part 57

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Author's pov :

Flash back continue :

Rudra -" do You regret what happened between us Sushmitha "
He asked her but her head was still hung low looking at her hands.
Rudra -" tell me Sushmitha "
He asked her again but he didn't got any answer so he placed his hand on her shoulder and she turned her face towards him then he saw her tear stained face he cupped her face in his hands and cleared the tears, all while she was staring at his face and then said in low voice
Sushmitha -" I am a divorce and I have a child to look after rudra "
Rudra -" this is not the answer for my question sushmitha "
She tried to reason him When he asked her again she remained silent and didn't answered  him,
Rudra -" I got my answer and sorry for everything "
He said and got up from the floor and saw her face once before going and moved to the main door he placed his hand on the door handle to open the door but his hand stopped in the middle, he saw two hands wrapped around his waist he stood there still without moving then after few minutes he felt wet on his back as she was crying while sniffing and her  tears wetted his shirt.

He broke the hug and turned around to face her and he saw tears slipped from her eyes continously.
Rudra -" look at me "
He said in low voice and softly she lifted her head and saw him and he waited for her to talk but she hugged him tightly buried her face in his chest while crying, he wrapped his hands around her and hugged her tightly.
You don't need words to express your feeling and he understood from her gesture only.

Then After few minutes She broke the hug and held his hand and said
Sushmitha -" I want to talk to you "
Rudra -" OK "
Rudra said nodding his head and Both moved to the hall and sat on the sofa beside each other and he asked her
Rudra -" what do you want to talk "
Sushmitha -" I agree that I like you I am not going to Denie the fact rudra, but I have a child to look after and anu is my first priority she is the reason I am still alive after all the things happened in my life. "
Rudra was happy to hear that admitted her feeling for him but hearing the last line he wanted to talk to her and Rudra was about to say something but she stopped him and said
Sushmitha -" let me finish first rudra, I am not suitable for you rudra, you deserve better then me or should I say  best, if I agree to marry you and what will your family agree that you will marry a girl who is divorced and also she has child will they accept me and anu. You should forget me and move on in your life rudra, find a life partner for yourself who is perfect  and equal to you, which I am not "
She said to convince him in all while he didn't said anything looking at her and waiting for her to finish and then he said with serious voice
Rudra -" finished or still you have anything to tell "
Sushmitha -" rudra "
Hearing him she tried to talk but he cutted her in middle and said
Rudra -" you talked too much, now shut your mouth and listen to me from the day I saw in the college for first time I fell in love with you I never believed in love and all that stuffs but after seeing I believed in that and I used to watch you in class, library,  canteen everywhere to get a glimpse of you, if I didn't see you one day my whole day was dull and gloomy. Finally at a point I decided to propose you but to my bad luck I got to know that you were engaged and soon you are going to be someone's wife, it was hard to digest for me but after that I didn't wanted to disturb you or create any problems in your life so I decided to stay away from you and kept my little secret with myself.  graduation was the last time I saw you after that I didn't had time or should I say I didn't want to love anyone so I just  concentrated on my carrier. Again seeing you in the station after these many years I was happy to see you and when got to know that I have a another chance to bring you in my life I couldn't stay quite like last time. And about My family when my parents died none of my relatives came forward to look after me or cared for me, all they cared was what to do with the assets and properties which my parents had left. Krishnan uncle was the one who came forward to take my  responsibility, after that Karthik's family is my family, sita aunty cares and loves me as her own son and Krishnan uncle he  is my role model and fatherly figure for me, Kavya my Tom boy little sister she treats me and loves me like her own brother, Karthik my buddy he not only a friend he is a brother not from birth but from heart, Same goes to ram uncle family also they are my family and I know them very well, for them my happiness is important, my happiness is you and anu sushmitha and I want you and anu to be one among my family "
He explained her calmly cupping her face in one hand and held her hand in another. He was happy at one side that she said what was in her mind and another hand he was sad and angry at her for thinking too much and talking nonsense.
She was just listening to him when he said all these things, there was positive vibe and positive thoughts in her but again her brain warned her that this won't be as simple as it looks or he says.

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