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It's been 16 hours, not 16 minutes, not even 16 seconds, but 16 hours since we got Stiles, Allison and Scott into the ice tubs so they can be mini sacrfices. I can't belive it, they haven't woken yet. I seriously praying that nothing has happened to them, I'm just thinking about all the things that are going to go wrong if they are dead forever. We're not going to find my dad or Scott's mom or Allison's dad, I'll have no family, I'll be an orphan. Stiles if you can hear me through our "twin telepathy" please get your butt back into the real world. And the minute after I said that, we heard splashing coming from the other room, they're awake.

"What?" I hear Isaac ask

"I saw it. I know where it is" Scott says getting on the metal tub

"Yeah, we passed it. There was this stump. This huge tree. Well, it's not huge anymore" Stiles says and he gets out the tub "It was cut down. But it's still big, though. Very big."

"It was the night we were looking for the body" Scott says

"Yeah, the same night you were bit by Peter" Stiles adds

"I was there, too, in the car with my mother. We almost hit someone" Allison says

"It was me. You almost hit me" Scott tells her then turns to us "We can find it"

"What?" Allison asks us because we haven't said anything

"You guys were out a long time" I tell them

"How long is a long time?" Stiles asks

"Sixteen hours" Deaton tells them making their faces drop

"We were in the water for 16 hours?" Scott asks

"And the full moon rises in less then four" Deaton tells him


"No, dude. You are not going back with them" Stiles tells Scott

"I made a deal with Deucalion" Scott says

"Does anybody else think that sounds like a deal with the devil?" Stiles asks

"Why does it matter anyway?" Isaac asks sitting next to Allison

"Because I still don't think we can beat Jennifer without their help" Scott says

"He trusts you more than anyone. Tell him he's wrong" Allison says to Deaton

"I'm not so sure he is" Deaton says "Circumstances like this sometimes require you a line yourself with people you normally consider enemies"

"So we're going to trust him, the guy that calls himself 'death, destroyer of worlds'? We're going to trust that guy?" Isaac asks

"We're going to trust him, no. But you can use too your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait" Deaton tells us and after he said that we hear the door opening, the bell ringing and the door closes again. It sends Deaton out to the front and I look over at Lydia who seens scared, then I glance at everyone else with the same expressions.

"I'm looking for Lydia?" I hear the sound of one of the twins and I walk to the front with Lydia by my side

"What do you want?" Lydia asks and I look at Ethan with a confused look

"I need your help" Ethan says and I furrow my eyebrows

"With what?" Stiles asks stepping in front of Lydia and I

"Stopping my brother and Kali from killing Derek" Ethan says

"I'm coming with you" I tell Lydia

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now