Three: Helping Hale

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After finding Derek we got back to Beacon hills and it's like three in the morning, I'm tired, my head hurts and I need to sleep now. I didn't go with Stiles, Scott and Lydia to the animal clinic because one of us had to take home Kira and Malia, so Stiles dropped them off at our house and I have to take them home. Stopping in front of Kira's door, she doesn't get out but stops and turns to me saying "Would you have been mad if I didn't turn the dial for Scott and let them turn the dial on you and Lydia?" I feel Malia lean closer to us.

I sigh a little bit then say "No, because I know you didn't have a choice" She gives me a small smile and then I ask "You're not mad about the whole Scott and me thing, right? Even though I did ask you a couple months ago about it, but that was when my brother was possessed by a demonic fox. I mean you could've changed your mind"

"No, I could never be mad at you because you can't control it, after all you are an Empathetic" She says and we all giggle

"I don't know about Nicole, but if I were a helpless, non-healing human I'd probably hire someone to assassinate you if you turned the dial on me" Malia says and we all chuckle

"You know what I'm so glad my brother decided to put himself in an insane asylum and hook up with you in the basement, after he stole my Alpha powers" I tell her with a smile and she gives me one back

"I better get going, my parents might be wondering where I am" Kira tells us and get's out the car

I roll down the window quickly then say "Remember we went camping, and the car broke down but Scott and Stiles fixed it" She nods and wave goodbye to us, we watch her walk up to her front door and go in while Malia places herself in the passenger seat. After putting her seat-belt on we were off, I don't even know why I bother to take Malia home when she is just going to climb through the window later.

"You think they'll find a cure for Derek?" Malia asks me as I make a left turn

I take a quick glance at her then say "Probably, but now that we know a lot more about Kate. I get the feeling that her and Derek have a connection, now that he is younger it literally stands out more but I could be wrong" I hear her sigh then I say "Hey, I'm not driving you home for nothing am I?"

"What do you mean?" She asks and I turn to her, luckily I know how to drive

"I mean are you sure you're not going to climb through Stiles' window tonight?" I ask her with a smirk

She is silent, but then says "No, I think I just need to go home and see my dad. he's probably worried" I nod at her, but on the inside I just want to tell her that Peter is her father though it's not my place to tell her, it's Stiles'. Speaking of Peter maybe I should call him and see if he's okay or maybe he doesn't even want to hear my voice, I miss him. I miss talking to him, but I want Scott I don't want him.

I pull up to Malia's little house, it's cute and I've only seen it twice before. It's in the middle of the reserve and it look like a cute place to raise a family, maybe one day after college Scott and I will move out here or build a house like this because for me, I like to think ahead and I even know what I'm going to name my kids. I want two, a girl and a boy. I don't have names yet cause that's just weird.

I watch Malia open the car door and make her way out "Are you sure you're healed?" I ask her and she nods lifting up her shirt to show me "And remember, we went camping not Mexico and the car broke down"

"Got it" She says and I give her a smile, watching her walk away. Time to get home and get some sleep. I quickly pull out of her driveway and make my way home, it's been a long night/day.


We're sitting in History class and I'm not paying attention to Mr Yukimora, but more to the notebook sitting in front of me. I got my 2B pencil out and started sketching, I didn't even know what I was drawing until I looked at the entire picture instead of just focusing on one part of it. I tilt my head and realize I drew Scott, weird. But I don't know I look over to my right and I see him focused on the board, smiling to myself as I watch him focused on the teacher, though looking at his face I can tell he notices me looking at him and turns his head. Smiling a little bit at I giggle and he makes a motion down at his notebook but soon enough points at mine. He wants to see my notebook.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now