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Third Person's POV:

Stiles, Lydia, Cora and Scott are all in the animal clinic, but little did they know that they're friends were in more danger than they could describe. Stiles had managed to 'Borrow' Danny's paper on telluric currents, Cora didn't seem to think that this was anything useful to find Deaton, since he's missing, and pressumed hanging from a cieling according to Melissa. They didn't have mush time on figuring things out considering almost everyone's lives are on the line right now and not most of those people heal.

"Okay, so, what does this kid's homework have to do with finding Deaton?" The younger Hale asks, sounding more like Derek by the day

"Because it's not just homework, okay? It's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the earth. They flow through the earth. They can even be affected by lunar phases, all right? Now look at this" Stiles says showing each of them a note left by Mr Harris, on Danny's paper "This is a not from Harris on Danny's proposal"

"I strongly advise you too choose another subject. The ideas here, while inovative and thoughtful, border on pseudo-science. Not sutible for class" Lydia reads out them "Harris wasn't just a sacrifice -He knew something" Scott tells the three of them

"Now, check this out. Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map, all right? Danny had one, too." Stiles says showing them the map from Danny's project, setting it out on the table "Danny marked all the telluric currents, okay? Now, the weird thing about Beacon Hills it actually is a Beacon. You would believe how much energy following through this earth is arounf this town"

"Stiles, look, they match" Scott tells as he sets the map from Allison's father down,too "All right, there's three places, right? When they'er kidnapped and then the place where their body was found" "Look, that's on the telluric current" Lydia tells

"So, maybe where he was sacrificed is somewhere in between" Scott sugests "Let me see that" Stiles says grabbing the pen away from his best friend "You said there's six more bodies to be found. Deaton's one of them. Got to be somewhere in between, right?"

"Stop" Cora tells the boy as she places his hands on his and moves it over to the aprt of the map, where it says 'National Bank' "He's in the vault. He's in the same vault"

While they're are contemplating is Cora is right or not. Deaton is in fact hanging from the vault ceiling, trying his hardest to breath but he's loosing his strength and he soon might just loose his life all together at this point.

Back at the clinic, they all pack up the papers and maps, until Cora get's a text message. "Guys, hold on" Lydia says "Lydia, we don't have time" Scott tells her

"It's Boyd. The plan didn't work. They cut the power, and they have your sister, Stiles" Cora tells them and that's when Stiles' heart drops and his face is going pure white "It's just like he said" Scott says "Go. I can save Deaton myself."

"What? Scott? What about us? What about Nicole?" Stiles asks with his voice almost cracking because of the thought that he might loose his sister "Cora can get there fast enough without you. Go. we can same all of them." Scott says and in a flash, he's gone out the door

"All right, let's go" Stiles tells the two girls


Meanwhile at the loft, Derek is stiil fighting Kali and it doesn't seem like either of them are winning. Everytime each other them throw a punch, they duck or they get injured. Nicole and Miss Blake are struggling for their lives. Isaac and Boyd not knowing what to do and the only thing that is on Isaac's mind is that he needs to save Nicole, becasue he likes her and he doesn't want to see her get hurt... Again, as he can see the bruise forming under her eye. Kali slashes Derek and you can actually see the blood pouring out of him as he ducks.

"DEREK!" Miss Blake screams but the twin keeps her in a tight hold as she fights herself out of their grip. Nicole on the other hand is just frozen, she literally doesn't have the strength in her to try and fight the twin at this point cause she knows she's going to lose, if she tries. The fight continues with Derek and Kali. Isaac getting ready to get Nicole and Miss Blake

"NO!" Derek yells

"Wait!" Isaac tells boyd as Derek keeps fighting but Kali getting an advantage, knocks Derek to the ground


At the vault Scott has found his way too Deaton, he sees him hanging there not looking his best but he goes in only to be throw back by the barrier of mountain ash, blocking his way to get to Deaton. Scott Immediately gets up from being thrown down. He look down at the ash on the floor, then moving forward slowly and gently, Placing his right hand in front of him he starts pushing on the barrier, giving it a purple glow. Giving force with every single push, grunting, jaw and teeth clenched, and focusing hard. Deaton is trying his best to stay alive but keeps drifting off. Scott keeping his eyes closed, slowly as he opens them, he's eyes start to form the yellow glow of his Beta individuality but soon turns red as a sign of being an Alpha.

Loosing hope he soon gets thrown back, counghing and panting. Knowing that he is failing to save the one person who has treated him like a son even though he's own father couldn't, he's failed and he knows but not all hope is lost when Sheriff Stilinski comes up behind the boy, pulling his guun out of his pocket.

"Scott! Let me give it a shot" Sheriff Stilinski says, aiming for the top of the rope and shooting it, letting Deaton fall to the floor


Stiles, Lydia and Cora are now in the building of the loft, in the power room. Their plan is to help Derek by electricuting Kali. The all look very confused as to what to turn on and what to not turn on incase one of the Betas in Derek's loft, get hurt themselves.

"Okay, what do we do?" Stiles asks

"We pull them. We pull all of them" Cora says placing her hands on the switches, flipping all of them while Stiles sends a message to Isaac telling him it's time to go.


Isaac gets the text and runs before he gets electrocuted. Sliding over to Nicole, he grabs her in his arms, pulling her away from the twins as they let go of Miss Blake. Boyd falling to the ground while Kali is almost dragging Derek down with her in pain and suffering. "Take him!" Kali demands the twins as she gets a hold of Boyd and in a flash, everything changed.

"I'm giving you till the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack. Or next time I'm killing all of you" Kali says leaving Derek to hold Boyd up with his claws impaled into him

Nicole looks up at Isaac and he takes her head, placing it on his chest. She doesn't want to watch Boyd die, but Miss Blake is so confused as to what just happened. Who knew an english teacher could get herself into situations like this.

"It's okay" Boyd manages to get out "No, no. No, it's not. It's not" Derek tells the dying Beta "It's all okay, Derek" Boyd tells him "I'm sorry" Derek says

"the full moon. That feeling. It was worth it. Did you know it was the lunar eclipse? I always wondered what... What that felt like for one of us. For a werwolf" Boyd says as Derek takes his memory of Erica away from him by removing his claws, letting the young Beat fall to the ground, lifeless.

Stiles and Cora pop in, Nicole looking up and her brother then getting up and embracing him in a hug. He thought he would never see her again. She thought the same thing. He let her go and looked down at Cora, hovering over Boyds lifeless corpse. Lydia soon pops in and watches them. While Isaac gets up and takes Nicole in his arms once again. As Stiles goes to Derek and they all listen to Cora's cries.

Hey guys, I updated finally! Sorry I've been really busy and I have no time lately but I promise updates will happen more often I just need to find time.

Anyway thanks for reading

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