One: The Damn Chicken

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It's been a while since things have been crazy around here in Beacon Hills, but if you don't remember what happened let me refresh your memory. Allison died, Aiden died, Isaac and Mr Argent left for France though this all happened after my brother was possessed by an demonic spirit, a fox may I add. Although, we did gain some new family members out of this like Kira and Malia. I don't know if I'll ever feel the same about not having Allison around, I mean it's practically my fault that she is dead because if I hadn't been kidnapped, she would still be alive.

Peter hasn't really been around, I mean I get the awkward phone call from him now and then but the only reason he had called is because Derek is missing. We don't know where he is and he isn't answering any of our text messages, well he never answers our text messages or phone calls for that matter but I'm sure he is probably chilling on an island, drinking a margarita and straight up cruising. Well he's not, okay, this damn werewolf managed to get himself kidnapped. The only suspect we have right now is the Calaveras and they live in Mexico, so guess who's in Mexico right now? Yeah it's us, the McCall pack. I mean sitting in a car while it's cramped up with six people really stinks. Luckily, the ride was cut short and Stiles, Lydia and I are taking a lovely walk in this cute town. "This doesn't seem so bad," I hear Stiles say and I look around at this town, it's hot, dusty, my feet are killing me and... Is that a chicken I see walking across the sand? What the actual hell. Stiles really messed up this time.

I fold my arms and then Lydia says, "It's not the town, it's the plan." I beg to differ because two minutes of being here I change my mind about the whole cute thing.

"Are you kidding, a chicken literally crossed the road." I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me, but I point to the chicken which earns me a huff from Lydia.

"What's wrong with the plan?" My brother asks and I slap him because he is dumb as hell.

"Stiles, this could be the stupidest plan we have ever come up with... Well you've come up with anyway, you're aware of that right?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm aware it's not our best." He says and I purse my lips.

In unison both Lydia and I say,"We are going to die."

We continue to walk and Stiles also continues to speak, "Are you guys saying this as people who can predict emotions, desires and death or are you guys just being pessimistic?" I turn my body a little so I can see him and shoot him some daggers.

"I'm saying it as a person who doesn't want to die." Lydia says and I nod.

Clearing my throat I tell them, "I'm saying it as a person who just saw a chicken cross the road, keep in mind they're are not actually supposed to be crossing roads."

"Okay, enough with the chicken!" Stiles says and I groan, "Would you guys mind restricting any talk of death to actual Banshee predictions and Empathetic predictions." He says and I roll my eyes.

"This plan is stupid and we are going to die." Lydia says and I nod.

"Oh, thank you." Stiles says and I chuckle because he is being hella sarcastic.

I still can't get over the fact that a chicken actually crossed the road, It's practically the joke that you tell people when you have nothing to say but you just want to say something. I know I've been rambling like an idiot and that is only because I am nervous when I nervous I normally keep quiet, but lately I have a lot to say and I'm freaking out, we are practically walking into war. Since I am rambling, I guess I could speak about Scott a little bit. We haven't been on a date and I don't think our relationship is going anywhere, I mean he is great and I don't have feelings for Peter anymore but if he wants us to be able to work things out, he has to start putting some effort into our "relationship."

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