Eight: Slow Dancing And Ass Whooping

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"Werewolf, Empathetic, Werecoyote, Banshee" Liam says after we told him about all of us and our supernatural powers, he was so confused and by the look on his face I can tell he doesn't believe a word we are saying then turns around to Kira and says "Fox"

She shrugs before saying "Kitsune, but fox works"

Turning back to the five of us, Liam takes a look at Stiles and asks him "What are you?"

"For a little while I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil" Stiles tells the young soon to be Beta, I wonder if he believes us? Wait... I'll just go into his mind. For two seconds I closed my eyes and I read his thoughts, he doesn't believe us.

After opening my eyes, I watch Liam look at me suspiciously then turn back too Stiles and asks "What are you now?"

Turning to Malia, I watch as Stiles says "Better?" I chuckle quietly, but stop

I watch Liam glance at the chains on the table "Are those for me?" He asks

"No, they're for me" Malia tells him while her eyes flash an ice cold blue, just like Peter's and Derek's but Scott told me Derek's eyes are no longer that color.

Liam's eyes travel between the five of us and "How'd you do that?"

"You'll learn but first you need to get through the full moon" Scott says

Breathing heavily Liam says "The moon's already out"

"And you're starting to feel something aren't you?" Scott asks stepping forward

"I feel like I'm surrounded by psychotic nut jobs" Liam says, all I'm feeling is the rage and anger. He is so angry, right now and I don't know if he'll even calm down "You guys are out of you freaking minds. I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care! I'm walking out the door right now and if any of you try to stop me I swear to god I'm going to-" He soon stops, his mouth spread open a little bit and he clutches his head as he gets on the ground.

I step forward and look at Liam asking "Are you okay?"

"You don't hear that?" Liam asks us and I turn to Scott, looking at the window as he concentrates hard. I hear the sound of car horns and tires squeaking, I don't know what is going on or who is about to knock on the front door of Lydia's lake house but I don't think is going to be good.

"Did you tell someone about this?" Lydia asks as she takes a glance at Liam then back to the window watching the lights of cars slowly turn off.

Breathing heavily Liam responds "My friend Mason" Who is Mason? Why did he invite everyone? There are screams and noises being heard from outside and I look at Kira wide eyed "You said it was a party" Liam adds still on the floor.

"And who did Mason invite?" I hear Stiles ask

"Everyone" Kira tells him and I cringe

Looking back at Liam on the floor, his claws are out and they're making scratches int he floor "The floors, get him off the floor!" Lydia says to us, but Liam looks up at her as a roar escapes his mouth and his eyes are glowing a warm yellow.

"We need to get him to the boat house, now!" Scott says and I grab onto Liam while Kira follows behind us as we take him through the house and down stairs to the boat house. After getting him against one of the support beams we chained him up but he was still putting up a fight with Kira and Scott, I looked around the boat house and found a paddle from a boat.

I held it firmly in my hand and turned around only to find Liam on top on Scott, eye glowing and ready to claw him up. I pull back the paddle, aim for his head and swing it at him. I hear a thump and thud, Liam's finally out cold. "I didn't kill him, did I?" I ask, looking down at Kira Scott who are hovering above Liam.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now