part 28

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Author's pov:
Karthik comes out of his house and starts the jeep in ten minutes he reached the station usually It takes twenty minutes to reach but today he drove the jeep so fast today.

He entered the station all were staring at him and he rushed to his cabin and saw rudra was there.
Karthik -" did you got any clue about him "
Rudra-" no I traced his mobile phone location but the phone is in his room only "
Karthik -" I hope Prasad is fine "
Yes the call from rudra when he was in home

Karthik received the call
Karthik -" hello "
Rudra-" hello Karthik,  Prasad is missing and the guards in his house were knocked out da we couldn't find him come to station da "
After hearing this his phone slipped from his hand.
And he remembered that it was Prasad's locket.

Flashback ends

He showed the locket to rudra
Rudra-" it's Prasad locket da"
Karthik nods his head
Rudra-" how did you get this?????? "
Karthik -" it was delivered to home and Kavya opened it,  all were shocked in the house about this "
Rudra-" he is trying to scare us da by sending this to home "
Karthik -" I didn't tell them anything in the home came to station directly "
Rudra-" OK I will arrange to constable for security in the house "
Rudra called the constable and arranged them.

Then Karthik's phone rang he saw unknown number he received the call
Karthik -" hello "
They didn't answer him back
Karthik -" hello "
they didn't answer but cutted the call.
Rudra -" who is that "
Karthik -" don't know unknown number some crack I think "
Rudra -" OK "
Then again Karthik's phone rang from same unknown number He was irritated now received the call
Karthik -" hello "
But again they didn't answer Karthik got angry
Karthik -" who the fuck! are you if you can't talk why did you call me " he helled through the phone.
In reply he got only laughter from the other side.

Hearing this he got slight doubt may be the murder and rudra signalled him to put phone on speaker
Karthik -" you are the one who killed the drug dealer and kidnapped Prasad right "
Man-" I must say you are smart officer" both Karthik and rudra looked each other
Karthik -" where is Prasad???? "
Man-" oh.......  That officer he will be fine till you agree my demand "
Karthik -" what do you want????? "
Man-" you "
Karthik -" what????? "
Man-" yes of you, if you want that officer alive I want you to come alone to me, and don't try to use smart brain of yours then you will find another sack infront of the commissioner office "
Karthik-" where do you want me to come "
Man-" I will text you "
Then he cutted the call.

Then Karthik called to control room
Karthik -" hello this Is Karthik I want to trace the number which I got call to this number few minutes back "
Police-" OK sir I will tell you in five minutes "
Karthik-" make it fast "
Then he cutted the call.

Rudra-" you are not going alone anywhere Karthik "
Karthik-" I have to I can't risk another life in danger and I have to see who is behind all this "
Rudra-" what if he harms you "
Karthik -" nothing is going to happen I will be fine "

Then Karthik received the call from control room
Karthik -" hello did you get the location "
Police -" no sir it's showing more than ten locations at a same time that too one location opposite to other location "
Karthik -" how can it may be possible"
Police -" may be he is using satellite phone sir so we can't trace his number "
Karthik -" OK "
He cutted the call.

He got message notification in his mobile phone he opened the message
' Ice factory in the outskirts out the town '
Rudra took his phone saw the message
Rudra -" it's the same factory where we did the ride da "
Karthik -" yes "

Karthik decided to go alone and he went inside the locker room to get extra gun and kept in his shoe and another one in his pocket.

He came out and wore his leather jacket and was about to go out
Rudra-" think once again da "
Karthik -" I will manage rudra you just manage here"
He said and moved outside.

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