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I didn't get a wink of sleep last night because all I could think about is how Beacon Hills is infested with supernatural creatures. This is the reason why me and Stiles have been so distant lately, I don't know if my dad knows or not but I'm not telling him because I'm sure he wouldn't belive a single word of it nor will anyone else if I happen to tell anyone. I found out that Lydia knows, actually she was bitten by one of them which was Derek's unlce.

Allison who's whole family is from a long line of werwolf hunters, Isaac who I haven't met but is also a werwolf who Derek turned and is living with him since my childhood friend Jackson turned into a lizard and killed his father, but Jackson became a werewolf (details are not nescessary) and is now living in London. But the latest problem is that there is an Alpha pack which means they're giant werewolves runing around stealing people and killing them. I want to go back to boarding school.


I literaly got to school so late that I was surprised I didn't get in trouble for it considering there's an hour until lunch and I have learnt nothing but because I was luck, Mr Harris sprung me with a dention so that's just peachy keen. I haven't seen Stiles today but I'm sure he's at the hospital because another dead body was found and a girl went missing as well. I was standing at my locker minding my own business when I feel a presence beside me, when I turn around it's Aiden. I look at him and he is already smiling.

"May I help you?" I ask

"I was wondering if you would want to hang out sometime?" He asks and I close my locker door as I hear the bell ring

"I don't go on dates" I tell him with a smirk

"It doesn't have to be a date, we could just study" He says and I raise an eyebrow at him

"Well considering you gave Lydia your number and I've seen you getting close to her around school, I'm going to go with no because I'm not a bitch so if you'll excuse me, I have a detention to get to" I tell him and walk off. I mean the damn nerve he has to ask me that when he obviously wants to get in with Lydia and I'm sure he just wants to play me like a fool, he isn't smart because I know all about his bad boy act and as soon as I get attached he'll call whatever we had off. Besides, I don't need a man... okay, maybe I do because I so lonely.


I'm in detention and Harris is pointing out some jobs that need to be done as punishment. I honestly hope I don't get stuck with cleaning a toilet or something because at boarding school if you got a detention you would have to clean toilets as your punishment. It's not something you'd think would be gross coming from an all girls school but it was and boy was it disgusting. I felt like in the middle of the night, girls would turn into boys and be complete dogs.

I remember the one time I walked into the toilet, it was midnight and it was cold. It was also dark and I didn't see it, but as I stepped into the toilet something squishy connected with my foot and when I turned on the light, it was a pad, a disgusting period, red, bloody pad. I cried so hard, it was like someone had planted it there. I felt so violated and I just wanted to crawl into a ball and die.

"And you two" I hear Mr Harris say snapping me out of my thoughts "Will restock the janitors closet"

The boy in front of me, turns around to take a good look who is being partnered with to do this job with and he has curly hair with blue eyes. I give him a small smile and he does the same but it seems like he's a bit nervous. Anyway we grabbed our things that we needs to get going on fixing up the janitors closet and this is a lot of stuff. As I put the paper towel on the shelf Isaac speaks. "Are you new?" He asks and I look at him with a smile

"To the school, yes but to Beacon Hills, no" I tell him "I'm Nicole, by the way"

"I'm Isaac" He says and I smile but he keeps starring at me

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now