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"Nicole!" I wake up hearing that ringing through my ear. I sit up quickly, feeling my head. I look up and see Peter hovering over me

"What happened? Where am I? Where were you?" I ask and he helps me stand up

"You're you're still in Derek's loft" He tells me and I look around

"Where's the other's?" I ask

"I told Lydia and Cora to leave you here, I don't know where the other's are?" He says and I start walking away from him

"I have to find my dad" I tell him as I head for the front door, but he stops me by turning me around

"What are you planning on doing? Shoot Jennifer with your crossbow?" He asks and I sigh

"Listen, It's a full moon, right? It's going to last a while" I tell him then lift up my sleeve and he gasps while his eyes go wide, not believeing what he's seeing

"You were bit?" He asks and I nod. I had finally come to realisation that I'm going to be a werwolf since it's a full moon and all, I know it's going back to feel like mother trucker. But I care because I need to find my father, now.

"I can feel it, I see it, I can sense it. Peter, it's happening tonight" I tell him and that's when I hear my phone ringing. I pick it up, seeing Stiles' name flashing on the screen. I hold the phone up to my ear

"Nicole?" He asks

"Stiles, where are you?" I ask him as I can hear the sound of his car engine

"I'm coming to get you!" He says and that's when he hangs up

"The eclipse has started" He tells me and I look out the window at the yellow moon

"We have fifteen minutes, I'm going to save my dad" I tell him

"Wait! Who bit you?" He asks and I look down at Kali's body on the floor "You don't know what this means, do you?"

"No, and I don't care" I tell him and walk out the door


Soon Stiles had picked me up and we had to go back into the preserve. I honestly hope we get out of this mess because I'm tired and I can feel the wolfness of me coming on. I just hope by the time we get to my dad the lunar eclipse is over, but I'm going to be a wolf in about 12 minutes and I don't know what I'm going to do. We soon get out the car and I start to follow Stiles in the direction of the nemeton. I have no idea where we are going, but Stiles does. I see a tree stump and I stop.

"Stiles, is that it?" I ask and he turns his head as the wind begins to blow

"Hurry!" He says and I realise he has a bat in his hand, this time it's not wood. We see two cellar doors and Stiles lets me go in first, I quickly jump into the pit of sand and Stiles coming up behind me. I can hear voices and sounds,like, people and my dad. Stiles quickly goes in ahead of me and I watch him place the bat underneath the wooden beam. I see my dad looking up at him and I smile to myself then go down to where they are

"I always said alluminun was better than wood" My dad says and I look up at him with a big smile as the tears pour out of my eyes

"Dad!" I gasp out and he brings both me and Stiles into his arms


I can feel it, it's happening, my fifteen minutes are up. I'm sweating and I'm scared, I have no idea what this feels like, to be honest I don't want to know. But what I do know is that you tend to get out of control when you first become a werewolf, you feeling like killing everything in sight, anything and everything. Stiles told me about anchors though, he told that Scott has an anchor and so does Derek. He told me that they had to think long and hard about their anchor, soon they wouldn't feel the pain of the full moon and they would've been able to control it. The whole time that we have been stuck under here waiting for a miracle, I've been thinking about an anchor and the closest thing I've come to an anchor is my mom.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now