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Third Person's POV:

Waking up from sleep. Nicole opened her eyes and found herself laying on the cold floor, she doesn't know where so is or even what she is doing here. It's pitch black and the only thing you could see was light seeping out the shape of a door. She doesn't know where it leads or why it's there, but she walks towards it hesitantly. She reaches out for the door knob and swings the it open. Looking around the room, she has realised she is in a basement. Confusion was written all over the brunette's face as she continued to walk into the back of this basement. But as soon as she reached the back, she her brother and Malia, tied up to chiar. Stiles, struggling to get free and help Malia as she was out cold. Oliver, who Nicole didn't know was being controlled or possesed by the Nogitsune. When she looks to her right she sees the demon starring at her, it doesn't seem like she can get past his bandaged face and scary figure.

"I see you have returned" The Nogitsune says as he walks around her

"Not by choice, you brought me here" Nicole tells him sternly

"So, you could watch your brother let me it" The Nogitsune tells her and she shakes her head

"Let him go, let them both go!" Nicole demands and the Nogitsune slams his hand on the concrete beam next to her face, she cringes and closes her eyes

"It's too late" She hears a whisper against her face, opening her eyes. Stiles is in the clear view

"He's in your head" She says in realisation and her eyes look over at Oliver. Stiles is in there in a flash

"Oliver" Stiles says and Oliver's face is pale, he's tired, all he wanted to do was please the Nogitsune. But it didn't work cosidering now, void Stiles knocked him out. Nicole tries to help Malia, but there's a force blocking her from moving any further. The only thing she can hear is the sound of Malia's groans and Stiles' footsteps

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now