Nine: The Secrets Are Out

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It's been two days and my dad hasn't said one word to me. I'm not allowed to leave the house and I'm missing out on all the action, but Stiles did tell me that there is a list of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills who are being assassinated for money, stolen from the Hale fault and not only is my name on there- I'm worth thirty million dollars. I'm even worth more than Scott and he is a true Alpha, but why am I worth so much? My powers are boring and I haven't even mastered them which means I don't know if they're cool or not. I'm laying on my bed just starring at the ceiling and I have nothing to do, until a knock is heard. I turn my head and see my dad standing at my door, I sit up and cross my legs "You can come in" I tell him and he does so, I move over and he sits next to me.

He rubs his hands over his knees and sighs "So you dated Peter?" He asks and I cringe.

I mean it's going to be really hard explaining this to him because he's a dad, I mean my mother would have understood a little bit but since he's a father and the Sheriff. He probably just wants to kill Peter. "Dad, you have to realize that I wanted to tell you, I really did but you're the Sheriff and what we had going on was illegal" I tell him "But what I can tell you is that, no he didn't take advantage of me and yes it was more than just a relationship you have in the fifth grade" He looks at me and he doesn't even know how to respond "I didn't know at the time that I didn't actually want a real relationship, I had a spotless mind and I just wanted some fun. Little did I know Peter wanted more than that, he wanted someone to call his own" I tell my dad and he looks so disappointed in me "Dad, he was in love with me. I don't know if he still is but I just want to be his friend"

He is very silent and I need him to say something, right now and then he actually does "Nicole, I know what it's like to be a teenager and exploring with your emotions, but I didn't think that you out of all people would explore them like this" He says and I can feel the hurt in his emotions, it's not comforting and I don't like it "I just don't want to see you get hurt, okay?" He tells me and I nod "And with you being on this deadpool and being worth more than I'll ever make in a life time is so not comforting, but I just- I wish you wouldn't have done what you did" He says and I nod again

"I'm so sorry, I was being a reckless teenager and I didn't even think it would affect anyone but it affected you because I feel your hatred towards me and I know that some day you may forgive me, but you'll never forgive Peter" I tell him and he nods, I know I'm right. He doesn't have to tell me that I' not because I know my dad like the back on my hand.

He throws an arm around me and I smile "You are absolutely right, I'll never forgive Peter but I'm forgiving you because you're still my baby and the young minds of today will do anything" He says and I laugh

I look up at him and say "Thank you, but I know something that will cheer you up" He looks down at me and raises an eyebrow "I made the Lacrosse team" His eyes widen

"WHAT?! I didn't even know you tried out, wait you're on the boys team? How? When?" He asks me and I laugh

I take a deep breath and say "Well, it was a last minute thing and coach did say that if I made at least one goal I was automatically on the team. No one thought I could do it but I did a front flip over Scott and Stiles- the ball jut went straight in" I tell him and he laughs "Dad, I love you and I'm so sorry"

He hugs me tightly and I hug back immediately "I love you too, Nicky"


Something is going down and it's probably going to happen tonight at the Lacrosse game as so I've heard. Stiles told me the same person who killed that Carrie girls who was a werewolf, is someone on the Lacrosse team and they used their Lacrosse stick to kill her, now I'm worried because either me, Scott and Kira could be next at tonight's Lacrosse game. We ended up rummaging through a whole bunch of Lacrosse sticks and we haven't found one with a knife in it yet. "This, this is pointless. Most of the team plays with their own gear" Scott says and I nod

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