Twenty Three: Not The Same

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When Allison spoke to me the power of healing to just came to me like a spark to a flame. I cannot believe that Allison gave me part of her soul, I am practically Allison. This is so weird, I feel different but strange type of different, but what was really weird is that I felt a tingly sensation in my eyes as I healed and I didn't know what was going on but, I could feel my head tingling as well and when I looked to my left I saw my hair colour changing from brown to black. Why do I have black hair? This all too much for me, I can even fell the dry blood on almost every part of my body, staining my clothes and making me feel, like, a badass. I could've have blinded the Berserker or even Kate- Though I couldn't because my body is weak and I didn't know how to heal myself when it was happening. But one thing I know for sure is, Scott is a Berserker and I just hope someone finds us before he comes back. I look over my shoulder and I see Kira coming towards me and I slowly walk over to her. My knees are in so much pain and I'm trying my hardest to stay focused and heal with all the strength I have. "We have got to get out of here" Kira tells me and I nod along, soon I hear my our names being called and it sounds just like Stiles. Thank God he's here.

"Stiles! Stiles! Over here!" I scream and his flashlight shines on our weak bodies

He scans over us and is worried, "You two okay?" He asks and I nod.

He pulls me into a tight embrace and I close my eyes, I couldn't imagine life without my brother. Before we go anywhere he needs to know about Scott, "It's him Stiles. It's Scott, he's the Berserker and we have no idea how or why Kate did it, but she did. He's the Berserker Stiles and if we don't do something they're going to kill him"

"That's why Lydia's not here. They won't know they're killing Scott" Stiles says "But why was Kira even kidnapped?" He asks and we shrug but knowing Kate there was a good reason

Kira shrugs before saying, "She said the less help the better, it's like she knew I couldn't heal or something"

"Let's go, I know where they are I can hear their thoughts" I tell them and they follow me out of this dungeon.

Hearing the light yells and grunts of our friends, we run in and see Malia holding a bone dagger while Peter and Liam hold down the Berserker which happens to be Scott. "Aim for the skull! Kill it now!" I see Peter yelling as we enter fully

"No wait! Wait! Malia wait! Nicole blind her!" Stiles yells to me and I lift my head up to feel the glow of my eyes, I wonder what colour they are.

I see Malia slowly back away whilst moving her head around, not knowing where she is and that's when I give her, her sight back, just so she's away from Scott "Kira do it now!" I yell Kira slashes the bone dagger out of her hand, using her Katana. I look over at Malia and she shakes her head in confusion.

"It's Scott. It's Scott" Stiles tells them and I nod as I watch Liam look into the eyes of this thing. Within two seconds, Scott aka the Berserker managed to knock out both Peter and Liam, then facing Malia.

He knocks her out as well, he soon makes his way to Liam who is on the ground near my brother's feet "Scott don't!" I yell and so does Stiles which ended up in Stiles getting socked in the face and landing on the ground.

Scott picks up Liam, pushing his small fragile body into the hard rock wall "Scott" Liam gets out as Scott's large Berserker hand and moves the freshmen boy up the wall "Scott! Scott! Scott! Listen! Listen! You're not a monster. You're a werewolf, Like me"

He starts to slowly settle Liam down on the ground and vegans removing his animals furs and skins from his body. Placing his hands on his head, he manages to remove the animal skull from his head with a loud roar, eyes glowing red as well as his other werewolf features come out. It was like magic but more supernatural.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now