Ten: A Force?

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It's about that time, that time to play Lacrosse against my "Ex-boyfriend" and I'm not excited because they could crush me and I'm a really tiny girl which is not fun. So, if I break my leg or arm or... face. I'm going to cry and I'm going to sue, I'm not ready for this. I watch my Beacon Hills team prepare for tonight and that's when I feel a presence hovering over me while I braid the last bits of my hair after I put on my gear, but no ones there. I sit next to Scott and I shift myself closer to him after taking a quick glance at Garrett then asking "Shouldn't we do something now?"

He looks at me and I furrow my eyebrows "We can't, we're still not sure if it's really him" He tells me and I nod "If we're wrong then the real assassin gets away" I nod again, but this I'm shaking. I mean sure there's an assassin, now we have to worry about not being crushed by Brett and his team. "Are you nervous?" I hear Scott ask and I look up

I breathe out and ask "About someone trying to kill us or about playing my first game?"

He smiles at me then says "Both?" and as I'm about to reply. I look up and see Brett, Im honestly deciding wether or not to even speak to him at this point.

Looking at him strangely I ask "What do you need?"

I take a quick glance at Scott then look back at Brett "You said we could talk" He tells me and I purse my lips as he grabs my hand, leading me over to his teams section. Okay, rude much.

Before he even decides to explain why he dragged me over her I say"Listen, Brett. I know what you're thinking and no, we can't work things out. I've got a boyfriend"

He is so confused as to how would I know that so he asks "How did you know that?" I realize I just showed some of my ability. Crap.

I trying to come up with and excuse.... Found one. "Because it's written on your face that you want me back" I tell him and that was really smooth, Nicole.

"So, who is this boyfriend of yours?" He asks and I smirk while he rolls his eyes

"Number eleven" I tell him and point to Scott who is talking to Stiles, who then turns around and looks at me talking to Brett. 'The ex'

"Scott McCall" Brett says and I raise an eyebrow as he said that.

I look at him and he shakes his head "How did you know that?" He is quiet for awhile, not making eye contact with me until I clear my throat getting his attention.

He looks back at me and says "Well, he's the star athlete. Word spreads, everyone knows that Scott McCall can play Lacrosse. Now let's see if you can" I smirk at him rolling my eyes and I hear a whistle, coaches whistle. I jog away from Brett and Kira hands me my stick and helmet, I give her a smile then watch as Scott tries to get Liam out of the game. "Hey, Liam! Think fast!" I hear the voice of Brett say and I watch the ball land straight into the palm of Liam's hand. I guess he's playing now.

After hearing the whistle, I place my helmet on and grab my stick running to the field. It's about to go down.


We suck! We are losing because it's 0-1 and I watched as Brett made the first shot, not only are we losing but I'm still scared of the assassin trying to assassinate us. I look over and Brett, he sends me a smirk and I roll my eyes as I jog over to Scott, Stiles and Kira. Breathing heavily I ask "Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?"

We continue to walk as Stiles says "Because it always does" I roll my eyes as we continue to walk

"Kira, you keep an eye out for Garret, Nicole, you watch out for Brett and I'll keep out for Liam" Scott says and we nod as we run to our positions.

The whistle is blown after I watched Scott and Brett exchange a few words. Brett runs past Scott and I see Liam go after him, but is pushed down to the ground and I run over to him. He is growling lowly under his breath as he gets up, removing his helmet ready to fight them and I pull him back as well as Scott and Stiles. He is one tough cookie, he actually makes Floyd Mayweather look weak.

The whistle is blown again and Stiles grabs the ball this time passing it to Kira and I run because she has to pass it to me. I'm wide open, but she continues to run "Kira!" I yell and she doesn't listen, oh lord please let her make the shot. I watch he spin around and fling the ball into the net. The whole crowd cheers and so do I, yay one point for us. Though it doesn't look good on Kira's side of things because she is benched for the rest of the game. I feel Stiles come beside me, "You know I'm starting to think coach doesn't want girls on this team" He pats my shoulder, then we continue to walking.


I didn't know what I was doing but, I was on Brett's tail running trying to get the ball from him and somehow in that moment, Liam ended up flying over Brett and getting himself shoved into me, my back hit the floor and my bone in my arm to snap. I screamed and held myself on the ground "Nicole!" I heard both Scott and Stiles' voice. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life, I literally heard the snap. "Are you okay?" I hear Stiles ask and I look down at my arm. I watch Liam come over and I groan. But then something inside of me lifts me up and I immediately sit up.

"Guys, look at my arm" I say and I hold my watching the bone slowly move itself back into place. "What the hell is that? How did I do that?" I ask and Scott, Stiles and Liam look at each other strangely.

Scott place his hand on my arm saying "I think you just healed yourself"

Shaking my head I say "No, I didn't but I felt it. There's something inside of me, it healed me. I didn't do this. I don't know how to heal, I shouldn't be able to heal." He looks at me wide eyed and I shake my head. I felt it, it was like a force making it's way through my body and fixing me. I can't describe it but it was there and it was so weird. Scott lifts me up and places me in his arms, bridal style because my back is in so much pain. I watch as a paramedic, takes me away from Scott carrying me the same way. I could have broke my back and I don't even know "Stiles, call dad" I tell him before they take me into the school.

They carried me through the hallway, but all of a sudden I am flung out of this mans arms and I fall on the floor, again landing on my back and I see Brett laying there as well. I lift myself up gently and make my way over to him and say "Brett, oh my god are you okay?" He shakes his head and I look around but I don't see anyone. Then I hear the sound of footsteps and I turn around to see Violet, Garrett's girlfriend. She smile evilly at me then kicks me "Why are you doing this?" I ask as I watch her kick Brett as well

"Because you are both worth a lot of money" I fell her kick me again and I kick her back this time with a lot of force as she tries to put that wire on me. I move my body across the floor and I fell her come behind me, placing that thing around my neck "He said we shouldn't go for you because we didn't know what you could do or what you are, but now I've got you." She says and I feel something shoot into my body, healing my back and then a force has pushed her off me. I hear a thud and the sound of her head hitting the cement floor. In an instinct I feel myself get up with no explanation, this stupid wire is hanging around my neck and I yank it off.

I look to my left as I see Scott and Stiles coming through the door "I'm freaking out, call dad now" I tell Stiles and look at Scott. I have no idea what's happening to me and I don't like it.

"Nicole, what did you do?" Scott asks me and I shake my head.

"That's the problem, it wasn't me" I said.


What's wrong with Nicole?


BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now