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I'm not going to lie, but last night was fun. Except for the part when the all dangerous and demonic ninjas came out from the shadows. I don't even know what those things are and they seem to only come out at night, according to Mr Argent. This is the last thing we need right now. Like, it's bad enough Barrow tried to kill Kira, but now we have to worry about Demonic ninjas, aswell? This is beyond crazy, this is messed up and I don't even know how to describe it. I wonder if Peter knows anything about this? Anyway I'm at school and I have to find Scott, and talk to him about the whole me and Peter thing. I see him walking out of the chemistry room with Aiden and Ethan by his side, I quikcly run up to him.

"Scott, wait up!" I say loud enough so he can hear me and all three of them turn around

"Hey" He says with a smile

"Um, can we talk, privately?" I ask him and squint my eyes at the twins

"Guys, give us a few minutes" Scott says and they walk away

"Did you tell Stiles about Peter and I?" I ask him

"I didn't think you wanted me to" He says and I smile

"Thank you so much" I tell him

"No, don't thank me. All I want to know is what did Peter do to you, that is making you sleep with him?" Scott asks and I cock my head back

"Scott. I'm not sleeping with Peter" I tell him and he looks lost

"Then what are you doing?" He asks

"Well, I'm not having sex with him that's for sure, all we do is talk when I stay at his place" I tell him with a small smile

"So, you're not giving it to him?" Scott asks and I chuckle

"No, I'm not. But why do you care anyway?" I ask him in a soft voice

"Because you're my best friend and I don't want to see you get hurt, even though you are an Alpha" He tells me and I just bring him into a hug

"Thank you for being so concerned" I tell him and I smile


The day was boring, I got a text from Stiles saying he is at the hospital and I should come see him. He said I shouldn't be worried he's just getting a check up, but our normal family doctor isn't in, so he has to see this other doctor. I honestly hope there's nothing wrong with him, but I'm his sister so what ever is happening to him, I'm going to be more worried than ever. I park my car in the parking lot and get out the car, heading towards the hospital. I walk through the double doors and I walk to the front deask.

"I'm here to see Melissa McCall" I tell the lady and by reading her badge, her name is Maggie

"She's is... Right there" The lady says and points at her as she grabs a file, highlighting it and walking towards the file room. I follow her and stop when I look into the room she took the file from. I see Stiles laying in the hospital bed asleep. I watch as Melissa walks into the room, I follow her and stand near the door as I watch comparing two sets of files together and listen to her mumble things, but with my wolf hearing I hear it crystal clear.

"Patient is irritable, impulsive, complaints of vivid dreams. Inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, acute insomnia" Melisa says and I lean in a bit closer to get a better look at who's file she is comparing to Stiles'. I look over and I accidentally lean to much on the door causing it to open wider, making a creeking noise. "Nicole? What are you doing here?"

"Stiles called me, but I see that he is sleeping" I say and look at her hands and she is holding my mother's file to her chest. I gasp as I realise that's the file she was comparing Stiles' too

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now