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I sit in the backseat of my dad's car. Stiles in the front while our father drives. Stiles seems a bit lost today, he's not really himself. I don't know what to do, actually I don't think there's much I can do because right now we are on our way to Eichan House to check Stiles in. Since he's losing his mind, he decided to stay in here for a few days and we haven't really told anyone. My dad has also decided that since Stiles is in here, He'll go to L.A. and see a real doctor about Stiles' demetia problem. And while he's there I have to stay with Lydia because my dad doesn't want me to be alone while he's gone, which I totally understand. We get out the car and I sigh as I look up at the big buidling, it seems really suspicious and I'm absolutely scared for Stiles to enter. We hear a motorbike approaching us and I know it's Scott.

I'm sure he's going to have a lot to say considering this is his best friend, checking himself into a mental institution. I feel bad for Scott, we didn't tell him, I should have told him, I should have told him before we came here and now we are left to explain every detail that my father, Stiles and I talked about this morning. It was a pretty serious discussion because as soon as I woke up, I walked down stairs, my dad and Stiles were seated at the table in the kitchen and they both had looks of sadness on their faces. But as soon as they told me the plans I went nuts, I yelled at Stiles then at my father. But soon enough I started to cry and then went along with Stiles' decision because he is the one who is deciding to check himself into this place as I mentioned earlier.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asks

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this" My dad tells him

"It's only 72 hours" Stiles adds

"This is the same place where Barrow came from. The guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies. You don't know everything yet" Scott says

"I know enough. Nogitsunes, Kitsunes, Oni, or whatever they're called" My dad says and I nod

"That's actually all surprisingly correct" I tell my dad

"Scott, I saw an MRI that looked exaclty like my wife's. And it terrifies me. I'm headed down to L.A. tomorrow to talk to a specialist" My dad says

"Then why are you putting him in here?" Scott asks

"He's not. It was my decsion" Stiles tells him and I fold my arms

"Stiles, I can't help you if you're in here" Scott says

"And I can't hurt you" Stiles says

"Deaton's got some ideas. Argent's calling people. We're going to find something. And if we can't..."

"If you can't... If you can't, then you have to do something for me, okay? Make sure I never get out" Stiles tells Scott and I sigh as I can feel Scott's pain and it seems like he needs to be with someone tonight

"I'm going to go with Scott" I tell them and he looks down at me

"You sure?" My dad asks and I nod. I quickly bring Stiles into a hug and I hold him tight

"I promise we'll do something, stay strong" I whisper to him and squeeze my eyes tight

"I love you, Nicky" He tells me as I let go of him

"Please be careful, I heard this place can be a bit scary" I tell him and my dad kisses my forhead, they walk past the gate and Stiles gives us a quick look and I give him a little wave and smile

"Are you okay?" Scott asks me and I look up at him

"I just need to talk to someone" I tell him and he smiles

"Let's go to my house, you can talk to me" He says and I smile as we get on his bike


We got to Scott's house and I really miss just hanging out with him. Because before all this Nogitsune stuff happened, I did have some sort of feelings for Scott. But they were there for like five seconds and I don't even know how that is possible, well we are in a superntural world so, I'm guessing it is possible. We walk inside his house and it seems like Melissa isn't home. We walk upstairs into his room and as soon as we got there, I completely dumped myself on his bed. I hear his chuckle and look at him taking off his jacket and placing his helmet on his desk. He jumps on the bed next to me and I chuckle.

"What does it feel like not being a wolf anymore?" He asks me and I turn my head, giving him a confused look

"How did you know that?" I ask him with a smile

"Your scent is extremely different. It's actually smells like you're something else" He tells me with a laugh and I shake my head

"I didn't know Empathetics had a scent" I tell him and he is wide eyed

"What's an Empathetic?" He asks me and I take a deep breath

"According to the Nogitsune, I can sense someone's desires, feelings, emotions, pain. I can go into your mind and you wouldn't even know. That's how I found Stiles that night, all I had to do was give my power to the Nogitsune" I tell him and he is taken back by all this information then he is completely shocked

"Do you know what I'm feeling?" He asks and his hands brushes past mine, the connection got a lot stronger and I can feel his lust, his desire... For me?

"Scott, are you feeling okay?" I ask him and he looks around then back at me

"I'm totally fine" He says and to me he said it a bit too fast and not even furious

"I know what you're feeling, Scott. How long have you been feeling like that?" I ask him and he shakes his head

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Scott says and I nod

"I get it you're ashamed to tell me how your feeling because you have feelings for me" I tell him and I sit up and he does the same

"I'm not ashamed of you. I'm embarrassed because you are with Peter and I have had feelings for you since you walked into Miss Blake's english class" He tells me and I gasp a little bit "Actually, I had feelings for since before you went to boarding school when we were little"

"But you and Kira are a thing" I tell him and he sighs

"I just went for her because I have been trying to get over you" He tells me and I smile at his cuteness. But I realise this is wrong because I'm with Peter and I'm not even sure if I love him though what I feel is what I feel "Nicole, I've been obsessed with you since the third grade. Stiles liked Lydia, I liked you"

"Scott, you are my best friend and I love you like a second brother. I just- I mean with the whole Peter and I thing, I just don't know if I can be on this situation because you could possibly be having mixed feelings" I tell him and he shakes him head. I don't know if he's trying to play a game with me or something and to tell you the truth it's working because HIS LIPS ARE PRESSED AGAINST MINE RIGHT NOW! I closed my eyes for two seconds then pushed him gently away from me, leaving my lips with a tingly sensation. "I'm sorry, Nicole. I don't know why I would even do that. I'm an idiot" He tells me and I place my fingers on my lips, standing up. I take in a deep breath.

"I think I should go to Lydia's. I'll call you tomorrow" I say not even giving him a chance to respond as I leave his room and home. I just can't do this anymore. I seriously need counselling or something. My emotions are running all over the place and I hate it, it's actually starting to ruin my relationship with everyone.

Finally! For those who have been a little upset that it's taken so long for her and Scott to get together or kiss, here you go. This is just the beginning to some steamy romance with Nicole and Scott. Sorry it took so long, I wanted you guys to be surprised.


BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now