Sixteen: Plans

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After Stiles and I had hugged it out, it had come to our attention that the power had went down in the whole building. You know the amount of times the lights went out in this place is ridiculous, it's like whoever keeps shutting them off wants it to seem like a real mystery. We tried everything to get them back online and nothing worked, no we need to find Argent and warn him. We watched as Mr Argent walked past and then we followed, but then he turned around pointing a gun straight into our faces. I've never been so disrespected in my life, what have I done to deserve this kind of greeting. What a jerk. "Don't point that thing at me, Argent" I warn as I snarl at him and he rolls his eyes. "Listen, the powers out in the whole building and we lost all the cameras" I add

"Stay with Scott, text me if you see or hear anything" He tells us and both Stiles and I nod. We watch as he checks his watch and it reads eighteen minutes and three seconds. He points to the morgue and he immediately go in, I don't know what is going on but I can feel that feeling again. Like, the same one in Mexico and at the night we turned Derek back into a man again, death. Which means that the Berserkers are here and so is Kate. I'm trying to think of something that will help me take my mind off this whole thing, I remember what me and Scott talked about before Kira put him to sleep.

Scott and I both lay on his bed, my hand in tucked underneath his pillow and I'm facing him and his adorable brown eyes. I smile as he says "You know we haven't been on a real date" I think about it and cringe.

"There hasn't really been time" I tell him and he nods because it's true. I mean would you go on a date when there's someone trying to kill you every five seconds, no. "Besides, with everyone who's trying to kill us for money wouldn't we be safer in doors and away from the social scene?"

He laughs as he grabs my hand and squeezes it gently. "Don't worry we are going to get through and make time" He assures me and I put my head down, with his other hand he lifts my head up and I look him in the eyes "Are you scared?" He asks me

"Terrified, I mean what if the plan doesn't work and people keep dying?" I ask him and he sighs "We don't even know what we are doing half the time and all I really want to do is be with you the other half of the time" I tell him and he smiles

He looks around his room before saying "I want to be with you 24/7" He tells me and I smile "We are going to get through this plan and then stop the dead pool, so I can have you all to myself" He adds and then leans forward placing a soft kiss on my lips, I want everyday to be like this. I wish things could just go back to normal and we could all just get along, I honestly wish that I didn't live in Beacon Hills which is why I'm so excited to be going to college just so I can get away from this god awful town.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I hear a loud thud and Argent is thrown in to the room, landing on the floor. What the hell? Who would do this? I'm looking at the door and I know Kate is close and by close I'm going to walk through that door any second. "Nicole, Stiles get out of here and run" Mr Argent tells us struggling on the floor, but it's too late to run now. Kate is already in the room, I give her and evil look and she smiles as Mr Argent gets up.

"Get out of the way kids, I'm taking the body" Kate says and I freeze, hold up is she the benefactor? If she is, she didn't make this a secretive thing which means she isn't the benefactor. I have a strong feeling that whoever is the benefactor already knows that Scott is actually dead and they don't even need proof.

I watch as Stiles backs up and stand in front of the draw that they are keeping Scott's body. "Why for visual confirmation?" Stiles asks and she laughs.

"Don't worry handsome, I'm not the benefactor" She says and she comes closer, I step in from of Stiles and she raises her eyebrow at me while I fold my arms.

"What do you want with the body?" Mr Argent says and I nod, if she's not the benefactor then what does she actually need it for? Besides, there is no way in hell I'm letting her take my boyfriend's body.

She continues to walk closer to us and I step forward as well. "I wish I could tell you" She says and that's when I watch as Mr Argents grabs her while pulling out a gun from his back pocket, he holds it under her chin which means if he pulls the trigger her brains will go everywhere. "I always forget you carry two" She says

"Back off!" Argent yells and I watch as the sibling war is about to go down, I wonder how long the could last if we're being honest.

Kate has this smug look on her face like she knows that our plan isn't going to work. "You sure you can pull that trigger fast enough?" She asks still with that stupid smug look on her face, oh how I wish I could punch it off her. "You're not going to kill me" She says

"Well, we're not going to let you take his body either" I add in and she looks at me "Listen, Kate we have a plan" I tell her

She then turns to her brother and I look at mine as I hear her say "Then if killing Scott was part of it, you're worse than me" She says and I rolls my eyes

"She's telling the truth we're trying to get to the benefactor" Stiles says and I nod

The amount of rage and anger in room is killing me, I feel like I want to just pass out. Everyone's emotions is turning me off, not to mention all the dead people locked in this room and the fact that I can have everyone's emotions become mine is not very soothing. "Kate, you're on the list worth more than most. Just back off and let us do what we planned, okay? Just take the Berserkers and go" I tell her. I look down at my watch and I realise we only have three minutes until Scott is officially dead.

"Kate, we have a plan. Just take them and go" Argent tells his sister and I watch as she just stand there.


I'm looking down at Scott's body and as soon as I looked up at Kira he woke with a loud roar. Oh thank god, he's okay. I grab both sides of his face and I smash my lips onto his, he's not dying today. He's not going to die on me, not today, not ever. "What happened, did it work?" He asks and we all just give each other glance. Not wanting him to know that no one showed up, obviously we plan on telling him but not right now.

No one said a word, but Liam bolted through those doors and stopped as he looked at Kira "Kira, it's your mother she's hurt" He tells her and I watch as Kira runs out of the room. I watch as Kira runs out the room and I turn my body to face Scott, I grab him and hold him close.

"We're not ever doing that again" He tells me and I nod into the crook of his neck.


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