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It has been a hell of a week but as soon as we got back to Beacon Hills things have been happening again. Like last night Danny was rushed to the hospital, he had mistletoe in his body and he puked it out on to the hospital floor. Two doctors have been taken and sacrificed, well actually one sacrificed, the body hasn't been found yet. Scott told that him and Isaac were up all night trying to watch over Melissa because last night she saved Danny from dying by being the wonderful nurse she is, honestly if I ever start dying, someone better take me too her because she has magic hands.

"Good morning" I hear the sound of Miss Blake, which takes out off my train of thougth "As you all know, Mr Harris is still missing. I mean, sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started shall we?"

"Hey, my dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled, but did die from ashyxiation. They just don't know how" I hear Stiles say to Scott

"Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?" Scott asks

"I don't know" Stiles says "But, Scott, there's gotta be atleast 20 other doctors in that hospital. At least, you know? Anyone of them could be next"


I was at my locker and I was placing books into it. I feel a presence next to me and I turn to see Isaac, I smile at him and he does the same, only he yawns afterwards. I laugh at him because I know he didn't get much sleep last night, after watching over Melissa.

"Looks like someone is tired" I joke and he give me a weak smile

"If you weren't so damn cute I would push you but because you are I'll let that joke slide" He says and I purse my lips at him

"Don't call me cute, I'm not 8" I tell him and he laughs

"Anyway, I have to leave right now to go help Derek with Boyd, you wanna come with me?" He asks and I gasp

"Skip school, are you crazy my dad would flip if he found out, are you forgetting he's the sheriff?" I ask

"Nicky, check your timetable" He says and points to it. I read it and find out I have a free period

"Oh, I'm literally blonde" I say and he laughs while closing my locker

"Come on" He says and grabs my hand


We literally didn't even step foot in the door and we were already told to leave. Maybe he just needs a women? It actually might do wonders for the stick that's lodged up his enduringly stoic ass if he did have one or maybe we should just get him a dog or a rabbit. "Go back to school" Derek's voice echos throughj the loft and I just laugh at him because we're not leaving

"Well, actually, we can't. Boyd and I are Incredibly and unbelievably sick" Isaac says

"With what, brain damage?" Derek asks them and I giggle

"Well, I have a migraine and Boyd here has explosive diarreha" Isaac says then Derek looks at me

"I just have a free period and it was either this or go to the library" I say and nod

"We're here to protect you" Boyd tells Derek as he descends the stair case

"You're here to protect me? Well, I'm in trouble then" Derek says

"Well, actually, Boyd here came up with a plan" Isaac says pulling me in between his legs as he sits on the table

"Yeah, I thought about the time Gerard had me and Erica locked up, tied up with electrical wires pushing the current through us" Boyd says and Derek turns to Isaac and I

"No, keep listening it gets better" I tell Derek

"I was wondering how we could do something like that" Boyd says and grabs a whole bunch of wire out of the duffle bag "But on a bigger scale"


"In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to 50 milliamps to kill a normal human, less then the power it takes to turn on a light bulb" Boyd says while filling the floor with water

"That's comforting" I say and step away from the water, next to Isaac

"If we disable the circuit interrupter in the buidling's electrical room, the current will keep coming, and anyone who steps foot in here, they'll get a pretty shocking surprise" Boyd says

"Especially someone who's barefoot" Isaac says as we watch the water fill the floor

"So, when are you leaving?" Derek asks me and I scoff

"Well once the electricity or whatever it is, is on. I'm out of here because I'm not buring to a crisp today" I tell them and rest my head against the wall

"So why don't you just leave now?" Isaac asks

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I ask him

"No, I just don't want you to get hurt" He says and I smile but I hear a groan, I look at Derek who has a disgusted expression on his face

"Derek, shut up" I say and he gives a fake smile


When I got back to school, I literally thought it was going to be smooth sailing form here, but no I was blind folded and then punched in the face. God, it's going to leave a mark and my dad is going to start asking questions about it, this is the worst day ever. I feel myself coming out of my thoughts as I hear voices coming from in front of me. I open my eyes noticing that there is no blind fold on anymore, but I am in the building that Derek lives in and I'm being lifted by a pair of strong arms.

"Gotta be honest, Derek. When Ennis died, I thought to myself I'd just go for it. Find you and kill you, wherever you stood. Then I remembered how you surroud yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them, and I thought 'What's a girl gotta do to get you alone?' " I hear the Alpha Kali say and I look to my left to see Miss Blake being forced into the loft "But, the twins decided that they need some revenge for the whole, Isaac messing with them, so they brought a second piece of leverage"

I'm pulled into the room, I see Isaac's face with no emotion on it, but then he realises who I am and he goes wide eyed. I swear if I get out of this I'm gonna kill him because he told me too leave, so I would get hurt but I was punched in the face and blind folded.

"You and me, Derek, or they tear them apart" Kali says "What do you say? Think you can neat me one-on-one?"

"I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth" Derek says and both Alphas growl at eachother

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now