part 61

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Author's pov :

Karthik and ishu spent Sunday with sita and Krishnan, they had breakfast lunch dinner together and they had best family time. Ishu and sita are teamed up and teased Karthik, as he was like one many army alone his father was smiling at them instead of supporting him. Ishu and Karthik returned night back to there flat after dinner, both his parents were happy to there children's were happy in there life.

Next day Karthik went to station early saying he will be back soon as he has to visit the crime scene to investigate, as he told Karthik was returning early. Karthik and rudra was coming from station then rudra said
Rudra -" macha stop near courier office da "
Karthik -" why??? "
He aske while concentrating on driving
Rudra -" one parcel was came for me to my flat address but in that time I was not there so they returned to courier office "
Karthik -" OK "
Then Karthik stopped near the courier office, rudra got down and said
Rudra -" I will be in five minutes da "
Karthik -" it's OK take your time "
Karthik said and used his mobile till he return.
Other side Rudra moved inside and collected his parcel and while coming out he banged with a person who was coming opposite to him his parcel fell down while he down and said
Rudra -" sorry....... "
He stopped when he saw the man opposite to him he said
Rudra -" samar "
Samar -" rudra right "
He said looking at rudra, then for few seconds rudra thought and said
Rudra -" yes, I want to talk to you it's important "
Samar -" what do you want to talk, that to with me "
When he heard rudra he was confused what does he wants to talk to and voiced his confusion at him
Rudra -" I said it's important Samar "
He said to Samar then Samar nodded his head seeing him serious and asked
Samar -" when????"
Rudra -" now i will be waiting for you outside "
Samar -" OK I will be back in five minutes "
He said and Rudra came back to Karthik and samar moved inside the office, when Karthik saw rudra coming towards him he said
Karthik -" OK now you got your so shall we move now "
Rudra -" no we have a important work to be finished "
He said beside the vehicle and Karthik asked him
Karthik -" what is that da, I have go home rudra "
Rudra -" just wait for one hour after that you are free to go home da "
Karthik -" OK now tell me what is it now "
Rudra was about to say but he stopped seeing Samar coming out and called him waving his hand
Rudra -" Samar "
When rudra called him samar turned to rudra and walked towards him, Karthik turned to see who rudra called and he was shocked seeing Samar after these many years and why is rudra talking to him??????
His came out of his pool of thoughts when he heard samar greeted him with his hand
Samar -" Hai Karthik how are you "
Karthik -" good "
Karthik hand shacked with him for formality then Karthik looked at rudra asking him what's happening, but rudra nods his head like he will handle the situation and he will tell him everything said to Samar
Rudra -" can we go somewhere so don't get disturbed when we talk "
Samar -" sure "

All moved to the near by restaurant and sat there then Samar asked to rudra
Samar -" what do you want to talk to me Rudra "
Rudra -" ask your sister to stay away from Karthik's life and stop creating problems in his life "
Rudra just said him straightly without beating the bush around, which caused samar to bang his hand on the front table and he said
Samar -" what rubbish are you talking about my sister rudra "
Rudra -" I am not talking any rubbish, you sister tried to kill Karthik's wife "
Samar was shocked to hear and he couldn't believe it and he said in angry tone
Samar -" stop taking shit about my sister and I won't believe you, first of all why should I believe you I know my sister she can't kill a person, you are lying why are doing this rudra "
Rudra just laughed at him and asked him sarcastically
Rudra -" so you know your sister very well is it "
Samar -" yes "
He answered rudra with full confidence that his sister wouldn't do such things, but he didn't knew that his trust would be broken in many pieces just like broken mirror, and rudra said
Rudra -" then you should know this also that why your sister wants to be in Karthik's life again "
What rudra said that can't be denied because she told him that she wants Karthik back in her life and he said
Samar -" because she loves him, and Karthik was forced to marry his cousin and both are not happy in there marriage life, so why to be in a relationship which you don't want to "
Then he turned to Karthik and said
Samar -" I know Tanu did rongh with you in college but she loves you truly even after knowing you are married she wants you back in her life and i don't know if know this or not that your wife has a lover boy in the hospital where she works, she is cheating you Karthik "
He was about to say more but Karthik stood up and held his collar and pulled him from the chair and threaten him
Karthik -" not a single word about my wife did you hear that, not a word "
Anger was clearly visible In his eyes which caused Samar to gulp in fear and rudra removed Karthik's hand from Samar's collar and said
Rudra -" Karthik come down please let me handle this "
He said to Karthik pleading him with eyes to calm down and to control his anger, he turned to Samar and asked
Rudra -" who told you all this Samar "
Samar -" Tanu told me, we returned back from our native after our grandmother's death, when we came here Tanu's class mate told her that you got married and you were forced to marry her because the groom ran away so you were compelled to marry your cousin. Tanu loves you so much Karthik that she wants you back in her life so she asked me got information about your wife to know about her so she can make your wife understand that you both are not happy in your marriage "
Hearing what all he said Karthik said to Samar
Karthik -" don't think I am being rude Samar but I want you to know the what truth is, so let me clear it first thing Is what all you sister told you is utter rubbing and lie there is no truth in that, secondly I am happly married to my wife she is the best wife I can get ever and your sister is creating unnecessary problems in my life so you stop her or I will, if I did that consequences will be bad "
Heading this samar was shocked and again Karthik said
Karthik -" I saw her in the mall she approached me so I warned her to stay away from me, but she didn't and tried many times to disturb us when ever, where ever she saw us and then she shifted to opposite to my flat and knowing I was out of station she tried to kill my wife and caused her accident do you know I nearly loosed her to the death but I got her back, this time if she Tries to do something to won't spare her Samar "
hearing all this samar was shocked he couldn't believe what he heard, one side he couldn't deny what Karthik said and other side he can't believe his sister lied and used him in her lie, both Karthik and rudra was looking at Samar waiting for him to respond but he sat there shocked and his eyes were red and filled with tears which was threatening to spill out, as he couldn't take that his own sister betray him then rudra called him
Rudra -" Samar "
Said shooking his shoulder he was about to say something but phone call interrupted him it was Karthik's phone he saw ishu was calling him he stood and moved aside and he received it
Ishu -" hello mama "
Karthik -" Sollu ishu "
Ishu -" mama where are you, you told you will be home soon "
She asked him, as she couldn't stay away from him and he smiled and said
Karthik -" I got sudden work ma, I will be home in half an hour or fourty minutes da, don't worry I will be back soon wifey "
Ishu -" OK mama drive safely bye "
Karthik -" I will, bye ishu "
He cutted the call and turned around saw Samar was standing behind him and said
Karthik -" tell your sister not to disturb me or my wife Samar, and I won't fall for her sick games this time"
Samar -" I look after it you don't worry, she won't cross your path again "
He said and moved from there, then Karthik and rudra moved out and sat in the jeep Karthik was driving towards Rudra's flat and the whole drive was silent they reached rudra got down and said
Rudra -" don't worry da everything will be alright "
Karthik nods his head and said
Karthik -" I hope "
Rudra -" think positive man, don't think too much go home "
He said cheering up him and Karthik thanked him as he was and will always be there for him in his worst and best.
Karthik -" thanks da "
Rudra -" I don't need your thanks and all now move your ass from here and go home "
He said and moved inside the apartment and Karthik saw his retiring figure and chuckled shaking and said
Karthik -" he and his words, this idiot won't change and I don't want him to change "
And then he drove back to his flat.

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