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I haven't seen Scott or Stiles this morning, yeah I know I live with Stiles but I took the bus this morning because I wanted to be early and Stiles he is always kind of late and I wanted to be on time today. I keep replaying what happened between me and Scott last night. I know it was nothing and he probably knows it was nothing but I feel something inside of me, telling me that he was gonna tell me something and I had to do get a freaking drink. I'm honestly the dumbest person you will ever meet. I can't get carried away with all of this, I have to just face my day and go with the flow.

I'm walking down the hallway of school and I'm studying my schedual for today. I know the first thing I have today is study hall and that is my favourite thing to do because there's no teachers or stupid students who ask too many questions because they didn't read the chapter that wer supposed to be read. I have a feeling that today might be a better day. I walk past one of the classrooms and I hear something.

"Maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually doing that night" A deep voice says and when I see who they are talking to it's Scott who is standing in front of Lydia, Allison and my brother. The door quickly opens and I pretend to be at one of the lockers but in reality I was listening. I wonder what they were all doing in there.

Third Person's POV:

Nicole sits by herself awkwardly in the library. She is reading a book that she has to write a paper on for English extension while Lydia and Allison are sitting across from each other, Allison figuring out what the bruise on her arm is, that suspicious brunette girl gave them both while Lydia stares at the twins, one of them which were talking to Nicole, in the office, the first time she got here. Nicole really hasn't made any friends, even her brother has been dodging her so she sits alone all the time.

"I want one" Lydia tells Allison still looking at the twins who give off a bad boy vibe

"Which one?" Allison asks with a smirk playing on her lips

"The straight one obviously" Lydia says as they both watch Danny walk past the who they are both assuming is gay. Allison turns back around becoming distracted by the coffee cup that Lydia once held in her hand, is now on the table. She turns the cup around so she can have a better view of the logo that is represented on it. Examining it and the bruise on her wrist, she comes too a conclusion that maybe the mark on her wrist is actually a logo for something.

"What if it's not a symbol, what if it's actually a logo?" Allison questions but Lydia has made a dissapearance act but Allison watches her talking to the Aiden: The straight twin. Allison shakes her head at her best friend and turn to her laptop, typing up Beacon Hills business logo's in the search bar which automatically brings up thousands of images of different logo's of business' here in Becon.


Meanwhile Scott and Stiles walk down the school, trying to figure out wether Heather was taken by the Alpha pack or did she just run away. They found out the news about Heather this morning in Economics when the Sheriff who is Stiles' father told him about it. But the one thing on his mind is that Nicole doesn't know any of this supernatural stuff and he can always sense it around her that she knows he's hiding something and it's not good for anyone even though he is trying to protect his little sister by 4 minutes.

"So you think they kidnapped Heather to turn her?" Scott question his friend who is rolling up the sleeves of his flanel shirt

"Derek says it's easier to turn teenagers" Stiles responds sounding a bit stressed out as if time is running out for him or something

"What would a pack of Alphas need with a Beta?" Scott asks with confusion written on his face

"Scott I don't know, I don't care alright, this girl- our mom's were best friends before mine died, alright. We used to take freaking bubble baths together when we were three, I gotta find her" Stiles says with frustration in his voice

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now