly she stopped moving and receving a gaps from her then she asked me
Ishu -" did you just do that "
Karthik -" what did I do???? "
I said putting her on the bed and came above her.
Ishu -" did you just spank me "
She Said narrowing her eyes at me she looks so cute when she does that I pulled her nose she smacked my hand crunching her nose and I said
Karthik -" I think I did "
I buried my face in her hair inhaleing her scent and kissed her neck and said
Karthik -" damn......... you smell so good pondati "
Ishu -" Mama "
She moaned my name while her hands moved to my hair held them in her small gist pulling me more closer to her.
I lifted my face and saw she was staring at me desire in eyes, I placed my lips on her lips and kissed her softly and nibbling her lips. She was moaning under me as I bitted her lips for enter inside her mouth.
I moved my hand inside her top and traced my fingers on her piercing I broke the kiss resting my forehead on hers then I removed her top leaving her in bra and jeans. Her hands was unbuttoned my shirt and moved to my belt but I held her hand she looked in confusion I took her hand kissed them and said
Karthik -" no you were already sore in the morning ishu "
She was already sore in the morning and I don't want to hurt her more All days she was walking little uncomfortable and awkwardly but she didn't complained me anything I know so I didn't want to make her more sore.
She said breaking my thoughts
Ishu -" I am fine now "
Then I said rubbing my nose with hers receiving giggle from her in return I smiled at her
Karthik -" but you body needs rest so let's sleep we have lot of time for this "
Ishu -" you are so boring Mr.Husband" she said making cute pout on her lips I kissed her pout and said
Karthik -" let me return after that I will make sure that you won't wake up from bed till weekend finish "
Her cheeks turned to red she smacked my shoulder and said
Ishu -" shameless "
Karthik -" arey you only said I was boring right so why not have some fun when I return back "
She didn't replied I smiled at her and laid on the bed taking her in my arms she rested her head on my chest wrapping her arms around my waist
Ishu -" mama "
She said making random patterns on my chest with her fingers I was caressing her hair and said
Karthik -" Enna ma "
( what ma )
Ishu -" when will you return "
I smiled when she asked and I said
Karthik -" on Wednesday or Thursday ishu not yet confirmed let's see if the work finishes fast I will be back soon ma "
Ishu -" hmm,  come fast "
Karthik -" don't worry think again if you want you can stay at Amma's home "
Ishu -" no I will be fine here "
Karthik -" OK as you wish "
Ishu -" I am going to miss you mama come back soon "
Karthik -" I will "
Ishu -" hmm "
Karthik -" OK then let's sleep we have work tomorrow "
Ishu -" good night mama "
Karthik -" good night pondati "
I told her to stay with my parents or her parents till I come back but this girl is stubborn doesn't wants to go she wants to stay here only.
I drift into sleep with her in my arms.

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