Fourteen: We Are Not Dead

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It had come to the point where we were now standing in line getting ready for a blood test. I hate needles, they always hurt me. I have sensitive skin and I also bruise like a freaking peach. I stood in front of Malia and then Kira is in front of both of us, the line is getting shorter by the second. "Guys, do you ever get the feeling that Scott and Stiles aren't telling you everything?" I turn around as I hear Malia ask. I move my head forward while raising an eyebrow, she senses my confusion and continues "Like, they hide stuff?"

Woah, woah, woah. What does she know and why is she asking this type of question, oh no maybe she knows about Peter "I think if they did, they'd have a pretty good reason" Kira says and I nod

"Do you guys know what they're hiding in a bag under Scott's bed?" Malia asks and I turn around, not wanting to hear this anymore. She is so onto me "Nicole, I know you know. Please just tell me" She begs and I pretend I don't hear her.

I keep my mouth shut because I know that if I do say something it's going to be so awkward because she still doesn't know her name is on the list as Malia Hale and not Tate, I can't risk her finding out. "Kira Yukimora" I hear the lady with the yellow suit on say, I watch Kira turn around and she steps closer to the lady "You feeling alright, Kira?" I watch Kira nod as the needle reaches her and all of a sudden I step forward, a bolt of lightning hit this ladies suit from Kira and I see a white shimmer of something which forces this lady to fall backward but luckily there was another man who had caught her before she hit the ground.

I quickly pull Kira and I feel Malia follow behind us as we leave this area. I don't know what just happened and I'm sure it wasn't good but there was something there like the same something that healed me and pulled Violet off me.


I stood next to Stiles as we watched Scott's eyes turn red then go back to normal, this was happening for awhile and It's confusing me. I'm sweaty and I feel so hot, I remove my hoodie and tie it around my waist. "It's still happening" Mr Yukimora tells Scott and I look over at Malia.

I watch her as she brings her hands up and we take a look at her claws which are now showing "I can't make them go back" She tells us and I cringe

"Obviously, the virus is effecting the two of you in a way it wont hit any human being" Mr Yukimora tells them and I look back at Scott.

I don't know what kind of virus this is, but I feel completely fine. I mean besides the fact that I'm a bit sweaty and moist. I feel like I could run two hundred laps around the lacrosse field. "You guys have to stay out of sight." Stiles says and I look up at him "We have to quarantine you from the quarantine"

"Yeah but where?" Kira asks "What if they get violent, like on a full moon" She adds and I nod because that could totally happen. I mean I have never seen it happen to Scott, but from what I've heard from Stiles. He can be really violent when he isn't in total control of the shift.

"We can't stay in here, not in the locker room" Scott says as I watch him breathing heavily. What if he dies?

No, he won't die. Come on Nicole focus! "A classroom is not going to hold us" Malia says and that's when it hits me.

The vault, no one can get in or out unless you're a Hale. We've got Malia, she's a Hale and she can get us in. "Guys, the vault. The Hale vault will hold you, no one gets in or out" I tell them and Scott looks at me.

"The Hales always have an escape root, like they're house. There has to be another way in" Scott tells us and I know we can do this.


I watch as Mr Yukimora sets a blueprint of the school down on the desk and we all look over it as we try to find another way into the vault without trying to leave the school. "This is where the school sign is so the vaults got to be right about here" Stiles says as he points to things on the map.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now